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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • As you can see,

  • with the traditional method

  • students are typically NOT taught that Chinese characters

  • are a combination of simpler pictographic components.

  • However, at the ABCs of Chinese

  • we have designed our entire writing curriculum around the fact

  • that a westerner's mind is hardwired to see "building blocks".

  • We have focused on the intrinsic building block nature of

  • Chinese characters and systematized a process so that a student can

  • first learn the easy-to-remember "pieces" of Chinese characters.

  • By doing this, a Chinese character will no longer be a dreaded thing

  • with 15 lines to remember.

  • Instead it will become a combination

  • of 3 simpler pictures you are already very familiar with!

  • No one could disagree that you should obviously first learn your ABCs

  • before you starting reading and writing whole English words.

  • The same principle applies here:

  • learn the basic building blocks of Chinese characters

  • before you start learning whole Chinese characters.

  • It is the combination of these simpler pictographic building blocks

  • that gives a Chinese character its meaning and pronunciation.

  • Our writing curriculum is the culmination of hundreds of hours

  • of research spent to break down

  • over 100,000 Chinese characters into their most basic components,

  • and then from there decode and cross-reference these components

  • to confirm their original meanings.

  • This process resulted in isolating 400 simple pictographic components

  • as the basic building blocks of all Chinese characters.

  • Only 400 basic building block components!

  • The implications of this are massive

  • because 400 pictographic components is FAR less than

  • what could first be perceived as 100,000 totally unconnected characters.

  • We guarantee that every Chinese character you will learn

  • contains these basic components.

  • They appear over and over again in different combinations

  • to form all 100,000 Chinese characters.

  • Some of these basic components are standard radicals,

  • and some are other pictographic components.

  • In addition, most of these pictographic components

  • are actually stand-alone Chinese characters by themselves,

  • so even if you were to learn whole Chinese characters

  • by rote memorization you would still have to learn them anyway!

  • If you can change your perspective

  • to see that a Chinese character

  • isn't a crazy behemoth of lines, swoops, and slashes,

  • but rather a combination of several simpler pictographic components

  • that you're already very familiar with,

  • then a character is no longer intimidating at all.

  • And by knowing these pieces

  • your rate of learning will go through the roof!

  • The ABCs of Chinese writing curriculum snowballs.

  • You start out by learning the foundational components

  • that form Chinese characters

  • rather than immediately beginning to learn whole Chinese characters.

  • However, no time will be lost in doing this.

  • In our writing curriculum you will learn

  • the most frequently used components first,

  • and the less frequently seen ones later.

  • As you progress through the curriculum

  • you will see that the components you have already learned are repeated

  • over and over in combination with new components you learn,

  • which constantly reinforces those you have already learned.

  • We do this in order to get you to your goal as quickly as possible -

  • being able to read and write thousands of Chinese characters.

  • As you learn these pictographic components

  • you will quickly reach a critical mass

  • where suddenly all the pieces fall into place

  • and you begin to learn whole characters exponentially fast.

  • Additionally, once you start learning whole Chinese characters,

  • you will see that similar to how basic components combine with

  • other basic components to make Chinese characters,

  • some Chinese characters also combine to make more complex characters.

  • Take for example "guol" (咼),

  • a simple Chinese character formed by the components

  • skull (冎) and mouth (口).

  • This Chinese character helps make lots of other characters

  • by merely attaching different components.

  • We call these very helpful little characters

  • "key characters",

  • and we'll teach you these characters early on to help you learn as many

  • Chinese characters in the fastest and most effective manner possible!

  • Let me take a few minutes to illustrate

  • the ABCs of Chinese approach to learning Chinese characters

  • so you can see exactly how digestible this curriculum is.

  • Remember how we said there are a total of 400 simple pictographs?

  • Here are the 30 most commonly used to form Chinese characters:

  • mouth or opening

  • water

  • hand

  • tree

  • person

  • plant

  • speaking or words

  • land

  • woman

  • sun

  • movement

  • heart

  • heart

  • gold or metal

  • silk

  • meat

  • insect

  • city or hill

  • fire

  • eye

  • jade

  • covering

  • money

  • bamboo

  • mountain

  • bird

  • wheat or grain

  • sick

  • stone

  • knife

  • These 30 basic components combine with each other to form

  • nearly 180 different Chinese characters.

  • That means just by knowing these 30 basic components,

  • you will be able to write 180 different characters!

  • Go ahead and pause the video here to take a closer look and see that

  • these Chinese characters aren't just a collection of random lines.

  • They are all composed of the same 30 basic parts.

  • Aside from these 180 characters,

  • these 30 simple components also appear in

  • over 2,500 other Chinese characters!

  • So, by knowing them,

  • you will be one step closer to being able to read

  • and write over 2,500 characters.

  • Learning 30 components is learning one a day for a month...

  • or 2 days worth of work if you're really motivated!

  • Allow me to carry out the math for you.

  • On average, it will take you 10 minutes

  • to finish all of the exercises to learn a component.

  • This is factoring in that the exercises will take you longer in the beginning

  • while you're getting used to working with a pictographic writing system,

  • but you'll complete the exercises much faster as you progress.

  • So that's 10 minutes a level,

  • multiplied by 400 levels,

  • equals 4,000 minutes,

  • which is approximately 70 hours.

  • 70 hours of hands-on time is not much time at all.

  • If you're currently living in Asia and have a busy schedule,

  • in the beginning maybe you'll only spend ten minutes

  • to learn one component a day.

  • But we suspect that very quickly

  • the more you learn, the more you will want to learn,

  • especially once you start noticing the components on the street

  • that you have been learning!

  • Once you realize the benefit,

  • you very well might start doubling up or tripling up

  • and spending 20-30 minutes to learn two or three a day.

  • Going at this rate, you're looking at about 180 days - 6 months.

  • If you're an ambitious student who is serious about learning

  • lots of Chinese characters in a hurry,

  • all the power to you!

  • Are you willing to commit an hour to learn 6 components a day?

  • At this rate it will only take you 67 days -

  • just over 2 months.

  • Can you do an hour in the morning and another hour in the afternoon?

  • If you can commit to learning 12 basic components a day,

  • you will learn all 400 in 34 days

  • and then you will be ready to tear through Chinese characters!

  • There's one last thing to mention:

  • you don't need to worry about forgetting any of the components

  • you learn early on as you continue to learn more and more components.

  • Every component you learn

  • will be queued into your personalized "Review Quiz".

  • The engine of your Review Quiz

  • runs on memory-optimizing spaced repetition algorithms.

  • These algorithms are designed

  • to keep the basic components and characters fresh in your mind

  • and also to schedule your reviews efficiently

  • so that you don't waste unnecessary time

  • reviewing components that you already know well.

  • The Review Quizzes work like this:

  • you will be given a super fast Review Quiz

  • 8 hours after you learn a component.

  • You will have to take this quiz

  • before you can continue to learn any new components.

  • After taking the quiz, you must grade yourself on it.

  • You will be given the following choices:

  • I forgot

  • I made a mistake

  • Correct but slow

  • Very easy

  • The way you grade yourself will determine

  • how much time will lapse until your next review of the current component.

  • For example, if you forgot,

  • you will immediately be quizzed on it again at the end of your quiz,

  • and in addition you will be quizzed on it again the following day.

  • If you selected "Very easy!",

  • your next quiz won't be scheduled for several days.

  • Over time, after you have been quizzed on a component several times,

  • the algorithm learns which components you tend to struggle with

  • and which ones you consistently have very strong retention of.

  • Those components that you struggle with

  • will appear in your review quizzes more frequently,

  • and components you consistently grade as "Very Easy"

  • will be seen very rarely.

  • We take care of scheduling all the periodic reviews for you

  • to ensure you see the components often enough

  • to burn them into your long-term memory,

  • but not more often than necessary!

  • We've worked hard to make the writing curriculum at the ABCs of Chinese

  • as motivating, entertaining, and game-like as possible.

  • Each component is its own level,

  • and in each level there are several fun exercises

  • that guarantee you will learn the component.

  • On average it will take you 10 minutes to finish a level -

  • and by "finish a level"

  • we mean "really learn a pictographic component".

  • You will learn how to say it,

  • how to write it correctly,

  • how to immediately spot it in a Chinese character

  • and also see how it combines with other basic components

  • to lend its meaning and pronunciation.

  • As you successfully complete each level,

  • you will "discover"

  • every Chinese character the basic component appears in.

  • Then, once you have learned all of the components that form

  • a particular Chinese character,

  • that character will be "unlocked" for you to learn.

  • Also, you're earning points and trophies along the way

  • AND you can track your friends' and fellow students' progress.

  • Are you ready to give the ABCs of Chinese writing curriculum a try?

  • Click the "Create a free trial account" button at

  • to learn the 30 most frequently used basic components,

  • enabling you to write 180 Chinese characters

  • and discover over 2500 Chinese characters

  • that contain those 30 building blocks.

  • Or try the interactive demo

  • to see exactly how our writing curriculum works!

  • We hope you enjoyed this "pictographic" video presentation!

  • If you're just starting out or considering

  • if you want to study Chinese or not,

  • already living in Asia and functionally illiterate,

  • or studying Chinese in university

  • be sure to watch the next segment, "The Importance of Learning Chinese."

As you can see,


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B1 中級

第2B部-中国語教授法のABC (Part 2B- ABCs of Chinese Teaching Methodology)

  • 1522 118
    姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日