字幕表 動画を再生する
(intense guitar music)
♪ Loud mouth, I got a loud mouth ♪
♪Loud mouth, I got a loud mouth ♪
- Moxie to me is to be loud.
- 私にとってのお灸とは大声を出すことです。
- Speaking my mind, what I think is right,
- 自分の思っていることを口にして、正しいと思うこと。
what I think is wrong.
- You're assertive.
- 自己主張が強いですね。
- Having commitment when it comes
- それが来るときにコミットメントを持っていること
to something you care about.
- Taking a good, hard look at yourself.
- 自分自身をよく見て
- And to live authentically.
- そして、真正に生きること。
- To fearlessly fight for what you believe in.
- 自分の信じるもののために大胆不敵に戦うこと。
- And empower others to work their hardest
- そして、他の人が自分の仕事に一生懸命になるように力を与える
to be the best people they can be.
- Moxie is an amazing word,
- モクシーってすごい言葉ですね。
and to me, it means to have spunk,
but it's more than spunk, it's tenacity.
- To me, it means to have courage within oneself,
- 私にとっては、自分の中に勇気を持つということです。
standing up for what it is right.
- Even when not everybody agrees with it.
- 全員が同意していなくても
- To be supportive and to be empowered.
- 支えられること、力を与えられること。
- It makes women feel very strong and confident,
- 女性の気持ちがとても強くなり、自信が持てるようになります。
and that they could be anything.
- I am moxie.
- 私はもぐもぐしています。
♪ I'ma take your place woman ♪
♪ I ma take your place woman ♪
♪ I was raised in hell ♪
♪ I was raised in hell ♪
♪ Raised in hell ♪
♪ I was raised in hell ♪
♪ I was raised in hell ♪
- Someone that inspires me
- 私を鼓舞してくれる人
that has hell of moxie is my mama.
She doesn't take no from no one.
- Serena Williams. She's not afraid to speak her mind.
- セリーナ・ウィリアムズ彼女は自分の意見を言うことを恐れない。
- Angelina Jolie, because she's very open
- アンジェリーナ・ジョリー、彼女はとてもオープンだから
about her struggles and her mistakes,
and yet she continues to strive to be better.
- My grandmother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
- 祖母 ユーニス・ケネディ・シュライバー
She was the creator behind Special Olympics.
- My mum has moxie,
- 私のママはもぐさをしています。
and she's my biggest inspiration.
- I think any woman right now whose gone
- 今の女性なら誰でもそうだと思う
through the year 2020, has a lot of moxie.
♪ They can't stop me ♪
♪ Every thing I do, I do it properly ♪
- I have moxie by trying my best to do
- 頑張ることでお灸を据える
the right thing even if it's the hardest thing.
- By speaking up against injustice.
- 不正に対抗して発言することで
- By challenging the status quo.
- 現状に挑戦することで
- By standing up for people with intellectual
- 知的な人のために立ち上がることで
and physical disabilities.
- By raising teenagers.
- 10代を育てることで
- By being my most unique self.
- 最もユニークな自分であることで
- By standing up to bullies.
- いじめっ子に立ち向かうことで
- By uniting with my fellow women.
- 仲間の女性と団結することで
- I have moxie, because I'm a boss ass bitch.
- 私はボスのケツビッチだからモグモグしてます。
- That's moxie.
- それがモクシーだ
♪ I'm a dangerous woman I was raised in hell ♪
♪ I'm a dangerous woman I was raised in hell ♪
♪ Raised in hell ♪
- To call ligio, I'm 100% that bitch.
- リジオを呼ぶには、100%そのビッチです。