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- So, please give your
biggest warmest HTC welcome
to my mentor, Mr.Dan Pena
[Crowd Cheering]
- Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
It's a, you can't imagine how, how proud I am of Dan.
We were just talking before I came out on stage.
It was before his 22nd birthday that we met
and he came down to have breakfast with me.
What he didn't add, or alluded to, he's dead broke.
He didn't have enough money to buy a plane ticket
but he got there somehow.
And we spent a few hours together
that fateful a summer day of 2003.
And now look at him.
He does have a following of millions and indirectly.
That means I had something to do with it.
So I'm very pleased to be here
and we're going to go through some history.
I am a salesman that started out door to door,
door to door, and I took those sales skills
and I improved them years after year after year
decade after decade until I was selling countries.
So I didn't realize I was a high ticket, closer, you know
40 years ago.
But today is a special day.
[audience Cheering]
Today is a special day for September the sixth
1,969 was the day I was discharged
from the military 50 years ago, 50 years ago.
So, but when you've lived, as long as I have
and I just turned 74 in fact, last night at dinner
Dan and I were discussing I'm twice as old as he is.
It's hard to fucking believe
but the he's a little younger than our oldest son.
And he's a little older than our youngest son
but he has continued to make me proud.
But today in the time that I have with you
success leaves clues.
some of the clues you don't want to accept.
I E Steve jobs was a miserable asshole.
Warren buffet is alive, but a cantankerous old man
Henry Ford the first, was a miserable asshole.
and I can go on and on and on and on.
If they weren't neurotic, they were psychotic.
And sometimes they were both
but they were all mostly miserable human beings.
Now all my life, I have never given a birthday card
sent flowers, bought candies,
the kinds of thing that you've done all your life.
And where has it gotten me?
Millions love me.
And I have more money than this room
put together times a thousand.
Success leaves clues.
So when I point to various traits that are super
high performance people that I've had the pleasure
of working with, knowing myself included, just think about
do you fit that bill?
Do you have that trait?
One of the things that Dan asked me,
which was part of my talk, as you know
I give talks to universities for free
about six or seven years ago.
I decided to give two thirds of my time pro bono, meaning
for free.
And thank you.
And I do that because if I can reach the kids
when they're youngest
and that doesn't mean you have to go to university,
I didn't need it, flunked out of university three times
been arrested and jail five times
done a lot of things I'm not proud of,
but the bottom line is
I understood success, leaves clues more than most.
And so I patterned, I modeled, I copied
I mimic the super high-performance people that I've had
the privilege of being around.
In the beginning, it was the military.
And when I got out, I was naturally gravitated.
Now this is Dan, 16 years ago.
It's not much of an exaggeration.
He did have two shoes though when he met me,
this is him and now look at him.
It's quite remarkable.
And I had the pleasure of mentoring, coaching, teaching.
A lot of high-performance people.
Dan is one of the most high-performance individuals
I've had the privilege of working with.
He, continued there he is in his mid twenties
where there's, you can't really see the pimples
on his face there, but he had them.
And then that's when he got a little older
and there he is more recently on the right,
my right, your left.
And but one of the things that he listened
to me more than most is how to stay focused
follow one course until successful.
Most of the room would be infinitely more successful.
If they got became more laser beam focused
because being a six-figure hitter
isn't a big fucking hitter!
And the real world is not even a hitter.
It's no money.
And I'm here to tell you a way that you can be
a seven figure, eight figure hitter,
and like myself a nine figure hitter.
Cause good things come to those who
go out and fucking earn it.
My mother was a prayer.
She thought prayer would solve all her problems.
Every time I got arrested, she pray some more.
She say a rosary
a few novenas, our father didn't help him.
I was rebelling against something else.
I was rebelling against a extremely stern father
and he was an authority authority figure.
I didn't want, I did need, but I didn't want for sure
as for some of the young men in the audience will attest to.
But the reason that I'm here, it's the
I didn't know that males, weren't all alpha males.
All my dad's mates, chums,
buddies, friends from the second world war
and the Korean war were fucking tough as nails.
Hence I come up with the word, the phrase snowflakes.
Because the current generation, the last generation
and a half, melt under pressure.
I read in the wall street journal a few days ago,
14% of the people surveyed,
admit and crying at work at least once a week, crying
some cry every day.
87% of the people on the planet.
according to Gallup, Gallup poll are unhappy,
and living quiet lives of desperation.
Now money's not the only thing in life
but you only God thing, anybody counts.
Okay. So I'm going to tell you,
show you how You can follow in Dan's footsteps
and how he is following in my footsteps.
A few weeks ago when he sent me these tweets
I think they are about when he would interview me
at his little lovely home and how he bought the book
which he's already alluded to and how he came to the castle.
And I went through the seminar.
And in those days, the days that Dan came through
there was no mentor program
and I'm not here to sell the Castle seminar,
Although a number of the high ticket kids have come
to the castle, but we're sold out this year.
We have a waiting list for another year and a half
and I'm not sure I'm going to give seminars
Castle seminars next year.
And I'm waiting on a number of things.
And I'm a full disclosure guy.
Number one, I'm working
on three documentaries, two movies, two books.
And if called, I will serve
in the next Trump administration.
Therefore I can't have seminars with you guys
for two or three years out in advance and full disclosure.
I knew president Trump in another life.
I haven't talked to him in many, many years
but I knew him when we both shared the same lawyers
that we did back in the
late seventies, early eighties
all the way up until the early nineties.
Dan's model is his name recognition
Dan's model is ,
all the people he's trained over the years
both in person and online.
But real generational wealth,
hundreds of millions and billions is made not
with one transaction, but a series of transactions.
And that's buying and selling companies.
I'm here to show you that the same
Dan that's pictured there
is the same kind of kid
that did the largest deal in recorded history.
One of my mentees 500 billion with a B
NEOM, the city of the future of the 22nd century
Klaus Kleinfeld who came to me
even before Dan in 1997.
So I have from teenage multimillionaires, like Josh Kim
who I'm going to get around to in a minute
who flies around in his own goddamn jet, as a teenager.
And what were you doing young man, as a teenager?
Other than jerking off in front of your computer,
not goddamn thing.
Not a goddamn thing,
to the largest deal in recorded history.
Now, a lot of people say I'm A Neanderthal.
Well, I do have an extra 13th rib
which is a throwback to Neanderthal.
My dad had a 13th rib.
My grandfather had a 13th rib.
So there is some truth, but a better story.
And one that I liked better
is I was born after they bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
74 years ago, first bomb was dropped on the sixth.
The second bomb was dropped on the 9th of August.
And I was born on the 10th of August.
There's a whole theory.
That's not popular anymore.
For those of you that have seen the movie Godzilla.
Godzilla came up because they were doing atomic testing
and then a little lizard turned
into a big ugly animal where there was a theory back
in the late forties and early fifties
that it changed the DNA of the planet
for fucking ever!
those two atomic bombs, forever!
And I was born right at the cusp of those atomic explosions.
So for those of you who don't want to go back
and study history in Google fuck it.
I am a product of those bombs.
And the 13th extra rib I have,
which is a throwback to Neanderthal,
it's because of those two bombs.
I am different, there's no question about it.
I read the website for this event
not once as they say in Texas,
not twice, but three fucking times.
Some of the questions you people asked.
How to get here?
I don't have a visa or a passport
and my Dick is only one inch long.
Can I still come?
Okay, my wife doesn't want me to go
to Vancouver because it's sex drugs and rock and roll.
I couldn't believe that shit.
I mean where were you people born?
And Dan told me last night at dinner.
He says, Dan, those are only some of the questions,
we got worst questions that they ask us.
My generation would be embarrassed
to ask those questions.
My generation, they're gonna to go to a deal like this.
I'm young, single, and I'm going to drink
and fuck my brains out.
That's it.
Why else would I come to this goddamn thing?
But now you worry about this and you worry about
you have a whole different set
of circumstances that you're concerned about
and none of them make you a fucking dime.