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  • >> [Music: Ray Charles "What'd I Say"]

  • >> Ray Charles: [Jibberish]

  • This is America.

  • I don't give a damn what anybody tell you, this is America.

  • And I love it. So if somebody don't like something that I do,

  • that's his or her prerogative. Just like it's mine.

  • >> [Music continues]

  • >> Ray Charles: See my mom taught me a lot, man.

  • A lot about minding your own business

  • and leaving other people's business alone.

  • And let them think what they want. I mean I can't help

  • what I sound like. What I sound like is what I am. You know?

  • I cannot be anything other that what I am.

  • >> [Music continues]

  • >> Ray Charles: I don't sing "Georgia" like the record.

  • I sing "Georgia" true. I sing "Hit The Road Jack" true.

  • I sing what I sing true. Each night I sing it the way I feel that night.

  • >> [Ray Charles "Georgia"]

  • >> Ray Charles: Ain't no way in the &$#* I can sing "Georgia" the same way

  • I played it on the day. Because I'd have to go and study myself and learn.

  • I mean it really would be a chore. That's why I can't lip-sync.

  • >> [Music continues]

  • >> Ray Charles: Somebody asked me one time how I feel

  • about being called a genius. Do I feel I have to live up to something?

  • You know it ain't that kind of ballgame.

  • I feel that whatever people say about me or call me...

  • You know I mean all the little adjectives and different things

  • that people have put on me and things said about...

  • I had nothing to do with that. I never said I was a genius.

  • I never said I was a cornerstone. I've never said

  • I'm a legend in my own time. You never heard me say nothing like that.

  • You know, what I got to live up to is being myself.

  • If I do that the rest will take care of itself.

  • >> [Music: Ray Charles "I Believe To My Soul"]

  • >> Ray Charles: I think that most great artists who are extremely known, as I am,

  • would intimidate a lot of people. I don't want to do that to people,

  • but I know I do. Yes. When I'm having a rehearsal

  • and there are new guys who come in to try out for the job,

  • I always let my conductor rehearse them. Because I don't want the guy

  • to get bent out of shape, because I walk in. I always stay out

  • of the rehearsal room you know when they first come in.

  • Then once they had chance to play a little bit, then I walk in.

  • Because I've seen guys fall apart, man.

  • >> [Music: Ray Charles "Rock House"]

  • >> Ray Charles: I remember the first time I went to Carnegie Hall

  • and normally you would think that you'd be scared stiff.

  • At least that's what you're supposed to be according to what everybody...

  • Wherein for me, as opposed to being scared I was so glad...

  • something I always wanted all my ....

  • If i ever got to Carnegie... You ever have something in your mind

  • and you say "oh, lord, this is ultimate of my goal."

  • I couldn't wait to get out on stage. So I never was nervous.

  • I was so happy to be able to play Carnegie Hall and be there.

  • I guess I didn't take time to say: "look fool, you better get nervous about this first."

  • [laughter]

  • >> Ray Charles: The public has supported me, man. Do you know that?

  • Even when I was nobody. Even through all the trials and tribulations

  • and suffering and stuff I went through. They still stuck by me.

  • And that's why I believe in giving the public the best I got every night.

  • I never go out there and half do. I don't care how big the audience is.

  • If we got 500 or 5,000, I work the same, because

  • I want those 500 to go back and say:

  • "man, there wasn't too many of us there, but boy they put on a hell of a show."

  • >> [Ray Charles "What'd I Say"]

  • >> Ray Charles: I am still not quite used to it. I'm still sort of at awe

  • when I go places in the world where they speak very little english

  • and yet they know me on sight. They know my music.

  • You know I really marvel at that. I still can't quite grasp that. But isn't it wonderful?

  • >> Joe Smith: Still gives you a kick.

  • >> Ray Charles: Yes indeed. It still gives me a kick.

  • >> [Music continues]

>> [Music: Ray Charles "What'd I Say"]


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レイ・チャールズのシンギング・トゥルー|ブランク・オン・ブランク|PBSデジタル・スタジオ (Ray Charles on Singing True | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios)

  • 88 5
    Sam Yau に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日