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What is Ontology? Let me give you a general introduction to the word and the concept.
オントロジーとは何か? この言葉と概念について、一般的な紹介をしよう。
The word itself comes from two Greek words namely: "Onto," which means existence or being
real, and "Logia" which means science, or study.
を意味する "real "と、科学や学問を意味する "quot;Logia""。
The word Ontology is used both in a philosophical context and a non-philosophical context.
Let's start with the former. Ontology in a philosophical context, well it's basically the study of
まず前者から始めよう。 哲学的な文脈における存在論とは、基本的に以下のような学問である。
what exists, what is being real, what is real.
And examples of Philosophical Ontology questions could be - What are the fundamental parts of
the world and how are they related to each other? Are physical parts more real than immaterial
そして、それらは互いにどのように関連しているのか? 物理的な部分は非物質的な部分よりも現実的なのか?
concepts; for example, are physical objects such as shoes more real than the concept of walking?
And in terms of what exists, what is the relationship between shoes and walking?
And why is Ontology important in philosophy? Well, philosophers use this concept of Ontology
哲学においてオントロジーが重要なのはなぜか? 哲学者たちは、このオントロジーという概念を次のように使っています。
to discuss questions, to build theories and models, and to consequently better understand the
Ontological status of the world.
And over time there has been two major branches:
Ontological Materialism and Ontological Idealism.
Materialism from a philosophical perspective is the belief that material things are just particles,
chemical processes, and energy are more real than, for example, the human mind. So, the overall
化学的プロセスやエネルギーは、例えば人間の心よりも現実的なものだ。 だから、全体的な
belief within Ontological Materialism is that reality of exists regardless of a human observer.
In Ontological Idealism, on the other hand, the belief is that immaterial phenomenon, such as the
human mind and the consciousness are more real than the material things. And the belief here is
人間の心や意識は、物質的なものよりも実在する。 そして、ここでの信念は
that the reality is constructed in the mind of the observer.
Moving on, I told you this is just a general introduction to the concept.
In a non- philosophical context, Ontology is used in a different, more narrow meaning. Here
非哲学的な文脈では、オントロジーは別の、より狭い意味で使われる。 ここでは
Ontology is the description of what exists specifically within a determined field.
For example, every part that exists within a specific information system and this includes the
relationship and hierarchy between these parts.
And, unlike the philosophers, these researchers are not primarily interested in discussing if these
things are the true essence or core of the system. And, nor are they discussing if the parts within
そのシステムの本質や核となるものである。 また、システム内の部品がシステムの本質や核心であるかどうかを議論しているわけでもない。
the system are more real, compared to the processes that take place within the system. Rather,
システム内で行われるプロセスに比べれば、システムはより現実的である。 むしろ、
they are focused on naming parts and processes and
grouping similar ones together within categories.
So, here are some more examples of the use of Ontology outside philosophy. It's also used in
では、哲学以外でのオントロジーの使用例をいくつか挙げてみよう。 オントロジーは次のような分野でも使われている。
Social Ontology; here the idea is to describe society and the difference parts and processes
within society. And the purpose of Social Ontology then could be to simply understand and
社会の中で。 そして、社会存在論の目的は、単純に理解することである。
describe the underlying structures that affect individuals and groups.
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