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In this English lesson I wanted to help you understand the English phrase, "You got me."
今回の英語レッスンでは、英語のフレーズ、"You got me" を理解する手助けをしたいと思います。
When you see this phrase, and it is a question, it basically means, "Do you understand me?"
If I saw some students running in the hallway, I could say: "Hey, if I see you running again, you'll need to go to the principal's office. 'You got me?'"
I'm basically saying, "Do you understand me?"
So, when it is in its question form, when you say, "You got me," you're basically saying to the person, "Do you understand me?"
疑問形で "You got me?" と言う時には、相手に、「私を理解していますか?」と言っていることになります。
The other phrase I wanted to help you understand today is the same phrase, but it ends with an exclamation mark or a period.
もう 1 つ、今日理解してもらいたいフレーズは、同じものです。でも、感嘆符かピリオドで終わるもとのです。
When you say, "You got me!" in this form, it has a lot of different meanings.
"You got me!" と言う時には、様々な意味があります。
The first one might be if someone tricks you - if someone plays a trick or practical joke on you.
Uh, when you realize what they've done, you could say, "Oh, you got me," like, "You tricked me. You got me!"
何をされたか気づいた時に、"Oh, you got me"(やられたな), "You tricked me. You got me!"(だましたな。参ったよ!)と言えます。
Um, maybe you're playing a game with someone.
Maybe you're playing a board game, and you're playing a game like chess, and they finally, uh, get you into checkmate.
You could say, "You got me!"
そうしたら、"You got me!" と言えます。
Basically meaning, you did an action in the game that allowed you to win: "You got me!"
基本的には、相手がゲームで勝てるようなアクションをした時に、"You got me!"(やられた!)と言えます。
So, those are two meanings it has.
これが、2 つの意味ですね。
I have to check my list because there's so many meanings.
Let's see here.
Oh, it can also mean you don't know the answer to something.
So, if I said, "What's the capital of Russia?"
And if you didn't know, you could say, "I don't know, you got me," like, "You got me, I don't know."
答えが分からなければ、こう言えます。"I don't know, you got me," "You got me, I don't know."(参ったな、分からないよ。)
So basically, "You got me" has a whole bunch of different meanings,
つまり、"You got me" には、すごくたくさんの意味があるんですね。
And there's one last meaning, which is just a fast way of saying "You've got me," and it's when you're talking to someone who, uh, maybe loves you and you love them, and you could say, "Hey, you got me!"
それから最後に1つ、"You've god me" を速く言ったものなのですが、誰かがあなたを愛していて、あなたもその人を愛している時、"Hey, you got me!"(僕がいるだろう!)と言えます。
Which basically means, "I'm in your life," which is just a shortened form of the phrase, "You've got me."
つまり、「僕は君の人生にいる」という意味で、"You've got me"を短縮させた形です。
Notice I added the verb "to have" in there, but we do say that sometimes: "Hey, you got me."
"to have" という動詞を入れましたが、"Hey, you got me" と言うこともあります。
Um, I think that's even a line in a song or a movie.
"You've got me, you got me, babe."
"You've got me, you got me, babe."(僕がいるだろう。)
I dunno, anyways, now I'm just not making any sense.
To review, if you ask this as a question, if you say, "You got me," it means, "Do you understand?"
復習しましょう。疑問形でたずねると、"You got me?" は「分かりますか?」という意味になります。
And if you say, "You got me" with an exclamation mark or a period, it just means a whole bunch of different things.
感嘆符やピリオドを付けて "You got me" と言うと、様々な意味になります。
Um, you heard my teacher voice in this lesson a little bit.
Did you hear that?
When I said, "Hey, no running in the hallway."
"If you do it again, you'll have to go to the principal's office, you got me?"
That-that's my teacher voice.
I don't use that very often, but it has a little bit more of an air of authority to it.
Anyways, let's look at a comment from a previous video.
This comment is from Aleksey, and Aleksey says, "It was worse, it was worth," referring to my last video where I was having trouble saying English words.
このコメントは、アレクシーからです。"It was worse, it was worth"。これは前回のビデオで、僕が英単語を言うのに苦労したところですね。
"What a crazy language. I'm still struggling with this couple of words."
"They look and sound so close together."
"Now, one thing calms me down: I'm not the only one struggling with this."
"Even Bob has a problem sometimes."
"Thank you, Teacher, for the lesson, "and your slip of the tongue. Is the phrase 'slip of the tongue,' correct in this case?"
先生、レッスンをしてくれてありがとう。"slip of the tongue" というフレーズ、この場面で使うのは正しいですか?」
And my response is this: "Yes, that is totally the correct phrase, and yes, words that ended 'th' can be hard, even for native speakers."
I have trouble saying, like, "sixth," like, the fifth and sixth time I do something.
"sixth" と言うのは難しいですね。「5回目、6回目に何かをする」というような場合です。
Notice when I say "sixth" it's just really hard to get that word out.
"sixth" と言う時、発音するのが難しいの、分かるでしょうか?
Fourth, fifth, sixth.
I feel like I have to almost stick my tongue out of my mouth in order to say that.
And words like "worse" and "worth" are so close together that if you're a little bit tired and you're speaking quickly.
"worse" や"worth" といった単語はすごく似ているので、少し疲れていたり、速くしゃべったりすると…
I think a bee just flew by, I think one of the first bees of the season.
Anyways, "worse" and "worth"; They're so close together in terms of how you pronounce them that if you're speaking fast and you're a little bit tired sometimes you say the wrong one.
さて、"worse" と "worth" ですが、発音に関してはすごく似ているので、速く話したり、少し疲れていたりすると、間違った方を言ってしまう時もあります。
Um, which I think I did twice in the last lesson possibly.
Anyways, I hope this video was worth your while, I hope it wasn't worse than the last one, and I hope you're still having fun learning English with me.
今回のビデオ、"worth" でしたか(役に立てたでしょうか)?前回よりも "worse" じゃないと良いですが(悪くないと良いですが)。僕と英語の勉強を楽しんでいただけていると、嬉しいです。
I hope this lesson, uh, on the "you got me" phrase made some sense.
今回のレッスン、"you got me" の意味が分かったでしょうか。
See you in a couple days with another short English lesson.