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Welcome, everyone, to CNN 10, I'm Carl Azuz.
皆さん、CNN 10 にようこそ。カール・アズスです。
We're starting with a report on a US milestone—a measurement, really—known as the first 100 days.
まずは米国のマイルストーンのレポートからですが、これは実際に最初の 100 日と言われている指標です。
What has the new US leader done and not done in just over three months after inauguration day—April 30th will mark 100 days in office for President Joe Biden.
大統領就任から 3 ヶ月、米国の新リーダーがやったこと、やっていないことは何でしょうか、そして 4 月 30 日はバイデン大統領の就任 100 日目にあたります。
By day seven, the new leader had signed dozens of executive orders, new directives from the executive branch.
就任 7 日目までに、新リーダーは何十もの行政命令に署名しました。
Many of President Biden's orders aimed to unravel the policies of his predecessor, former President Donald Trump—and many of his orders went against the policies of his predecessor, former President Barack Obama—so you can see how these can swing back and forth.
On his 51st day, President Biden signed a new stimulus package, a 1.9-trillion-dollar spending bill intended to ease the financial problems related to coronavirus.
バイデン大統領は就任 51 日目にして、コロナウイルスに関連した財政問題を軽減するための新たな救済策、1.9 兆ドルの支出法案に署名しました。
The law had passed in the Democratic-controlled Congress on the Democratic President's 50th day, but it received no support from congressional Republicans.
この法律は、民主党政権下の議会で、民主党大統領の任期 50 日目に可決されましたが、議会の共和党員の支持を得られませんでした。
Another goal the president had was for 100 million Americans to get at least one dose of coronavirus vaccine by his 100th day.
大統領のもう一つの目標は、就任 100 日目までに 100 万人のアメリカ人にコロナウイルスワクチンを少なくとも 1 回接種することです。
Critics said that goal wasn't ambitious, that the nation was on track to do that anyway.
And it happened on President Biden's 58th day.
そしてこれは、バイデン大統領の就任 58 日目に起きた出来事です。
But shortly before that, the US Leader announced he'd increase his goal to 200 million doses by his 100th day.
しかし、少し前にアメリカのリーダーは、就任 100 日目までに目標を 200 万人に引き上げると発表しました。
We don't know yet if that will be reached, but this is just a sampling of this particular president's actions.
CNN 10 contributor Rachel Jan Fossa looks at the history of the 100-day Milestone.
CNN 10 の寄稿者である Rachel Jan Fossa が、就任 100 日という節目を振り返ります。
Historically, the first 100 days of a new president's administration are significant, Carl.
歴史的に見ても、新大統領就任後の最初の 100 日間は重要な意味を持っています。
The term, the first 100 days dates back to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt—you might know him as FDR.
最初の 100 日とは、フランクリン・ルーズベルト大統領の時代にさかのぼり、FDR とも呼ばれています。
He signed 15 bills into law during his first 100 days in office.
彼は就任後 100 日間で 15 の法案に署名しました。
Since then, presidents have been judged—perhaps unfairly—by what they accomplished during the same period
When FDR took office in 1933, he faced the Great Depression, a time of major economic crisis—unemployment had reached an estimated 25%.
1933 年に FDR が就任したときは、失業率が 25 %とも言われる世界大恐慌という大きな経済危機に直面していました。
During his first 100 days in office, FDR worked with Congress to roll out the "New Deal", an aggressive policy agenda that set out to get the country back on track.
就任後の 100 日間、FDR は議会と協力して、国を軌道に乗せるための積極的な新政策を打ち出しました。
The newly-elected Democratic majority in Congress was eager to help pass the new president's legislation.
FDR signed 15 major bills into law during his 1st 100 days, including the Emergency Banking Relief Act, the Public Works Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the National Industrial Recovery Act, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
FDR は最初の 100 日間で、緊急銀行法、公共事業、市民保全隊、テネシー渓谷公社、国家産業復興法、連邦預金保険公社など、 15 の主要法案に署名しました。
Since then, the first few months of a new administration have provided a glimpse into the president's governing style and set the tone for what the Commander-in-Chief hopes to accomplish.
Ronald Reagan, who was shot in the chest on his 69th day in office, signed his first bill into law from the George Washington University Hospital.
ロナルド・レーガンは、就任 69 日目にジョージ・ワシントン大学病院で最初の法案に署名した際、胸を撃たれました。
And on the eve of his 100th day in office, he delivered an address to a joint session of Congress.
そして、就任 100 日目の前日には、議会の合同会議で演説を行いました。
George W. Bush marked the occasion by inviting all 535 members of Congress to the White House for lunch.
ジョージ・ウォーカー・ブッシュ大統領が就任して最初の 100 日は、535 人の議員全員をホワイトハウスに招待して昼食をとりました。
And on his 100th day in office, Barack Obama held a prime time news conference in the east room of the White House.
就任 100 日目を迎えたオバマ大統領は、ホワイトハウスのイーストルームでゴールデンタイムに記者会見を行いました。
But despite the tradition, Carl, some presidents have said that judging them on their first 100 days is unreasonable, as it doesn't give a new president enough time to accomplish their goals.
しかし、このような伝統にもかかわらず、一部の大統領は、新大統領が目標を達成するのに十分な時間を与えられないため、最初の 100 日で判断するのは不合理だと言います。
John F. Kennedy famously said that even the first 1000 days wouldn't be enough time either.
ジョン・F・ケネディは、最初の 1,000 日でも十分な時間ではないと言いました。
Another time-related topic.
This Tuesday, an anniversary—yesterday marked exactly 40 years since Nasa's Space Shuttle Program got off the ground.
今週の火曜日は記念日です。昨日は NASA のスペースシャトル計画から 40 周年でした。
Before the last flight landed in 2011, Nasa estimated the total cost of the program was $209 billion.
NASA は、プロジェクトの総コストは 2 兆と 90 億ドルになると見積もっています。
And space history experts say there's been an endless debate over whether it was worth it, but it changed our view of space.
There was a huge acceleration.
Solid rocket propellant burns very rough.
You go from 3Gs to 0G instantaneously, and then it's this overwhelming view of the blackness of space.
Okay, I'm in orbit; I've got a lot of work to do.
よし、軌道に乗りました。 やるべきことがたくさんあります。
Over 30 years, they flew on 135 missions, transporting 355 people and over 3 million pounds of cargo.
30 年以上にわたり、135 回のミッションを遂行し、355 人の人々と 300 万ポンド以上の貨物を輸送してきました。
Part rocket, part orbiter, and part airplane, Nasa's space shuttle wasn't just the next step after Apollo, it was a giant leap in the way we understood and used space.
ロケットであり、オービターであり、航空機でもある NASA のスペースシャトルは、アポロの次のステップというだけでなく、私たちが宇宙を理解し利用する方法を大きく前進させるものです。
The success of the Space Shuttle Program really goes back to that initial foundation, applying what you learn from the Apollo program in the X vehicle world and really taking it to the next level.
The shuttle program began in 1972.
スペースシャトル計画は 1972 年に始まりました。
It promised routine access to space and a delivery system capable of building a space station.
Reusability was built into the space shuttle system.
A lot of the key design challenges were making that happen, making this system as light as possible, getting the orbiter just right.
The thermal protection system, all of the propulsion systems that were necessary, really, it was an incredible marvel of human engineering.
The design was perfected by 1981 and, on April 12, the world tuned in to watch Colombia launch.
デザインが完成した 1981 年 4 月 12 日に、コロンビアで行われた打ち上げは、世界中が見守りました。
It had the trademark shuttle look, with two solid rocket boosters and a giant external fuel tank to supply the orbiter's three main engines.
スペースシャトルの象徴的な外観を持ち、2 本の固体ロケットブースターと巨大な外部燃料タンクを備え、オービターの 3 つのメインエンジンを供給します。
These propelled it to speeds of almost 18,000 miles per hour, fast enough to escape Earth's gravity and begin the shuttle era.
その結果、時速 18,000 マイルという地球の重力から逃れるのに十分な速度が得られ、スペースシャトル時代の幕開けとなりました。
Colombia was joined by Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavor.
Operating at the edge of possibility, it didn't all go to plan.
Challenger, and later Columbia, suffered tragic fatal accidents.
But together, the shuttle fleet redefined our relationship with space.
They served as orbiting science labs, launched, repaired, and upgraded satellites, including groundbreaking instruments like the Hubble Space Telescope.
When the Hubble Space Telescope first launched, it had a mirror problem, but the space shuttle was there to fix that.
It's an incredibly important achievement.
But the shuttle's most important achievement was building the International Space Station.
It's just unbelievable that humans have built this incredible facility 250 miles up above the earth.
人間が地球から 250 マイルも離れた上空にこの信じられないような施設を作ったことは信じられません。
Being part of the assembly—it certainly was an incredible highlight for all of us that participated in it.
It took a couple hundred spacewalks, lots of vehicles, lots of robotic activity to put it all together.
We can see the International Space Station—it's a wonderful accomplishment and we'll never forget the role the space shuttle played in its creation.
In 2011, after a decade of work and over 30 shuttle launches, the ISS was complete, and what followed was the final space shuttle re-entry.
2011 年、10 年の歳月と 30 回以上のシャトル打ち上げを経て、ISS(国際宇宙ステーション)が完成し、その後、最後のシャトル再突入が行われました。
We had a nighttime entry, so you can see the plasma—that was pretty intense.
There was just so many thousands of people that had a hand in this vehicle.
One of the greatest honors, certainly in my professional career, if not my entire life.
There's a lot of emotion today, but one thing is indisputable: America is not gonna stop exploring.
It took close to a decade to reestablish astronaut launch capacity from US soil.
アメリカ国内から宇宙への打ち上げ能力を再構築するには、約 10 年の歳月を要しました。
But on May 30, 2020, Space X's Crew Dragon Demo II launched to the ISS.
しかし、2020 年 5 月 30 日、スペース X 社のドラゴンが国際宇宙ステーションに向けて打ち上げられます。
I can't overstate how much work it was to get us back to that point.
It proved that private companies could continue the shuttle's legacy.
For NASA and space exploration, it frees up funding to develop these vehicles that will go beyond low earth orbit.
NASA や宇宙開発にとっては、地球低軌道を超えるこれらの乗り物を開発するための資金を確保することができます。
NASA hopes its Orion spacecraft will make lunar travel routine as part of the Artemis program that will eventually push onto Mars.
NASA は、アルテミス計画の一環として、オリオン宇宙船で月に行き、最終的には火星に行くことを望んでいます。
Shuttle heritage parts will be used in the Artemis program.
Where we've been and where we're going is so incredibly intertwined.
I would like the space shuttle to be remembered for what it is: an incredibly important piece in this larger evolutionary approach to humans in outer space.
Complex, powerful, and breathtaking.
Three words to describe the shuttle: extremely capable vehicle.
For 10 out of 10, it's a traffic light—for camels!
10 out of 10、ここはラクダのための信号です!
Green means go, red means don't, but we wouldn't blame you if you were to ask, "Why, Carl? Why?"
Well, this is stopping traffic—camel traffic—in northern China.
There's a camel riding place there that's popular with tourists and that has led to confusion and camel-involved collisions.
So officials have created what they say is the first traffic signal for—you get it—camels.
Now you might be wondering who "camel up" with the idea—were "cam elisions" becoming too dangerous increasing the threat of a "hoof and run"?
Were the animals spitting at others that cut them off, starting trouble right out of the gate?
Of course, it will be the people leading the camels who actually stop and go at the signal—letting the animals do that themselves will be too "dromedary".
I'm "Camel" Azuz for CNN 10
CNN 10 のキャメル(ラクダ)・アズスでした。
Henderson County High School, we see you watching from Henderson Kentucky, we'll see you all tomorrow.