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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • Could you make…?

    "Could you make...?"

  • No.


  • Could you do…?

    "Could you do...?"

  • Wait.


  • Which is it?


  • Do you know when to use "do" and when "make"?

    皆さんは、いつ "do" を使って、いつ "make" を使うかご存知ですか?

  • Hello, hello, everyone.


  • You don't need to worry about this question anymore, because, in this video, I'll explain the difference between make and do.

    もう、そんな問題の心配はいりません。なぜなら、この動画で "do" と "make" の違いをお教えするから。

  • Oh, and don't forget to subscribe to the channel.


  • But first, I have a challenge for you.


  • We have these six activities, and you have to decide whether you use "do" or "make" when talking about them.

    ここに 6 つの動作に関する表現があります。これらの動作について話す時に "do" を使うのか "make" を使うのか選んでください。

  • After watching this video, please leave your answers in the comments.


  • "Do" and "make" are two of the most common verbs in English, and people use them all the time.

    "do" と"make" は、英語では最も多く用いられる動詞で、みんなもしょっちゅう使っています。

  • But don't worry, I will help you learn to use them in the right way.


  • To start with, we usually use "do" when we talk about activities.

    まず私たちは通常、様々な動作について話す時 "do" を使います。

  • For example, "do a task," "do someone a favor," and "do the shopping."

    例えば、"do a task (=仕事をする)"、"do someone a favor (=~のために頼まれごとをする)"、"do the shopping (= 買い物をする)" など。

  • "Make," on the other hand, can often mean there is an element of creating something.

    一方、"make" は、何かしらの創作的な要素があることを意味する場合が多いんです。

  • A result, for example.


  • You "make a mess," "make a sound," and "make breakfast."

    「あなたは "make a mess (= メチャメチャにする)"、"make a sound (=音を立てる)"、"make breakfast (=朝食を作る)" 」など。

  • For example, when I was doing the exercises, I made two mistakes.

    例文:「演習問題をしている(= doing the exercises)時、私は 2 つ間違えた。」

  • I did some research for the university, and I made a presentation with the conclusions.

    「大学の (課題で) 調べごとを行い( =did some research )、その結果について発表をした( =made a presentation)。」

  • We usually use "do" when we talk about housework, as in "do the laundry" or "do the dishes."

    私たちは通常、家事について話す際には "do" を使います。例えば、"do the laundry (=洗濯をする)" とか " do the dishes (=食器を洗う)" という場合ですね。

  • Work and study as in "do homework," "do business," or "do a project."

    仕事や勉強では、"do homework (=宿題をする)"、"do business (= 取引をする)"、"do a project (=j事業/課題に取り組む)" のように使われます。

  • We usually use "make" when (we) talk about food as in "make a cup of tea" or "make a reservation at a restaurant."

    "make" は通常、食品/食事について話す際に使われます。"make a cup of tea (= 1 杯の紅茶を淹れる)"、"make a reservation at a restaurant (= レストランの予約を取る)" などです。

  • Money, as in "make money," or "make X dollars, pounds, euros, pesos" from selling something.

    金銭に関しては、"make money (= お金を稼ぐ)"、"make ~ dollars ( =ドル)/ pounds (=ポンド)/euros (=ユーロ)/pesos (=ペソ) "。何かを売ってお金を稼ぐからですね。

  • Relationships, as in "make friends" or "make up."

    人間関係については、"make friends (=友達を作る)" や、"make up (=仲直りする)" など。

  • Communication, as in "make a phone call, or "make a confession."

    コミュニケーションでは、"make a phone call (=電話をする)"、"make a confession (=白状する)"。

  • Plans and progress as in "make mistakes" or "make a list."

    計画や進捗状況に関しては、"make mistakes (=ミスをする)"とか、"make a list (=リストを作成する)" など。

  • But remember, these are just common collocations and generalizations, not absolute rules, because there are some exceptions within these categories that you will need to be careful with.


  • That is everything for today, guys.


  • I hope "make" and "do" are a little clearer for you now.

    "make" と "do" の違いが少しでもはっきりしていたら良いです。

  • Please, don't forget to write down your answer of the challenge from the start of the video.


  • Thumbs up if you like this video, and don't forget to share it with your friends.


  • See you.


Could you make…?

"Could you make...?"

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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