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So you asked for it and we made it! Today we're learning English with How To Train Your Dragon!
ご要望にお応えして、作ってみました今日は「How To Train Your Dragon」で英語を学びましょう!
Now if you've never seen this movie then be warned that this video will contain some light spoilers.
And if you are new here I want to let you know that every single week we make fun lessons just
like this one, so that you can understand fast speaking natives without getting lost,
without missing the jokes and without subtitles! Just like our fan Faustyna, who says that with
our videos she can understand everything. And you will too, it's really simple: hit that
Subscribe button and the Bell down below, and you won't miss a single one of our new lessons.
In our Fluent with Friends Course we will teach you important grammar tips just like this one,
Fluent with Friendsコースでは、このような重要な文法のコツを教えています。
to help you avoid making mistakes. Of course, in addition to learning thousands of the words
that we really use in our everyday speech, understanding how americans
really speak with correct pronunciation and laughing along with all the jokes. So
you can try that absolutely FREE with our 3-Part Masterclass!
You can learn more and sign up by clicking up here or down the description below.
Hey, if you're enjoying this lesson with How To Train Your Dragon, then I bet you'll absolutely
ねえ、もしあなたが「How To Train Your Dragon」のレッスンを楽しんでいるなら、きっとあなたは絶対に
love learning with this recent one we made with the movie Frozen 2, from Disney! So if you want to
最近では、ディズニーの映画「Frozen 2」を使って作ったものもあります。もし、あなたが
check that out then after you finish this lesson just click up here or down the description below.