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  • Hi everybody, welcome to Ingrid.


  • I'm adam in today's lesson.


  • I want to give you a few more phrase.


  • All verbs because I know they're very popular with students.


  • Everybody wants to learn about fraser verbs and again, what are fraser verbs?


  • There are combination of a verb and a preposition and the problem that a lot of people have is understanding what these things mean.


  • Because in many cases when you combine the two words, the verb preposition, you have a very completely you have a completely different meaning than the two words themselves.


  • Now this is especially true with the fragile verbs, I'm going to show you today.


  • Okay, these ones you probably can't even guess the secondary meanings, some of the literal meanings like taking the words as they are, they might make sense.


  • But then the secondary meanings you really can't understand just by looking at the word so somebody needs to tell you, so that's what I'm going to do today.


  • So for example, let's look at the first one, size up.


  • What does it mean to size up a person or a situation or to size someone up?


  • Now, a lot of people think of size up maybe, you know, you go to a hamburger restaurant and they ask you if you want to size up.


  • So you get from a medium franchise to a large, from a medium drink to a large drink.


  • Sure, that's what it means.


  • But to size someone up means to measure the person, not physically, you're not measuring height or width.


  • Or wait, what you're measuring is the person's ability or the person's confidence or the person's value to you in some way.


  • Right?


  • So when you, for example, when you go to a job interview, yes, the interviewer is asking you questions that they have and they ask everybody.


  • But what they're really doing is they're sizing you up there trying to see what kind of person you are, Whether you will be good for the company, whether you will get along with your co workers, whether you're competent.


  • So all these things, they're measuring about you by not so much the words you say, but how you say them.


  • Are you using your hands?


  • Are you confident?


  • Are you slouching because you're a little bit nervous?


  • Right?


  • So all these things help them measure you and you can do this for a person.


  • You can do this for a situation.


  • So for example, I want I have a big company, I want to buy a smaller company, but before I do that, I want to go there and just size up the company, make sure it's worth my investment.


  • Okay, so that is size up.


  • So again by itself very hard to guess the meaning of this word.


  • So let's look at dish out.


  • So again, if you go to a diner and you order a meal when the meal is ready, the cook well, click the Belding and it's a dish out means the waitress or the waiter can come pick it up and take it to the customer, but to dish out also means to basically, it's like give, but it's given a very aggressive way when you dish something out, you're a little bit insulting or attacking someone in most cases or you're making fun of, right?

    また、食堂に行って食事を注文すると、食事ができあがったときに、料理人がよく、Beldingをクリックして、それがdish outになると、ウェイトレスやウェイターがそれを取りに来て、客のところに持っていくことができますが、dish outには、基本的に、与えるという意味もありますが、何かを配るときには、非常に攻撃的な方法で与えられるので、ほとんどの場合、誰かを少し侮辱したり、攻撃したり、からかったりしていることになりますよね。

  • So you're dishing out the insults, you're dishing out the jokes means you're spreading them, you're giving them very quickly, very aggressively.


  • Okay, now there's another common expression.


  • If you can't take it, don't dish it out.


  • So if you if you don't like people making fun of you don't make fun of other people, right?


  • That's what that means.


  • If you can't take it, don't dish it out, dish it out.


  • Give it one way rat out a rat.


  • Of course, you know, it's like a big mouse.


  • It's a very similar to a mouse, but different to rat someone out or to rat out someone or a company or a government agency, whatever the case may be, means to expose.


  • So if somebody does something bad and you know about it, you can rat them out, you can tell the police or you can tell your boss or you can tell somebody that this person did something and when you do that this person is exposed, it's not a secret anymore.


  • He or she can't hide.


  • So you rat them out like taking the rat out of the hole and showing the world that the rat exists I guess.


  • And that that's why it's usually about something bad.


  • When we think of rat rats are have a very negative image.


  • So when you rat someone out, your showing the world that this person did something bad dig in.


  • Now, of course you can dig with a shovel, you can dig into the ground which is very literal when you, another meaning of diggin means help yourself like do or take or consume.


  • So for example with food, everybody sits around the table and then the host or hostess says, okay, everybody dig in means eat, just go for it, take it and eat it as much as you want when you dig in, you you consume where you take in very aggressively.


  • Again there's that word aggressive but with a lot of energy with a lot of pleasure I guess you could say especially with food diggin, eat as much as you want, Go for it.


  • Now fill out.


  • I think a lot of people think, oh yeah, I know this one, you fill out an application where you fill out a questionnaire.


  • Very simple but fill out can also refer to a person's body.

    とてもシンプルですが、fill outは人の体を指すこともあります。

  • So for example, when I was young I was very, very, very skinny, very skinny.


  • People thought I was anorexic sometimes, But then one year I suddenly I filled out all my skinny nous filled out and I had a kind of a normal looking body.


  • Finally, Right, So when I remember I was away from home for almost a year and when I came home, none of my friends or family recognized me because I gained £30 in less than a year, but I didn't look fat, I looked actually normal, I was just too skinny before I filled out.


  • Finally, it was very satisfying to water down.


  • And again remember all of these, all the first words are all verbs, so even if the thing doesn't look like a verb, remember that it is water you think of as a noun?


  • Water down means maybe the water level is down, that's fine.

    Water downは、もしかしたら水位が下がっているかもしれないという意味で、それはそれでいい。

  • But to water something down or to water down a text or something means to make it much simpler.


  • Okay, that's why sometimes we say to dumb down, but some people don't like to use the word dumb, so you can use water down to make something simpler or to make something weaker.

    そのため、「dumb down」と言うこともありますが、dumbという言葉を使いたくない人もいるので、water downを使って、何かをよりシンプルにしたり、何かをより弱くしたりすることができます。

  • So for example if you have a bottle of alcohol and you add water to it, what you're doing is you're watering down the alcohol, you're making it weaker.


  • And you can use this for a lot of situations where you can basically add something or make something simpler and makes it weaker and maybe easier to digest.


  • Okay, farm out now this is a pretty common phrase over been the last decade or so or even two decades to farm out means to outsource.


  • Now if you're not sure what outsource means, a company that has a lot of business with international customers, for example, like a technical support or customer service.


  • Now they could pay the people in the country where they're headquartered but that could be very expensive.


  • So for example in America or Canada to pay somebody to answer phone calls and ask sorry answer people's questions could be very expensive.


  • So these companies farm out the work to other countries where the labor is cheaper.


  • So for example in Canada it's very common for companies to farm out the tech support work to places like India, for example, indians are very good with computers, very good with technology but they also work for less than Canadians do.


  • So Canadian companies farm out the work, they send it out to somebody else.


  • So the idea of farm comes from like you send the cattle for example, one farmer has cattle, he sends it to another cattle, they make new cattle and then the first one comes back.


  • Right?


  • So that's part of the thinking there to send out somewhere else.


  • Now here I have suck up and suck it up two different meanings, which is why I put them both but I put them together so suck up again.

    ここではsuck upとsuck it upの2つの異なる意味を持っているので、両方を入れたのですが、一緒にしてしまったのでsuck up againとしました。

  • If you're thinking about a vacuum cleaner, a vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt from the ground.


  • That's fine.


  • If you suck up to someone for example your boss it means you're flattering them too much.


  • You're saying too many good things to them because you want them to like you maybe give you a promotion or maybe not fire you if you're not doing such a good job.


  • If you suck up to a teacher, you always like asking questions.


  • You're always telling the teacher how pretty she looks are are handsome, he looks and you hope that the teacher will give you better grades.


  • People don't like people who suck up, but people do it all the time.


  • A person who does, who sucks up to somebody a lot.


  • We simply call a suck up.

    私たちは単純にsuck upと呼んでいます。

  • Okay, You just put the two words together and you have a noun, but to suck it up means to basically take it in and not complain, right, tolerate.

    さて、2つの単語を合わせると名詞になりますが、「suck it up」とは、基本的にそれを受け止めて文句を言わないという意味ですよね。

  • So if you're doing a very hard job and you're very tired and you say to your boss, boss, I'm tired, I gotta take a break.


  • And your boss says, suck it up.


  • We have to finish this work today, right?


  • I mean, just tolerate the tiredness, tolerate the pain.


  • Just hold it in a little bit longer, do the job and then go home and relax and do whatever you want to suck it up.


  • Okay, Especially when we're talking about pain or something negative feeling.


  • Now man up.


  • People think it's very strange because they've never seen man as a verb.


  • Now, technically man has actually many uses as a verb.

    さて、technically manは、実は動詞として多くの用途があります。

  • You man the battlefields or you man the stations means you, somebody is standing there taking care of the thing to man up means to be a man, right?

    戦場で人を動かす、駅で人を動かすというのは、あなた、つまり誰かがそこに立って物事の世話をしているということです 人を動かすというのは、男であるということですよね?

  • Like don't complain.


  • It's a little similar to suck it up.


  • Man up means don't be afraid, don't complain.

    Man upとは、恐れるな、文句を言うな、という意味です。

  • Just do it, have confidence and just get the job done and then later do whatever you want.


  • Okay.


  • It's a little bit slang g, but it's still commonly used and you can say this to a woman too.


  • It doesn't have to be to a man.


  • If you tell a woman, come on, man up, some women will get offended.


  • But the idea is just be strong, be confident and do what needs to be done way in.


  • So now again, in sports, let's say UFC or boxing, you have different categories of fighters, you have a heavyweight, middleweight or lightweight, featherweight, etcetera.


  • All of these are different weights of the fighters.


  • So before each match, all the fighters must stand on a scale and get their weights measured and to make sure they're in the right class of fighter.


  • But to weigh in on something can also mean to offer your own opinion or to offer your own suggestion.

    しかし、"weigh in on something "には、「自分の意見を述べる」「自分の提案をする」という意味もあります。

  • So a company wants to make some changes, but they want to make sure that all the employees are happy.


  • So they ask all the employees to weigh in on the changes that the company needs to take, to offer their opinion, to offer their suggestion or advice, etcetera.


  • So basically have your say weigh in light up light up means make a place brighter.

    つまり、基本的には「light up light up」は「場所を明るくする」という意味で発言権があります。

  • That's the literal if we're looking at light as light to light up also means to beat by a very heavy score, especially we're talking about sports.

    これは、「light to light up」が「非常に重いスコアで勝つ」という意味で、特にスポーツの世界では、文字通りの意味を持ちます。

  • So if one team lights up, another team means they're scoring many points against this team and more of a physical thing.


  • If one person lights up another person, it means it beats him up very much.


  • So if I'm fighting somebody and I get many punches into his face, which I don't do, by the way.


  • But if I did, then you could say I lit him up, right?


  • I beat him very much with a lot of punches.


  • It's a bit slang as well, so be careful how you use that.


  • And speaking of beat, if you beat someone to something that means you, you reach the goal or whatever that something is first, right?


  • So if I'm having, I'm having a race and I beat all the other racers to the finish line means I win.


  • But if I beat someone to like a goal or I beat someone to speak to someone, that means I did it first.


  • So there's a girl that all the boys like and all the boys are thinking, okay, I'm gonna ask her out, I'm going to ask her out, but I asked her out first, so I be and she said yes and we went on a date, I beat all the other boys to her, to the date to the relationship etcetera.


  • So beat to get, get there first essentially.


  • So that's all there is for all of these there are a lot of fraser verbs in english and I know they're very confusing for a lot of people.


  • The main thing is first of all pay attention when you hear them, don't be shy about asking people what does that mean?


  • But also go on the internet and if you hear, if you hear some fraser verb just do a search, go to the dictionary, do a search on your search engine and just start looking and always keep notes phrase.


  • All verbs are basically vocabulary every time you learn new vocabulary write it down, use it in a sentence and that's how you're going to remember.


  • Okay it's just practice, there's no secret to it.


  • You just have to listen, pay attention when you're reading, when you're listening, look them up in the dictionary, keep notes and these will become much easier as you go along.


  • Okay, so that's it.


  • If you have any questions about these, please go to invade dot com.

    これらについて質問がある場合は、invade dot comにアクセスしてください。

  • You can ask in the comments section.


  • There's also a quiz where you can test your understanding of all the explanations I gave you here for these phrase Als and yeah, that's it.


  • If you like the video, please give me a like, don't forget to subscribe to my channel and come back next time for more vocab grammar tips, all kinds of interesting things.


  • Okay, see you, bye bye.


Hi everybody, welcome to Ingrid.


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