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  • New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is facing mounting pressure over sexual misconduct allegations after the state Assembly speaker authorized an impeachment investigation on Thursday.


  • The investigation would run parallel to one being led by state Attorney General Leticia James and comes as a growing number of politicians call for Cuomo to step down.


  • Longtime political rival New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday called Cuomo's alleged behavior unacceptable and disgusting, while Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said earlier this week the accusations were deeply troubling.


  • More than 55 Democratic state lawmakers also issued a letter Thursday calling for Cuomo's resignation.


  • Six women have come forward with harassment allegations against Cuomo, most of whom are former aides.


  • The most recent accusation comes from an unnamed aide who told local media on Tuesday that Cuomo had groped her after calling her to the executive mansion last year under the pretext of business.


  • Reuters could neither independently verify the woman's identity nor her account.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is facing mounting pressure over sexual misconduct allegations after the state Assembly speaker authorized an impeachment investigation on Thursday.


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