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  • hey guys its Jenn~ and today I'm going to be answering your would you rather questions

  • @ItsKira12 asked me: Jenn Would you rather be locked in an elevator for three days with no food, or make out with a monkey?

  • I would make out with a monkey because I would probably die without food for three days

  • and we all know that I'm a slut anyway so thats no problem (being sarcastic)

  • @Mikaelsargeant asked me would you rather have to bathe a homeless man with your tongue once or only wear the colour green for the rest of your life?


  • @Tommy_Gadd asked me: would you rather give up the internet, or your dog

  • sorry Mickey (her dog X'D) Oh my God that's horrible...haha

  • @Bridgeham asked me: would you rather go to Vidcon or Ellie Goulding concert?

  • as much as I love Ellie Goulding, I love vidcon even more so definitely vidcon

  • and just so you know vidcon 2013 is this August It's in Anaheim California and I'M GONNA BE THERE!!! so you guys should all come and meet me!!!

  • I'll put the link to the vidcon website in the description of this video so you guys can check it out and buy tickets to meet me and other cool youtubers

  • once again @Tommy_Gadd asked me: would you rather only being able to whisper or only being able to shout?

  • SHOUT!!!!!

  • @Emily_andturtle asked me: would you rather still make videos that everyone likes or get paid $100,000 to quit making videos?

  • I'd rather still make videos.

  • @Ashley_Lawlorff asked me: would you rather follow me on twitter or kill yourself?

  • @DavidEvancho8 asked me: would you rather stay on the East coast or fly to California? (flyyyy ↑)

  • @Just4lawls asked me: would you rather drink pickle juice or eat mayonnaise?

  • drink pickle juice is actually pretty good is that weird? (i don't know...

  • @Savannazo1123 asked me: would you rather eat five live cockroaches or bath in a tub of maple syrup?

  • definitely bath in a tub of maple syrup cuz I cannot stand bugs at all!!!!

  • @annexxpeace asked me: would you rather be a bird so you can fly and shit on people you don't like or live forever to see the future?

  • definitely be a bird and to shit on people I don't like

  • @JacobDeleon97 asked me: would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button?

  • definitely a pause button that would be so useful!

  • @Heyitsilly asked me: would you have a whole bunch of spiders crawling on you at night or dye your hair bright green permanently?

  • dye my hair bright green permanently i could definitely rock that look!!! BING!!

  • alright guys! thank you so much for asking me would you rather questions if your not make sure you follow me on twitter

  • my user name is @JENNXPENN and I love to answer your questions all the time and talk to you guys

  • and thats it for this video THANK YOU guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time BYE~~!!!

hey guys its Jenn~ and today I'm going to be answering your would you rather questions


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  • 1792 56
    Vivian Wang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日