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  • just when you thought There quite possibly cannot be another wireless earbuds for me to review the joke's on you, but it is increasingly hard to stand out in the wireless earbuds market, from foes to Apple skull candy to one more pair of earbuds exists at just about every price point now, with many different features sprinkled throughout.


  • Being within a particular ecosystem, such as airpods for IOS users or galaxy buds pro for Samsung users, is an easy way to attract buyers.

    IOSユーザーにはairpods、Samsungユーザーにはgalaxy buds proというように、特定のエコシステムの中にいることが、購買者を惹きつける簡単な方法なのです。

  • But in anchors case, it's having a very desirable future at a very competitive price.


  • These are the sound core Liberty Air two pros and for $130.

    これらは、音の核となるLiberty Airの2人のプロと130ドルで。

  • They do a lot of things well, but it's the act of defiance cancellation, and they're really well designed app that makes them worth talking about.


  • Yeah, the Liberty Air to pros come in a large stone like case that slides to open.

    そう、Liberty Air to prosは大きな石のようなケースに入っていて、スライドして開くようになっています。

  • It is incredibly fun to fidget with.


  • Yeah, it most closely resembles the case of the galaxy buds pro longer than it is tall, but it certainly is not as pocketable as most and see buds cases.

    これは、galaxy buds proのケースに最も似ていますが、確かに、ほとんどのと budsのケースを見る限り、ポケットに入れることはできません。

  • There are three battery indicator lights on the front and a button preparing around back, which sounds like a super small detail.


  • But having a physical button preparing is far easier to use than the tap to pair method that buds like the job.


  • Early 85 teas use so thank you anchor.


  • The battery Life is on par with other agency headphones.


  • Anchor claims Seven hours of battery life with ANSI turned off or six hours with it turned on, and there are three additional charges in the case that charges both wirelessly or via USB C port around back.

    アンカー社では、ANSIをオフにした状態で7時間、オンにした状態で6時間のバッテリー駆動が可能で、ワイヤレスまたは背面のUSB Cポート経由で充電できるケースには、さらに3回の充電が可能です。

  • This was more than enough juice to get me to the point of needing to take the buds out of my ears to take a break from the tight in your seal, these buds have, and a 15 minute quick charge in the case.


  • When the case is plugged in via USB C, we'll get you back three hours of additional listening time.

    USB Cでケースを接続した場合、3時間の追加リスニング時間が得られます。

  • Now the buds themselves are the same wonderful, iconic stem design we have come to expect in wireless earbuds.


  • They have a gold fan like cover over their speakers that is actually super cool and a textured matte finish either, but can be used independently of the other, and the inner detection can be toggled on and off in the earbuds app.


  • Now I found that in your detection to be like, very sensitive and almost too sensitive for my liking.


  • So I wear a hood often because I have I don't have a lot of hair on my head and I get very cold.


  • Anyway, When I had a hood over my head and it would knock the earbuds even just a little bit, the ear bud would detect that it was out of my ear and stop my music.


  • Now a quick adjustment of the bud would get my music playing again, but it was all just kind of annoying.


  • All right, if you know me, you know I'm all about the tap controls, and I got to say the tap controls on these buds is hella limited right out of the box, double tap on left to skip to the next track, double tap on the right for playing pause or hold down for two seconds on either bud to toggle ambient sound modes.


  • Although the buds are responsive to these taps, that is a very limited amount of controls at your fingertips.


  • And, yes, all of these controls can be customized within the APP.


  • But I just found myself wanting a single tap or even a triple tap option.


  • The Liberty Air to pros come with nine different size silicone ear tips in the box, ranging from extra, extra, extra small to extra large.

    Liberty Air to prosには、extra、extra、extra smallからextra largeまで、9種類のサイズのシリコンイヤーチップが同梱されています。

  • This is to create the best seal and hopefully keep movement from happening.


  • Fit is extremely important in wireless earbuds.


  • I mean not only to make sure that you have the best seal for a N.


  • C, but also to improve sound quality, especially in the lower frequencies.


  • To confirm you have chosen the best size tips, Anchor has created the tip fit test within the sound core AB.


  • The first measures the DB levels of the space you are in two insurance quiet enough for this test.


  • The Afghan plays about 10 seconds of ringtone Esko Kestral music, and then it displays a good seal or a bad seal result for each year.


  • But there's also an audio test called here I'd that claims to map your personal hearing sensitivity at multiple frequencies to best tailor the EQ settings to you.

    しかし、「here I'd」と呼ばれるオーディオテストでは、複数の周波数における個人の聴覚感度をマッピングし、EQの設定を最適に調整することができるとしています。

  • Yeah, anyway.


  • It plays about 30 tones per ear and it asks you to answer.


  • Yes, I can hear that tone or no, I cannot.


  • Honestly, it feels a lot like going to the your doctor minus like that whole bit when they stick that weird, like pointy thing in your ear anyway.


  • Next, you're presented with a graph of your results and an EQ presets save to the APP.


  • My test resulted in deeper bass and less trouble, which did make my music sound fuller.


  • Both the fit test and the EQ settings tests are not something revolutionary.


  • A lot of buds have these tests these days.


  • Some people might find them more useful than others, but I think it's good to have the option.


  • Also, it creates this illusion that your buds are really being tailored to you, which kind of makes me feel a little special.


  • Uh huh.


  • I've made you wait long enough.


  • Let's talk audio quality.


  • The Liberty Air to pros for S P C and a C audio Codex.

    S P C と C オ ー デ ィ オ コ ー デ ィ ン グ の た め に 、リ バ テ ィ ア を プ ロ に し ま し た 。

  • They have 11 millimeter drivers that create a more trouble heavy sound.


  • While music felt full and immersive with crisp separation, I did find myself wanting more base.


  • Upping the lows in the APP certainly helped, but it wasn't as clean sounding as the base in the air pod Pros like seventies funk sounded really good, but more contemporary R and B like Doja Cat felt a bit flat, but I was most excited to test the A N.

    APPの低域をアップさせると確かに効果がありましたが、エアポッドのベースほどクリーンな音ではありませんでした。 70年代のファンクのようなプロのサウンドはとても良かったのですが、Doja Catのような現代的なR&Bは少しフラットに感じました。

  • C.


  • In these buds.


  • There are three main ambient sound modes.


  • Full noise cancellation, transparency mode and then normal, which turns off the N.


  • C and the transparency mode within the full and see and transparency modes.


  • There are even more specific controls for controlling the level of pastor sound.


  • The N C mode features a transport mode for canceling low end frequencies such as train rumbles, an indoor mode for mid range frequencies and an outdoor mode that anchor claims is best for city spaces.

    N Cモードは、電車の騒音などの低音域をキャンセルするトランスポートモード、中音域をキャンセルするインドアモード、都市空間に最適なアウトドアモードを搭載しています。

  • Then there's also a custom mode for dialing in the best setting for you.


  • I sent my A N.

    私はA Nを送りました。

  • C.


  • To transport mode, and I left it there for most of my time with these buds.


  • It absolutely took out the lower frequencies, and it was very easy to slip into oblivion.


  • I found it most like the noise cancellation on the job early 85 teas on the train.


  • The low rumbles disappeared, but it's still let through just a bit more sound than the air pod pros or the galaxy buds pro.

    低音の響きは消えましたが、それでもair pod prosやgalaxy buds proよりもほんの少しだけ音を通します。

  • And although the transparency mode is realistic, it doesn't have the same year bloodless feel of the Air Pod pros, either.

    また、透過モードはリアルですが、「Air Pod pros」のような年季の入った血の通っていない感じもありません。

  • It certainly still feels like there's something blocking my ear canals from the outside world.


  • There is, however, a vocal transparency mode that takes out low frequencies while allowing higher frequencies such as voices through.


  • It was helpful in listening to train announcements, but ultimately taking near but out to hear an announcement was far easier.


  • Okay, so I've spent a lot of this review talking about the Liberty Air to pros app without really talking about how beautiful it is.

    さて、このレビューでは、Liberty Air to prosアプリの美しさについてはあまり触れずに、多くのことを語ってきました。

  • And this is kind of rare for your buds.


  • Usually, when I get a pair of buds, I download their app.


  • I dial in some EQ settings, maybe change a couple of touch controls, and then I never really open that app again.


  • But with the sound court app, I found myself going back to it like if I was bored on a train, I'd open it up and I would just play with all the settings I had.


  • If someone was talking across the car, I would be like, Oh, can I still hear them under this transparency mode or with this and sea levels on?


  • It's just really fun, and I think that's because it's so well designed.


  • It's so easy to use and, like, the colors are beautiful.


  • I I don't know.

    I I don't know.

  • It was a really weird experience for me to actually love an ear buds.


  • App.


  • Yeah, in a wireless urban market full of worthy and not so worthy competition, it is increasingly hard to be impressed by a new Bud.


  • But the sound core Liberty Air Two Pro's competitive $130 price tag It brought me in and then they're true.

    しかし、音の核となるLiberty Air Two Proの130ドルという競争力のある価格設定は、私を引き込み、そしてその通りになりました。

  • Active noise cancellation and well designed app kept me coming back for more.


  • They certainly could use more bass, and they could absolutely use a smaller case.


  • But Anchor has done a great job at bridging the gap between a budget friendly option and a really reliable earbuds that you're going to be excited to put in your ears every day.


  • Let's talk audio quality.


  • That's like my favorite part in these videos.


  • Always.


  • Because then you get your brain like the six like, Yeah, so good.


just when you thought There quite possibly cannot be another wireless earbuds for me to review the joke's on you, but it is increasingly hard to stand out in the wireless earbuds market, from foes to Apple skull candy to one more pair of earbuds exists at just about every price point now, with many different features sprinkled throughout.


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