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Hi, Bob the Canadian here.
Welcome to this English lesson where I'm going to help you learn the present perfect tense.
Hey, have you started yet?
Yes, I've started.
No problem.
The present perfect tense is used when you wanna talk about an action where the time isn't important, or the time isn't specified, or the action hasn't really finished happening.
We use it in sentences like this: "I have worked hard today." "I have learned a lot of new English vocabulary."
こんな感じの文章で使われます。今日は頑張って働いている。 英語の語彙をたくさん学んでいる。
So, stick around. In this lesson, I'll show you how to form the present perfect tense.
I'll show you how to conjugate it, and we'll talk about when to use the present perfect tense.
We'll also look at how to form the negative, and of course, how to form questions using this tense.
Let's start by talking about how to conjugate the present perfect tense.
You do this by taking your subjects, "I," "you," "he," "she," "we," and "they," and you conjugate the verb "to have" as your helper verb, so "I have," "you have," "he/she has," "we have" and "they have."
主語であるI、you、he、she、we、them に、助動詞として have という動詞を活用します。つまり、I have、you have 、he/she has、we have、そして they have です。
Then you take your verb and you put it into the past participle.
I'm going to use the verb "to call" because it's regular, but you will need to learn a lot of irregular verbs as well.
ここでは規則動詞なので "to call" という動詞を使いますが、不規則動詞もたくさん覚えておく必要があります。
You would then this: "I have called," "you have called," "he has called," "she has called," "we have called," or "they have called."
すると、このようになります。I have called, you have called, he has called, she has called, we have called、そして they have called.
That's how you conjugate the present perfect tense.
As you know, in English we're always in a hurry to say things as quickly as possible, so we usually use contractions.
So, we don't often say, "I have called."
つまり、「I have called」とはそれほど言いません。
Instead, we would say things like this: "I've called," "you've called," "he's called," "she's called," "we've called" and "they've called."
そのかわりに、こんな風に言うのです。I've called, you've called, he's called, she's called, we've called、そしてthey've called.
I don't know why, but we're always in a hurry, and we like to mush our words together so that we can say them quickly.
We often use contractions.
Let's talk about when you should use the present perfect tense.
There are about five situations when you should use this verb tense.
The first is when the time of the action is not over.
So, if I say something like this: "I have worked hard today, I'm still working hard now, I was working hard and I will most likely keep working hard," so the time of the action is not over.
つまり、「I have worked hard today」という風に言えば、今も頑張っているし、これまでも頑張っていたし、これからも頑張る可能性が高いため、この行動の時間は終わっていないということです。
"I have worked hard today." "I think I've worked hard today."
"Yeah, I've worked pretty hard today."
The second situation where you would use the present perfect tense is when you're using the words "for" and "since" to talk about something that started in the past.
I could say something like this: "I have lived here for 20 years," or "I have worked for my brother since I was 20 years old."
So, when you use the words "for" and "since," they kind of indicate to you that you should be using the present perfect tense.
つまり、for や since という言葉を使うと、現在完了形を使うべきだろうということを示しています。
The third situation where you would use the present perfect is to talk about an action that has been repeated between the past and now.
If I said, "I have visited her six times," it's an action that started in the past, and it's happened five more times since the very first time I did it.
もし私が「彼女を6回訪ねた(I have visited her six times)」と言ったら、それは過去に始まった行動であり、最初に訪ねた時からさらに5回行われたことになります。
"I have visited her six times," an action that started in the past and was repeated many times.
The fourth situation where you would use the present perfect is when the time of the action is not important.
I could ask a question like this: "Have you studied ancient history?"
And you could respond by saying, "Yes, I've studied ancient history."
そして、「はい、古代史を勉強したことがあります(yes, I've studied ancient history. 」と答えることができます。
So, the time at which you studied ancient history is not important here.
All that's important is that I want to know if you have studied ancient history.
It's a little bit of a tricky one to learn as an English learner, but it's definitely a very common usage of the present perfect, to talk about something where the time that that thing happened is not important in the conversation.
The fifth situation where you would use the present perfect is to talk about an action that was recently completed, and you would use the word "just" in the sentence.
You could say this: "I have just finished the book."
こんな風に言えます。「ちょうど本を読み終えたとこだ(I have just finished the book.)」
That means that you were reading the book a few moments ago and you read the last page just in the last hour or in the last few minutes.
So, you do need the word just and you would use sentences like, "I have just finished the book."
そのため、「just」という言葉が必要で、「I have just finished the book」のような文章を使うことになります。
Let's talk a little bit about how to form the negative using the present perfect.
In order to do this, you simply add the word "not" between the conjugation of "have" and the past participle.
これをするには、have の活用と過去分詞の間に not という言葉を加えるだけです。
So, I could say this: "I have not studied for my test." "I have not visited my sister."
つまりこんな風に言えます。「私はテスト勉強をしていません。(I have not studied for my test.)」 「私は姉のところには行っていません。(I have not visited by sister.)」
You can see I simply added the word "not" between the verb "have" and the past participle.
動詞の have と過去分詞の間に、not という単語を追加しただけなのがわかりますよね。
Now we have a sentence in the negative.
Hey, I was just editing the video, and I realized I forgot to mention we use contractions in the negative as well.
We say things like, "I haven't called, you haven't called, he hasn't called, she hasn't called, we haven't called" and "they haven't called."
I haven't called, you haven't called, he hasn't called, she doesn't called, we haven't called, そして they haven't called などのように言います。
So, there you go.
I'll just pop in here for a sec and add this little clip.
Enjoy the rest of the lesson.
We should also look at how to form a question using the present perfect.
We do this by inverting the sentence.
We flip the subject and the verb "to have."
主語と動詞 "have" を反転させます。
So, you would say things like this: "Have you cleaned your room?"
つまり、こんな風に言います。「自分の部屋の掃除はしましたか?(Have you cleaned your room?)」
And you could respond by saying, "Yes, I have cleaned my room."
そして、こんな風に返事をします。「はい、部屋の掃除をしました。(yes, I have cleaned my room.)」
"Have you called your mum?"
「お母さんに電話した?(Have you called your mum?)」
And you would respond by saying, "Yes, I have called my mum."
そして、こんな風に返事をします。「はい、母に電話をしました。(yes, I have called my mum.)」
So, to form a question using the present perfect, you simply flip the subject of the sentence with the verb "to have" and put a question mark at the end.
Hey, thank you so much for watching this little lesson on the present perfect.
I hope it helped you a little bit to understand more how to use this English verb tense.
I'm Bob the Canadian.
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