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  • (GASPS)

  • Finding a purpose in work we do or the way that we spend our time,

  • which resonates deeply with who we think we are,

  • is an essential part of knowing who we are.

  • In a way, if you don't know what you can do,

  • you don't really know what you might be.

  • The human talent, human ability, like the world's natural resources,

  • is often buried deep.

  • It's not just lying on the surface. You have to go looking for it.

  • That's why so many people don't know what their talents are.

  • They've never actually come upon them yet.

  • One of the things that stops us doing what we might want to do

  • is our own self-censorship, a fear that we'll fall flat on our face.

  • "Me? I'm not even entitled to it."

  • A second, I think, is other people's attitudes -

  • friends and family, often well-intentioned.

  • There are forms of tacit disapproval that prevent us moving forward.

  • It can be the raised eyebrow of a friend, or a group culture.

  • "What? You? Seriously? You would do that? OK."

  • Or cultural constraints about the roles of women or the communities.

  • So I'm not trying to say that this is easy,

  • but I'm saying it's essential and that there are things we CAN do,

  • particularly in the systematic process we put forward

  • through education and organization of communities, that can assist it.

  • The old model is predicated on a particular view of intelligence

  • and talent.

  • I think, for the future, we need to evolve systems of education

  • and of organizational planning and community development

  • which are based on a model of diversity,

  • rather than of conformity.

  • We still run our education systems as if life is linear,

  • as if it's mechanistic.

  • This is one reason so many things get phased out of education.

  • People say, "You'll never get a job if you do that."

  • Education is not a mechanistic process

  • and organizations are not mechanisms.

  • The management charter of most organizations

  • looks like a wiring diagram.

  • It kind of suggests that these are like mechanisms and they're not.

  • Human life and communities are much more like organisms,

  • in the sense that we flourish under certain conditions

  • and we fade under certain conditions.

  • Our success is always synergistic with our environment.

  • It IS about human flourishing.

  • It's also about recognizing that education and our communities

  • are part of cultures and are not independent and insulated from them.

  • But at the heart of it, the elemental bit of it,

  • is a different conception of human possibility -

  • finding your passion does change everything.



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B1 中級

RSA Shorts - 要素の見つけ方 (RSA Shorts - How to Find Your Element)

  • 1434 142
    Colin Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日