字幕表 動画を再生する
- Look, I have no intention of saying anything like this.
- いいか、こんなことを言うつもりはない。
- Why not?
- どうして?
- Because it's fucking nonsense.
- クソナンセンスだから
(upbeat music)
What do I do with this?
- Is your match over?
- 試合は終わったのか?
- Yes, I won.
- はい、勝ちました。
- That was fast.
- 早かったですね。
(chess piece thuds) (gentle music)
(チェスの駒が鳴る) (優しい音楽)
- Jesus Christ, Harmon, you're humiliating my rook.
- 何てこった ハーモン 俺のルークに恥をかかせやがって
- You won't have to suffer much longer.
- 長く苦しむことはありません。
- Son of a bitch.
- くそったれ
- I think that's it.
- これで終わりだと思います。
- No, I can get out of this.
- いや、私はここから抜け出せる。
- I don't think so.
- それはないと思います。
Maybe, if you'd gotten here on time.
(clock ticking) (gentle music)
♪ On the 25th of the 12th this year ♪
(jaunty music)
I should probably learn how to speak Russian.
- One more time Beth.
- もう一回だけ ベス
(speaking Russian)
(Alma clapping)
- Congrats.
- おめでとう
(Alma whistles) (Alma clapping)
(アルマの口笛) (アルマの拍手)
- Alma was not pathetic, she was stuck.
- アルマは情けないどころか、動けなくなっていた。
There's a difference.
She didn't know how to get out of it.
Pathetic, well, I'm looking at pathetic.
- Hi boys.
- こんにちは
- [Boys] Hey.
- おい
(water dripping)
- Lovely night for a swim.
- 泳ぐには素敵な夜。
- Excuse me, miss.
- すみません、お嬢さん。
What happened to that gawky kid
who kicked my ass five years ago? (chuckles)
- So, what did you do to that poor guy,
- で、その可哀想な人に何をしたの?
you played in the third round?
He looked like he wanted to kill himself.
- Um, which poor guy are you talking about?
- あの、どこのかわいそうな人のことを言ってるんですか?
- Touche.
- トゥシェ。
(timer clicks)
- Let's play speed chess.
- スピードチェスをしよう
- Well, that'll give us an edge.
- まあ、それは私たちに有利になるでしょう。
We can think on your time.
- Mm, I want to try it.
- うーん、やってみたい。
- No, but you're not so good at that, remember.
- いや、でもお前はそれが苦手なんだよ、覚えておけよ。
- I'll bet you 10, I can beat you.
- 10賭けても勝てるよ
I'll bet you 10 on each of them too.
- Okay, it's your money.
- よし、お前の金だ
- It will be.
- そうなるでしょう。
(timer clicking)
♪ Every evening, when all my day's work is through ♪
♪ Every evening, when all my day's work is through ♪
♪ I call my baby, and ask her what shall we do ♪
♪ I call my baby, and ask her what shall we do ♪
♪ I mention movies, but she don't seem to dig that ♪
"映画の話をしたけど 彼女は興味が無いみたい
♪ And then she ask me, why don't I come to her flat ♪
♪ And then she ask me, why don't I come to her flat ♪
- You should see the places I play in the Soviet Union.
- ソ連でプレイしているところを見てほしい。
- I'm planning on it.
- 計画しています。
- [Announcer] My guess is, Laev was expecting an easy win,
- ラエフは楽勝を予想していたようだ
and not at all the 27 move thrashing Beth Harmon
just gave him.
(crowd applauds)
(crowd chattering)
- [Reporter] Miss Harmon, what do you say to those
- ハーモンさん 何て言いますか?
in the chess federation who accuse you
of being too glamorous to be a serious chess player?
(camera shutters clicking)
- I would say that it's much easier to play chess
- チェスの方がはるかに簡単だと言っても過言ではありません
without the burden of an Adam's Apple.
(camera shutters clicking)
(upbeat music)
(chess pieces whooshing)
- Draw. (clock ticking)
- ドロー。(時計の音)
(intense music)
It's your game.
(gentle music)
(speaks Russian)