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  • Dead men float, jellyfish float. Knowing how to float is the foundation to swimming. How

  • to float on your belly in a dead man float. Push off in a streamlined position with your

  • face in the water. Glide forward and open up into a big letter X. Hold your breath for

  • about five seconds and then begin to exhale slowly. As you exhale, your body will begin

  • to sink to the bottom.

  • Bring your knees to your chest to bring your feet up to recover and stand up. Bring your

  • knees to your chest. Place your feet down on the ground to recover and stand up from

  • your dead man float. When floating, your body should be right on the surface of the water.

  • Your lower back and your heels should be right on top, as your hands are in front of you

  • reaching out into an open letter X.

  • When floating, a good technique is to hold your breath for a little time so you can get

  • a sense of buoyancy. As you begin to run out of breath, you can exhale your bubbles inside

  • the water so you can recover your body and stand up properly after you float. That's

  • how we do the dead man and the jellyfish float.

Dead men float, jellyfish float. Knowing how to float is the foundation to swimming. How


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B1 中級

デッドマンフロート(別名クラゲフロート)|スイミングレッスン (Deadman Float aka Jellyfish Float | Swimming Lessons)

  • 504 29
    Kevin Lo に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日