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  • Professor Witchy.


  • The modeling is just reflecting the fact that because this is such a common virus gets to large numbers of people, even if you have a relatively small proportion of people still remain vulnerable.

    モデリングは、これはこのような一般的なウイルスであるため、人々 の比較的小さな割合を持っている場合でも、まだ脆弱なままの人々 の大規模な数に取得するという事実を反映しています。

  • That's still equates to a very large number of people overall, and that's really what this is reflecting.


  • And I think what we're gonna see is as things are opening up, what all the modelling suggests is, at some point we will get a surge in violence.


  • Uh, and whether that happens, we hope it doesn't happen soon.


  • But it might, for example, happen later in the summer.


  • If we if we open up gradually or if there's a seasonal effect, it might might happen over the next autumn and winter.


  • But I think all the modelling suggests there is going to be a further surge, and that will find the people who either have not been vaccinated or whether vaccines not worked.


  • Uh, and some of them will end up in hospital, and sadly, some of them were going to die.


  • And that is, that's just the reality of of where we are the current vaccination.


  • The current model does make a number of assumptions go into those details, too, if you're interested.


  • But broadly, that is the reason why we're expecting to see further deaths, although the ratio of cases two deaths will go right down as a result of vaccination, but not right down to zero, unfortunately.


Professor Witchy.


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