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  • A resume is your brag sheet, a document that summarizes your job experience and education.


  • The ultimate goal? To get you the interview.


  • Your resume should sizzle, not snore.


  • Tip one: Remember, looks matter.


  • Your resume must make a great first impression.


  • Use quality paper and make it easy to read; 11- or 12-point font keeps it reader-friendly.

    上質な紙を使い、読みやすく記載しましょう。一般的に読みやすい文字のサイズは 11 か 12 ポイントです。

  • Tip two: A resume is not your autobiography.

    ヒント 2:履歴書は自伝ではありません。

  • Save your life story for the 500-page novel and keep your resume brief.

    詳しい人生経歴は 500 ページの小説にしておいて、履歴書は簡潔にまとめましょう。

  • Only highlight your key credentials. Employers are big fans of the one-page resume, but it is acceptable to have two pages.

    重要な経歴だけを強調するようにしましょう。面接官は 1 ページの履歴書が好まれますが、2 ページのも受けられます。

  • Tip three: Make it easy to get in touch.

    ヒント 3:連絡先を分かりやすくしましょう。

  • At the top, put your name in bold and in a bigger font, list your mailing address, email address, cell phone, and Skype.


  • Tip four: Keep it logical.

    ヒント 4:論理的に書くように心がけましょう。

  • Organize your resume into three basic categories work experience, education, and skills and interests.


  • Under work experience, list your jobs chronologically or group them by job function.


  • Make sure you list your work experience in a way that makes you most attractive to a potential employer.


  • Tip five: Titles are key.

    ヒント 5:経歴の見出しが決め手となります。

  • People do judge a book by its cover. You have around 5 seconds to make an impression.

    人は外見で中身を判断する傾向があります。なので、5 秒間でいかに印象に残せるのは肝となります。

  • Make sure your titles are descriptive enough to give the employer a good idea about what you've done.


  • Tip six: Be direct and correct.

    ヒント 6:ダイレクトで正確に書きましょう。

  • Use bullet points, not lengthy paragraphs, to detail your experience.


  • Most people will only scan your resume, so your English, grammar, and punctuation must be absolutely flawless.


  • Have someone proofread your resume before it goes out.


  • Tip seven: Make it action-packed.

    ヒント 7:アクションの溢れる動詞を使いましょう。

  • Powerful words convey a strong, talented person.


  • Use action verbs like initiated, directed, created, led, and generated in your work descriptions.

    職務を記述するとき、例えば initiated, directed, created, led, generated というような行為動詞を使いましょう。

  • Don't use the same action verb twice.

    同じ行為動詞を 2 回使わないようにしましょう。

  • Tip eight: Be honest with yourself.

    ヒント 8:自分と向き合うことです。

  • Take a close look at your resume and ask, "Would I hire me?"


  • If the answer is "no" or "maybe," start over. If the answer is "yes," then you're good to go.

    もし答えが ”いいえ” あるいは ”たぶん” であれば、もう一度やり直しましょう。もし答えが ”はい” であれば、準備完了です。

A resume is your brag sheet, a document that summarizes your job experience and education.


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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