字幕表 動画を再生する
[David Attenborough] Just 50 years ago,
NETFLIX オリジナルドキュメンタリー
we finally ventured to the moon.
人類がようやく 月に到達したのは
For the very first time, we looked back at our own planet.
Since then, the human population has more than doubled.
その時に我々の住む惑星を 初めて一望できた
This series will celebrate the natural wonders that remain,
それ以来 地球の人口は 二倍以上になった
and reveal what we must preserve
このシリーズでは 残存する美しい自然を尊び―
to ensure people and nature thrive.
人類と自然が共に 繁栄して行くために
The polar regions of our planet may seem beyond the reach of most of us,
守らなければならないものを 明かしていく
but they are not beyond our influence.
北極と南極は はるか彼方―
We, unintentionally, are changing these frozen worlds,
and these changes will not just affect the poles
しかし両極は 我々の影響範囲外ではない
but the whole planet.
我々は 意図せずして これら極寒の地を変化させ―
そこでの変化は 両極のみならず―
The southern end of our planet, and the coldest place on Earth.
It has been frozen for 30 million years.
In its center, the covering of ice is over four kilometers thick.
Entire mountain ranges are buried beneath it.
地球の最南端にあり 地球で最も寒い場所
Here, it is so cold that each winter
19 million square kilometers of ocean freezes,
大陸内部では 氷の厚さが 4キロメートルを超える
more than doubling the size of the ice cap.
But when, in spring, the sea ice melts,
life returns once again to the continent's shores.
1900万平方キロメートル にわたり 海が凍り―
The peninsula that stretches north towards South America
is the first part of it to be released from winter's grip.
しかし春になり 氷が溶けると―
As the sea ice breaks up,
life returns.
南アメリカ大陸に近い 半島から―
[gulls cawing]
There is a greater variety of living creatures here
than anywhere else in Antarctica.
Gentoo penguins spend most of their lives at sea,
ここは 南極大陸で―
but now, in spring, they have to come ashore to breed.
最も多様な生き物が 生息する場所
They're the fastest of all penguins in water,
ジェンツーペンギンは 生涯のほとんどを海で過ごす
but on land, life takes on a slower pace.
春だけは 子育てのために岸に上がる
It's an uphill struggle to reach their nesting grounds...
水泳速度が ペンギン随一の彼らも―
[penguins honking]
...but penguins never give up.
巣作りする場所まで 上り斜面を懸命に進む
The paths they follow, carved by thousands of tiny footsteps,
lead to Antarctica's rarest commodity.
何千個の小さな足跡がつけた 幾重いくえもの道は
Bare rock.
南極で最も貴重な 場所へと続く
Less than one percent of Antarctica is ice-free,
and these rocky patches
ここで岩が見えるのは 大陸の1パーセント未満
are the only places where gentoos can lay their eggs.
It's been a 30-minute struggle,
ジェンツーペンギンは 産卵できない
but he's almost at the top, where his mate is waiting for him.
30分かけ 彼はようやく―
He presents her with a stone,
a gift to improve the nest and so win her favor.
巣を頑丈にする石に 妻も大喜びだ
[both honking]
He's back just in time.
There's another mouth to feed.
ジェンツーペンギンは この地域では珍しかったが―
気温が上昇した現在 生息数が増えている
Gentoo penguins used to be rare in this part of Antarctica,
海氷は静かで生命が 感じられないかも知れない
but now, as temperatures rise, their numbers here are increasing.
Sea ice may appear to be flat and lifeless,
氷が溶け 光が差し込むと
but beneath it there is another world.
冬の間に氷に挟まれていた 藻が一気に広がる
As the ice melts, the light filters through,
この天と地が 逆さになった世界は
and algae, that have been trapped within the ice all winter, flourish.
This upside-down world
ここで生息する植物にとって 氷は土壌
is the polar equivalent of the great grasslands.
そして それを食べる生物が 集まる
The ice is the soil upon which plant life grows,
and the herds of grazers soon arrive.
南極海には何兆匹の オキアミがいる
Antarctic krill.
氷に守られ 太陽が差し込む この場所で食事を楽しむ
Trillions of them swarm in the waters around Antarctica.
Protected by the ice above, they graze on algae whilst the sun shines.
氷がすべて溶ければ 守る盾はなくなり―
But the good times don't last long.
Once all the ice has melted, the krill lose their protection,
ペンギンは飛ぶ能力を 失っても―
and predators appear.
鳥と同様に 群れで暮らしている
Penguins may have lost their ability to fly,
but they still form flocks, as so many birds do.
長く水面で過ごし 態勢を整える
The longer they dive,
毛を逆立て 空気を閉じ込め 泳ぎやすくするのだ
the longer it takes them to catch their breath.
Ruffling their feathers traps air, which makes their bodies more streamlined.
One last breath...
オキアミを追って 水深200メートル以上 潜る
and the whole group dives down together.
群れ全員が1回の潜りで 捕る量を―
The gentoos follow the krill down to depths of over 200 meters.
“彼”は口を1回 開けるだけで捕る
What a flock can catch in one dive,
a giant traps in a single mouthful.
熱帯域から8000キロメートル 泳いでここまで来る
Humpback whales from the tropics
このクジラは一人で 漁をしている
have traveled over 8,000 kilometers to get here.
突進と急襲を合わせた この方法は―
This one chooses to feed alone.
オキアミが水面近くに いることが必須条件だ
This technique, part lunge, part pounce,
他のクジラが到着すると チームワークを開始する
only works when the krill are close to the surface.
As more humpbacks arrive, they begin to work in teams.
By lunging together,
the overspill from one huge mouth is not lost but collected by another.
彼らがより際立った チームワークをする時がある
Some humpbacks regularly work in an even more coordinated way.
それは オキアミが 深く潜った時だ
They do so when krill has descended to some depth.
位置につくと 噴水孔から空気を吹き出す
Once in position, they blast air from their blowholes.
Working together,
オキアミ周辺に 泡のカーテンを作る
they create a curtain of bubbles around their prey.
らせん状の網に挟まれ オキアミは一箇所に集まる
As the spiraling net tightens, the krill are driven closer together,
そこで一気に上昇し 飲み込むのだ
and then the whales lunge upwards and collect them.
南半球のザトウクジラ の 殆ほとんどが―
Almost all humpback whales in the southern hemisphere
南極海に来るのは オキアミが目当てだ
come to the Antarctic to feed on krill.
商業捕鯨が禁止され 生息数は劇的に回復した
Since the ban on commercial whaling, their numbers have recovered dramatically,
しかし現在 その食料が 危機的状況にある
but their food supply is now under threat.
In the last 50 years,
地球温暖化が進み 海氷が消失し
with warming temperatures and disappearing sea ice,
南極海のオキアミの数は 半減した
krill stocks in this part of the Southern Ocean
オキアミより大きな 生物を狙う補強者も来る
have more than halved.
南極海で食物連鎖の 頂点に立つ―
Other sea hunters come here seeking bigger prey than krill.
海の暴れん坊 シャチだ
Antarctica's top predators.
世界のシャチの 半数以上が―
Orca, killer whales.
Over half of the world's orca patrol these polar seas.
この群れは ペンギンだけを狙っている
This particular pod specializes in hunting penguins.
They shift into stealth mode.
標的に気づかれないよう 静かに泳ぐ
Hunting without making a sound, so that their prey won't hear them coming.
1頭のシャチなら 逃げおおせても―
A penguin can outmaneuver a single killer whale,
群れとなれば 話は別だ
but it can seldom escape a pod.
This hunt may seem cruel,
これは親から子へ 受け継がれる―
but important life skills are being passed down the generations.
From killer whales to krill,
シャチも オキアミも
all life here ultimately depends upon Antarctica's sea ice.
ここの生物はすべて 南極の海氷に依存している
The seas that surround Antarctica are the roughest on our planet.
南極海は地球で 最も過酷な環境だ
These churning waters draw up nutrients from the deep
この渦を巻く海は海底から 栄養分を浮上させ
and create vast, rich fishing grounds for nomads like the wandering albatross.
Beneath the waves, currents are flowing away from Antarctica,
またとない豊かな漁場を 提供する
transporting nutrients across the planet, fertilizing the oceans
海面下では 南極大陸からの海流が
and helping to regulate global temperatures.
栄養分を地球の全ての 海へと運び―
The island of South Georgia.
It's far enough north
to be beyond the reach of the sea ice even in midwinter,
南極からずっと北の この場所には―
and many animals live here the year round.
This wandering albatross chick has been sitting on its nest all winter,
一年中 多くの生物が生息する
and is entirely dependent on its parents returning with food.
このアホウドリのヒナは 冬の間 巣で暮らし―
It may have to wait a few days between meals, or even a couple of weeks,
両親が運んでくる食べ物に 完全に依存している
but at least it's not the only one who's waiting.
次の餌にありつけるのは 数日後か 数週間後か
Albatross chicks need to spend a whole year growing
少なくとも 友達と一緒だ
before they're ready to take their first flight.
アホウドリのヒナは 飛ぶまでに1年かかる
And then they spend several years at sea before they return to land.
その後 数年海で過ごし ふたたび陸へ戻る
3メートルの大きな羽で 着陸するには練習が要る
Coming in to land on three-meter wings takes some practice.
Albatross don't have reverse thrusters.
このメス鳥の 初めてのヒナだ
生後半年 あと半年で巣立ちだ
The chick is this female's first.
She's been raising it for six months, and has another six to go.
父親が餌を 運んでこなかった証だ
Her chick is smaller than it should be,
父親が死んでしまった 可能性もある
a sign that her mate has not been returning with food.
釣り糸に絡まり死んだ 仲間のように
He may well have been one of the many that die,
サウスジョージア島は 子育てに最適だが―
entangled on longline fishing lines.
巣に戻ってくる 成鳥の数は減っている
South Georgia is an ideal place for wanderers to raise their young,
but now fewer adults are returning here to nest,
子育てをする個体数は 4割減少した
and in recent years,
現時点では 巣で待つヒナは安全だ
the breeding population has declined by 40 percent.
For now, waiting on its nest, the chick is safe.
しかしサウスジョージアの 海は違う
There are no land predators here.
海氷のないこの海では 真昆布が繁殖する
But the same cannot be said for South Georgia's seas.
Giant kelp flourishes in these ice-free waters.
The perfect place for an ambush.
極寒の南極海を逃れ ここで冬を越す
Leopard seals overwinter here to escape Antarctica's frozen ocean.
They should have returned south by now,
but this year they've stayed longer.
And they've delayed their departure for good reason.
There are king penguins here.
Each is a substantial meal,
if you can catch it.
Returning to feed their chicks,
the kings have no choice but to run the gauntlet.
彼らが水面を泳ぐのは 稀まれだ
Kings rarely porpoise like this.
疲れるが この泳法が一番早い
It uses more energy, but it's faster than traveling underwater.
カオスの中で獲物を 1匹選ぶのは難しい
It's hard to select a moving target in a panicking crowd,
1匹だけはぐれれば 風向きが変わる
but if there are stragglers, the odds change.
Razor-sharp teeth versus a stabbing beak.
It's stalemate.
Both are exhausted after the chase.
戦う価値はないと アザラシが諦めた
The hunter decides that the meal is not worth the fight.
あれは食料を持ち帰るための 第一関門に過ぎない
For the penguin, it was too close for comfort,
but that was just the first hurdle in getting back to feed its chick.
今日のメニューには ペンギンがないらしい
眠っているなら それに越したことはない
It isn't going to be a walk in the park.
メスのゾウアザラシは 昼寝の邪魔をされてイライラ
[elephant seals snoring]
でも 気をつけるべきは 4トンのオスだ
Luckily, penguin is not on their menu.
Still, it's best to let sleeping giants lie.
怒った巨体の下敷きに なるのはゴメンだ
[penguin honks]
Elephant seal females don't take kindly
to being disturbed from their slumber,
but it's the four-tonne males you need to look out for.
[rasping grunting]
50万羽の中から我が子を 見つけなければ…
They are fighting for access to the females.
Getting bulldozed under angry blubber is to be avoided at all costs.
そして 聞き覚えのある 声を待つ
An escape route.
Time to run for it.
At last, he's reached the nursery.
Now comes his final challenge.
Finding his chick in the crowd of half a million.
この喧騒の中で 親子は相手の声が分かる
He calls...
この食事のために 親がくぐった試練を―
...and listens for a recognizable reply.
脅威的な数の生物を 養っている
His chick could be another mile or two away,
南極周辺で繁殖する オキアミに―
at the back of the colony.
ここのすべての生物が 究極的に頼っている
But that's the trouble with chicks.
海氷の消失はこの島の未来に 影を落としている
They're never where you left them.
Astonishingly, in all this racket,
気候変動の影響が さらに大きい
a parent and its chick can recognize each other's calls.
北極は海に囲まれた 大陸ではない
陸に囲まれた 凍った海だ
The things parents go through to deliver a meal.
ここでは春でも 海氷が永遠に広がる
If only they knew.
氷の大地は広大で頑丈なため 地上最大の肉食動物も安心だ
For such a small island,
オスの北極グマが 獲物を探している
South Georgia supports an extraordinary quantity of life.
ここはスヴァールバル諸島の 凍ったフィヨルド
All these creatures ultimately depend on the krill
狙いは食べごたえのある アザラシだ
that develops under the sea ice around the Antarctic peninsula.
With sea ice disappearing,
1年で食べる量の3分の2を 食べなければならない
so South Georgia's future is far from certain.
ワモンアザラシの母親は 子供を陸に置いて 海に入る
At the other end of the planet, in the north,
かつては 氷の峰に穴を掘り 子供を隠したが―
the effects of climate change are being felt even more intensely.
今では氷になる時期が遅く 大地は平らだ
The Arctic is not a continent surrounded by sea
子供を隠す場所もなく 海に潜るしかない
but a frozen ocean ringed by land.
この変化は現時点では 北極グマに有利かも知れない
Here, in spring, the sea ice is still at its maximum extent.
しかし 長期的には
It's a vast, firm hunting ground for the planet's largest land carnivore.
主食であるアザラシの数は 減少してしまうだろう
A male polar bear in search of his next meal
最近平らになった大地は 北極グマにも都合が悪い
on the frozen fjords of Svalbard in the high Arctic.
アザラシに 忍び寄ることができない
He's looking for seals, which make up the bulk of his diet.
子連れならば なおさらだ
He must eat two-thirds of the food he needs for the whole year
子グマがアザラシに 近づこうとしても―
before the ice melts and his hunting platform disappears.
The ringed seal mother had no choice but to leave her pup alone on the surface.
In the past, she would have built a den inside a ridge on the ice,
かつては役に立った スキルも使えない
but now the sea freezes so late that the ice is flat,
アザラシの穴について 学んだから良しとしよう
and she had to leave her pup out in the open.
狩りには曇りが 絶好であることを―
These changes in the ice may benefit the bears for now,
but in the long term,
a crash in their most important prey will follow.
大人のアザラシの方が 食料として好ましい
This new, flatter ice makes life difficult for the bears, too.
子グマは母の計画を 台無しにしないよう―
There's nowhere for them to hide in order to creep up on a seal.
And for a mother with a young cub in tow, being stealthy isn't easy.
The cub doesn't yet appreciate the need for care
when sneaking up on a seal.
With fewer seals hiding in dens,
learning this pounding technique, once so useful,
is now almost pointless.
Still, at least he's discovered what a seal hole looks like..
His mother knows that overcast conditions are good for hunting,
ここで必要なのは 忍び寄りではなく思い切り
and he knows when she's serious.
Adult seals make a much better meal.
子供が何とか穴に戻れるよう 願うばかりだ
Her cub carefully treads in her footsteps,
経験浅い子グマは 躊躇ちゅうちょしている
and takes care not to break her outline.
Neither must put a foot wrong.
They must move as one.
北極グマは 順応性が高いが―
Most seal hunts end in failure.
海氷に依存して 生きている
The bears must keep searching.
氷がなくなれば クマも消えるだろう
Her cub wanders off,
and gets another chance.
夏には海氷が溶け 海が顔を出す
A seal pup alone on the ice.
[seal pup whimpering]
ユニコーンのモデルとされる イッカク
Now it's not stealth that is needed, but confidence.
3メートルにもなるこの牙は 犬歯けんしが長く伸びたものだ
There's nothing the mother can do,
この牙の機能については イッカクの生態同様―
except hope that the pup makes it back to her hole in time.
一部 まだ謎のままだ
毎年夏になると イッカクはここに来て―
The inexperienced young hunter hesitates.
海氷が溶け 亀裂が入るのを待つ
Its mother knows better.
Safe under the ice.
Polar bears are adaptable predators, but they rely on sea ice.
亀裂は 安全な浅瀬へと 続いている
If that disappears, so will the bears.
非常に臆病なイッカクが 水中で撮影された貴重な映像
Summer at the ice edge in the Canadian Arctic,
亀裂の奥ほど氷で守られ 安全なため
and the annual retreat of sea ice is well underway.
イッカクは奥へ 奥へと 進んでいく
As it melts, nomads arrive.
Narwhal, the origin of the unicorn legend.
海氷は両極の生物の生存に 欠かせないだけではない
Their three-meter tusk is, in fact, no more than an overgrown canine tooth,
地球全体の気候にも 大きく影響する
but its exact function, like so much about narwhals,
is still, in part, a mystery.
地球温暖化防止に 重要な役割を果たす
Each summer, narwhals travel to the same part of the Arctic,
一方 黒い面は―
and patiently wait at the ice edge for a crack to open up.
A lead in the ice, wide enough for them to swim along.
Eventually, a crack appears.
Their passage to sheltered, shallow bays.
地球の優れた 白い盾を失うということだ
Narwhals are extremely timid and rarely filmed underwater.
These ice whales eagerly travel down the leads as soon as they open
海氷の収縮には バランスが保たれてきた
because they're safer from predators protected by the ice.
今は 違う
The leads may also give them access to new feeding grounds.
Sea ice is not just crucial
1980年と比べ 4割縮小している
to the lives of those creatures that live around the poles.
北極は地球平均の 2倍のペースで温暖化が進む
It plays a vital role in determining the climate of the whole planet.
A white surface keeps the earth cool
北極で夏季に海氷は 殆ほとんど見られなくなるだろう
by reflecting most of the sun's energy back into space.
それは 海氷に依存している すべての生物に―
A dark surface does the opposite,
absorbing over 90 percent of the sun's energy
and so warming the earth.
ここにはセイウチの 地球最大の集落がある
As the sea ice shrinks,
1つの浜辺だけで 10万頭が集まる
we're starting to lose one of our planet's protective white shields.
For thousands of years,
there's been a balance in the advance and retreat of the sea ice,
but that is no longer the case.
Today, during the summer months,
彼らの餌場から最も近い 休息地になってしまった
there is 40 percent less sea ice cover than there was in 1980.
子供は親から 離れてはならない
The Arctic is warming twice as fast as anywhere else on our planet.
しかし 先に進めない渋滞だ
By 2040, the ocean here will be largely free of ice
移動するには 仲間を踏んでいくしかない
during the summer months.
This loss of ice will inevitably have devastating consequences
for all those that still depend on it.
ここでは仲間の存在が 自分の生命を 脅おびやかす
[birds cawing]
押し 潰つぶされない場所を 見つける者もいる
The far northeastern coast of Russia.
彼らは高さ80メートルの 崖を登る
This is the largest gathering of walrus on the planet.
Over a hundred thousand have hauled out on one single beach.
それでも 頂上ならば ひと息つける
They do so out of desperation, not out of choice.
セイウチの陸上での 視力は悪いが―
Their natural home is out on the sea ice.
下に仲間がいるのは 感じられる
But the ice has retreated away to the north,
空腹になれば 海に 戻らなければならない
and this is the closest place to their feeding grounds,
急いで降りようと 高さも分からず―
where they can find rest.
何百頭ものセイウチが 崖から落ちる
This calf must stay close to its mother.
近年 セイウチは殆ど毎年 過密集落を形成している
But every square inch is occupied.
北極グマやアザラシ同様 セイウチの生態も―
Climbing over the tightly packed bodies
is the only way across the crowd.
全ての生物が その結果に苦しんでいる
Those beneath can get crushed to death.
今回は 北極に冬が訪れ―
A stampede can occur out of nowhere.
Under these conditions, walruses are a danger to themselves.
Some manage to find space away from the crowds.
氷に頼って生きる多くの 生物は ほっと一息だ
They struggle up the 80-meter cliffs,
しかし この地球で―
an extraordinary challenge for a one-tonne animal used to sea ice.
いつまで この凍てつく世界を
At least up here there's space to rest.
A walrus's eyesight out of water is poor,
両極の自然を守る為に 我々が今すべきことを―
but they can sense the others down below.
ourplanet.comで ご確認ください
As they get hungry, they need to return to the sea.
日本語字幕 川上 歌織
In their desperation to do so,
hundreds fall from heights they should never have scaled.
These mass gatherings of walrus are now happening almost every year.
So the lives of walruses, like those of polar bears and seals,
are changing.
All are living at the frontier of climate change,
and all are suffering as a consequence.
For now, the Arctic winter returns and the sea ice reforms.
Order is restored.
Relief for the many creatures that depend on the ice.
But for how much longer
will their frozen worlds be a part of life on our planet?
Please visit ourplanet.com
to discover what we need to do now to keep the polar wilderness.
♪ I can hear the whole world Singing together ♪
♪ I can hear the whole world Say it's now or never ♪
♪ 'Cause it's not too late If we change our ways ♪
♪ And connect the dots to our problems ♪
♪ I can hear the whole world Say we're in this together ♪
♪ We're in this together ♪