字幕表 動画を再生する
♪Over, under, against, on, over, under, against, on♪
♪オーバー、アンダー、アゲンスト、オン 上の方、下に、もたれて、乗って♪
♪Keep on listening to this song about over, under, against, on♪
♪聞いて聞いて この歌を オーバー、アンダー、アゲンスト、オン の歌♪
♪The frog is "over" the log just like the log is "under" the frog♪
♪カエルがいるよ 丸太の「上の方」 丸太はカエルの「下に」ある♪
♪Now the frog is "against" the log♪
♪Now the frog is "on" the log♪
♪I think we should sing it again, but this time you should sing with me♪
♪もう1 回歌った方がいいよね ただし今度は 一緒に歌おう♪
♪The frog is "over" the log just like the log is "under" the frog♪
♪カエルがいるよ 丸太の「上の方」丸太はカエルの「下に」ある♪
♪Now the frog is "against" the log♪
♪Now the frog is "on" the log♪
♪Far from, near, next to, among, far from, near, next to, among♪
♪ファーフロム、ニア、ネクストトゥ、アマング 離れて、近くに、となりに、あいだに♪
♪Keep on listening to this song about far from, near, next to, among♪
♪聞いて聞いて この歌を ファーフロム、ニア、ネクストトゥ、アマング の歌♪
♪The goose is "far from" the moose♪
The goose is "near" the moose♪
♪And now the goose is "next to" the moose♪
♪And now the goose is "among" the moose♪
♪I want to hear it again, I want to hear you do it with me♪
♪もう一度聞きたいな みんなも一緒に聞いてほしい♪
♪The goose is "far from" the moose♪
♪The goose is "near" the moose♪
♪And now the goose is "next to" the moose♪
♪And now the goose is "among" the moose♪
♪I like singin' with you, let's review♪
♪みんなと歌うのが好きなんだ さぁ、復習だ♪
♪Far from♪
♪Next to♪