字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント This is a day in the life of a Japanese firefighter 今回は日本の消防士の1日に密着すっぞ! This is Soushi 彼の名はSOUSHI、22歳 東京に住む消防士で今起きるところだ a 22 year old firefighter in Tokyo ここは普通のマンションに見えるかもしれねぇけど and he's just waking up to start his day 単身待機宿舎って呼ぶんだ This may look like a regular Japanese apartment 直訳するとSINGLE WAITING DORMITORYかな but it's known as 消防署が提供する宿舎で 'Tanshin Taikishukusa' in Japanese 緊急事態が発生した時、 例えば大きな災害があった時なんかに which directly translated means ここに住む消防士がすぐ出場できるようになってんだ "A single waiting dormitory" 消防士は全員ここに住んでんのか? as it's provided by the fire department SOUSHIは、家で朝食を食うようにしてる In an emergency situation, シフトが始まる前にしっかり腹ごしらえしねぇとな! such as a large natural disaster, チョコクリームを食えば 間違いなく腹いっペーになるな! it makes it easy for the firefighters living here 日本のサラリーマンと同様、 SOUSHIはスーツを着て通勤するんだ to quickly gather and help with any efforts 通勤時間がたった10分でもだぞ Do all firefighters live in this type of facility? SOUSHIは消防士になって4年目 Soushi usually eats breakfast at home 消防士は英語でFIREFIGHTERだな making sure he fuels up before his shift 広島で高校を卒業後、1年間焼き鳥屋で働きながら 消防士になるための勉強をしたんだって I guess that chocolate spread on his toast 試験に受かってから上京したんだ gets him up for the day ahead 密着シリーズ再開だぞ Like most Japanese salarymen 今回はちょっと特別、、、 24時間の密着なんだ! he also wears a suit to work, そろそろここにSOUSHIが来るはずだぞ even though his office commute 今朝の調子はどうか聞いてみようぜ is only a 10 minute walk away 昨日はよく眠れた? Soushi is in his fourth year as a shoboshi, ここがSOUSHIの職場 in English a firefighter 城東消防署 砂町出張所だ After high school in Hiroshima 東京には消防拠点が全部で303あって、 18620人の消防職員が東京を守ってるんだ he studied for the firefighter exam 消防署にエレベーターはあるんだけど for one year while working at a yakitori restaurant 日本の消防士は体力づくりのためにも 階段を使うことが多いんだ After passing, he relocated to Tokyo SOUSHI、そりゃなんだ? I am back with another "Day in the Life" 日本の消防士は10段階の階級がある This one is going to be special 階級によってバッジの星と ストライプの数が変わるんだ because we're doing a full 24 hours SOUSHI含め、消防士はみんな 最初の階級からスタート仕組みになってるぞ Soushi should be coming around the corner right now つまり、 星一つとストライプ一本からのスタートだ let's see how he's doing this morning 次の階級に上がるためには、 勤務成績と試験で選考が行われる Good morning. SOUSHIのの場合は約4年後だから、もうすぐだな! Did you sleep well last night? 日本で消防士になるためには And this is Soushi's office, なかなか大変な採用試験に受からなきゃなんねぇんだ the Joto Fire Station, Tokyo Sunamachi branch しかも 年に一度しか行われねぇ In Tokyo there are a total of 303 fire stations coving the entire area 試験は筆記試験と体力試験があるんだって with about 18,600 firefighters at the ready 採用人数には限りがあるから、 日本で消防士になるにはかなり競争率が高い Although the fire station has an elevator 去年なんて、倍率14倍だぞ! it's fairly standard for Japanese firefighters つまり、全体の約7%が受かった計算になるよな to use the stairs throughout the day SOUSHI、今何してんだ? Soushi, what's that? 本部から日々重要な情報が送られてくるから In Japan, firefighters have 10 different ranks 出勤したら、まずはその書類に目を通すんだ Badges have different numbers of stars & stripes 今何してんだ? All firefighters like Soushi start at the 1st rank, 日本の消防士のシフトは24時間 one star and one stripe シフトが入れ替わる時には、「大交替」が行われる To earn a promotion to the next rank, the department will review 前の部と今から入る部で別れて並ぶんだ Soushi's performance and test results after around four years 前の部は、シフト中に起きた出来事を正確に伝える So he's almost there! 例えば、どこで火災が起きて、何回出場したとか And to become a firefighter in Tokyo 他にも引き継ぎが必要なことは 全て漏れなく伝えるぞ applicants must pass an exhaustive 大交替は1日の中で特に重要な時間の一つ fire department recruitment examination 緊急事態が発生した時、 消防士は安全かつすばやく行動する必要があるだろ? that's held only once a year ここで引き継がれる情報はその際に必要なってくるんだ Which includes both a written and physical exam 今は朝の点検中 Each year there are only a limited number of positions ここで、資器材や車両に異常がないかチェックするんだ so becoming a Japanese firefighter あ、SOUSHIが防火衣を着てるぞ is highly competitive 英語だとBUNKER GEARだな Last year only 1 out of 14 applicants, 防火衣を着用して、不備がないか隈なくチェックするんだ about seven percent, 彼の命にかかわることだからな were able to pass the full exam 自分の装備を点検した後は チームメンバーと一緒に車両の点検を行う Soushi, what are you doing now? 車両のライトから、扉が全てスムーズに開くかなど Apparently every day headquarters 緊急事態には、1秒でも早く動きたいからな sends documents to all the firefighters, 次は、 消防活動に使う資器材の点検だ so one of his first tasks in the morning is to read through all of the material 一つ一つめちゃくちゃ丁寧にチェックするんだ What are you doing now? もうすぐ終わりそうだな In Japan, the firefighters work a 24-hour shift くまなく点検してたように見えたぞ and it officially commences at a large meeting called 'daikotai' 次はなんだろな The previous day's shift lines up on one side 朝のストレッチをしてるみてぇだ while the incoming shift lines up on another 全員同じ動きをしてるぞ During the meeting, the previous team will inform クールだ! the incoming shift all of the details あ、SOUSHIがリードしてる! for any incidents during their shift ストレッチが終わると防火衣がきちんと 着装できてるかのチェック Such as locations, この後は訓練をするぞ how many times they were sent out, and any other important matters 今なにしてんだ? This is one of the most critical points of the day ホースをくるくるするのは、 空気を抜くためなんだって as all of the information must be transferred accurately それと、ホースをああやって折るのは 一番スムーズに使えるからなんだ In case there's an event or disaster どこの消防署のホースかがわかるように 漢字が書かれてるぞ the firefighters must always act quickly and safely 10台以上の消防隊が駆けつけることもあるからな based on the information they have すげぇ数のホースになるんだろうな Right now they're doing all of their morning checks あ、訓練が始まりそうだぞ They have to do this to make sure all the equipment is working 日本の消防士は60秒以内で出場できるんだ as well as making sure 着替えだけじゃなくて、地図を読むのも含めでだぞ! all of the vehicles are working properly めっちゃはえー! Oh! Soushi's putting on his bokai 今日の訓練は、2階の火災から人を救助する設定 AKA bunker gear どんな火災や災害にも対応できるように 消防士は毎日違うシチュエーションで訓練するんだ As part of his own morning inspection, SOUSHIが初めて消防士として出場したのは 高所から転落した人の救助だったんだ Soushi must fully try on his gear でも、初めてだったから 緊張で手が震えて何もできなかったんだって to ensure that every piece is working properly チームからのサポートと訓練に励んだおかげで Literally, his life depends on it 緊張しなくなったんだ After verifying his equipment, 今では、自信を持って業務に取り組めるようになったぞ the team must work together to inspect the fire truck 本当の火災では、煙で視界がほぼゼロに近い状態になる Everything is checked, from the lights だから、消防士はこうやって 蹴りながら足場を確認するんだ all the way down to each door compartment opening smoothly あ、人を発見! Because in an emergency situation, every second counts 建物から人を助け出したら Next the team inspects their firefighting equipment 地上へ下ろすんだ to ensure that it's also in working order 自分の力で下に移動できない場合は The check for each individual piece of equipment ロープとかで固定して安全に下ろすぞ is methodical and the entire process 緊迫感に溢れた訓練だったな must be committed to the firefighter's memory 本当の火災だともっとすげーんだろうな It looks like they're finishing up right now それ重そうだな That was a pretty comprehensive check 全部着用した状態でどのくらいの重さんなんだ? Let's see what's next 体力を削られる訓練を終えたばっかりだけど And now it looks like they're doing their morning stretches 訓練後すぐにの補充作業をするんだ They're all doing it all in one motion, すぐに出場することになるかもしれないからな which is pretty cool SOUSHIは消火活動や救助活動をする以外にも Oh look, it's Soushi leading the group 申請や防火予防関連の受付などもするんだ After stretches they quickly gear back up 今回は防火管理者講習を受ける市民の対応をしてるぞ This time inspecting each other's gear 申請書を書くのをサポートしてるみたいだ After this, でも、この仕事を始めて長くはないから 不明点があると上司に確認をするようにしてるんだ the team continues on with their daily firefighting training オフィスでは担当の仕事があるのか? What are you doing right now? SOUSHIはしばらく仕事で手が離せなさそうだから Rolling removes all the air bubbles ちょっくら探検しに行こうぜ and folding it as such is just the most efficient way to start ここはトレーニングルームみてぇだな before it gets extended during the live drill ウェイトにベンチ、プルアップバーがあるぞ Apparently the Kanji character on the hose identifies the fire station スクワットラックもあるな Useful in real life fire situations 消防車が寂しそうにしてるぞ as there could be more than 10 fire trucks involved たくさんある扉の中に何が入ってるか オラ、 いつも気になってたんだよな That's a lot of hose! よっしゃ、まずはここを開けてみようぜ Oh it looks like they're just about to start ほら! Japanese firefighters are trying あ、あれはさっきSOUSHIが点検してたサーチライトだ! to get ready in under 60 seconds 煙で真っ暗な状況で使うライトだぞ Full gear plus verifying ここには面白いもんはねぇな the incident destination and route on a map ここにはたくさんホースが入ってる That's so fast! それにAEDもあるぞ In today's drill, これは、消防車が入れない場所にある 消火栓につなげるためのパイプだ Soushi and his team are simulating the rescue 予備のブーツ! of a person on the second floor of a burning building よっしゃ、反対側も見に行こうぜ Every day the firefighters must drill different sitations フォームスプレー、泡で消火する時に使うやつ in order to be prepared for フォームパーティーができるじゃねーか! whatever future incident or disaster may happen 予備のタンク In Soushi's first call as a firefighter あのオレンジのプレートはなんだ? he had to help rescue a person who fell down from a high location あーそうやって使うのか But being his first time スッゲー整理整頓されてる! his hands were shaking so badly he couldn't perform ここは非常用資機材庫って書いてある Luckily with the support and encouragement from his team, 中に何が入っているか見てみようぜ in addition to hard work on these type of training drills, すげぇ!クールな物いっぺーあんぞ! he was able to overcome 酸素ボンベの予備だろ the nervousness he had on his first outing ロープがめっちゃたくさん He now operates with confidence それにストレッチャー In an actual fire, ハイドロリックパワーカッターもあるぞ! これでメタルも切れるんだ the entire room is usually engulfed with black smoke 本当の火災で出場するみてぇだ and likely visibility close to zero それで一旦ストップしなきゃなんなかったんだ So firefighters are trained 今戻ってきたところ to kick their legs out to check their surrounding 本当の火災じゃなかったみてぇだ 何があったのか聞いてみようぜ Oh, they found him! SOUSHI、何があったんだ? Once the person is evacuated from inside 日本の火災原因の一番はたばこ 2番目は放火なんだぞ the team must get the person down to the ground level 今は何してんだ? If they are unable to make it down on their own やったー昼メシだ! the team is trained to secure them via ropes 今日は油淋鶏とチャーハン、チゲスープにヨーグルトを食うぞ and lower them down safely いつもコンビニ飯なのか? Wow that was intense 今までは同僚と一緒に飯を食ってたんだけど I could only imagine what a real fire would be like コロナのせいで食事中は バラバラに座らなきゃいけなくなったんだ That looks heavy 昼メシの後はミーティング ここで午後の動きを確認するぞ How much does all of your gear weigh? あ、所長だ Although Soushi just completed an exhausting fire drill 日本のオフィスでは、一番上のポジションの人が 奥に離れて座るのが一般的だ he and his team must be diligent こんな感じでな and ready their gear right after the training メインのデスクアイランドとは離れて デスクを置くんだ Again, in case they're called out to a real fire 出発だ! In Japan, firefighters not only SOUSHIは消防車の正式な運転手なんだ fight fires and go out on emergency calls, 彼が運転するのは送水車 but they also assist local residents with permits 日本にはたくさんの種類の消防車があって もっと大きなタイプもある and safety fire related matters でも、東京の道は狭いから This resident is here to register for a fire safety seminar この車は東京の狭い道を、安全に素早く 運転できるようなサイズにしてるんだ Soushi helps the resident complete the forms 送水車は現場に2番目に到着する車なんだ but he's still relatively new and learning the ropes そして、消火栓の隣に停める So when he's unsure about something 火災の近くに最初に行く先行車へ、 消火栓から水を送るんだ he checks with his superiors on proper procedures 何してんだ? Do firefighters have a specific job in the office? これは日本語で水利調査っていうんだ It looks like Soushi's going to be tied up for a bit 消防士は管轄の消火栓がちゃんと使えるかを 月に2、3回点検するんだ So while he's doing that 車や人に踏まれて マンホールが外れなくなることもあるから let's go explore this place 緊急事態でもすぐに使えるように 点検しておくことが大切なんだ Just behind me, it looks like their training room これはちゃんと使そう? They have some weights, they have a bench, あ、戻ってきたぞ they have a pull-up bar, a dip bar, SOUSHI、今からはにをするんだ and it looks like they have a squatting rack as well 消防士は、救急スキルも身に付けておく必要があるんだ Hmm the fire truck looks a little bit lonely 今日はCPRやAEDを チームメイトと訓練することにしたぞ I've always been curious to see what's behind 日本の消防士は1分も無駄にしないように感じるな those compartment doors なんで携帯を使ってるんだ All right, first let's see what's in this one 東京消防庁のオフィシャル YouTubeチャンネルもあるぞ Oh wow, can you see that? 救急手当や火災予防について わかりやすく説明した動画をアップしてるんだ That's the searchlight system Soushi was inspecting earlier, あ、筋トレしてる! used in smoky blacked out conditions 出場していない時間帯は、自由に使えて 体を鍛えたり、体を休めたりするんだ Not so interesting here. 訓練や出場がたくさんあったのに 筋トレをする体力が残ってるなんて、すげーぞ! Nice more hose 今から何をするんだ Plus ropes and an AED 今日のメニューは? A fire hydrant pipe attachment used 朝食と夕食は当番の消防士が作るんだぞ when the fire truck can't enter a place みんな同じメシを食うんだ まさに、ファミリースタイル! Extra boots 24時間シフト中、寝食を共にする仲間だから Ok, that's this side ただの仕事仲間っているよりも、家族に近い存在なんだ Let's see the other side こうやって信頼関係を築いてくんだな Cool, a foam sprayer when water isn't enough 夕食の後は車両の点検をするぞ or I guess if they're throwing a party ライトの点検をするんだけど 夜だからチェックしやすそうだな Some extra tanks 東京の消防署は、三グループが 24時間シフトを交代してる仕組みになってる Oh, what are those orange plates? ここの消防署では各グループ、 消防士と救急隊員含め全部で12人だ Nice, I see what they did here 火災の大きさによっては 全員が出場することもあるんだって Damn, seems pretty organized to me この後、もう一度全員でミーティング Oh look behind me it says 'emergency equipment storage' 今何してんだ? Let's check what's inside シフト中は常に出場待機なんだけど Wow I didn't expect them to have all this cool stuff in here 今から夜の仮眠の時間まで、少しだけ自由な時間がある Looks like they have spare oxygen tanks, この時間を使って、勉強だけじゃなくて雑用もこなすんだ 例えば、洗濯を干したり、畳んだり a whole bunch of ropes, a stretcher みんなここで洗濯するのか? Oh wow even a hydraulic powered cutter 経験の豊富なチームメイトと 消防や人命救助テクニックを学ぶ訓練をしたりもするぞ to cut through metal 日本の先輩後輩の関係だ Looks like there's a real fire going on right now 夜の時間は、日中の訓練での学びや消防スキルを じっくりものにする時間でもあるんだ So we had to stop 消防士として働くってどういう感じなんだ? All right, so they just got back 仮眠を取る前に手短にシャワーを浴 びるぞ Apparently there was no actual fire まだシフトは終わってないけど 数時間は休めるといいな Let's see what happened みんな、おはよー! Soushi, what happened? また早朝からのスタート そろそろSOUSHIが起きる時間だ Interestingly the number one cause 何してるか見に行こうぜ of fires in Japan is smoking おはよー!昨晩はどうだった? and the second, arson 朝起きてまず、消防士全員で消防署の清掃をするんだ So what now? SOUSHIは今日、トイレの担当 Yay, finally lunch time! 典型的な日本の会社では、清掃会社に頼まずに 社員が掃除をするんだ It looks like he's having これには、色んな理由があるんだけど yourinji fried chicken, fried rice, chicken soup, and yogurt チームワーク構築と物に対する敬意を 育成するってのがオラが好き理由だな Soushi, do you always buy lunch at the konbini? 消防車は毎日掃除するのか? He used to be able to have lunch with his colleagues, 美味そうだな〜 今朝の朝メシはうどんみてぇだ! but because of COVID, 24時間のシフトももうすぐ終わる everyone needs to sit apart from each other during meals SOUSHIの顔も、少しだけリラックスしてるように見える After lunch, 大交替の前に、次の部に何を伝えるかを チームと簡単な打ち合わせするぞ he has a meeting to go over the afternoon tasks よっしゃこれで終わり! SOUSHIは今シフトの引き継ぎをしてるところだ and discuss other important matters これが日本の消防士の1日 Oh, that's the head of the fire station みんなはどう思った? It's typical in a traditional Japanese office 楽しんでもらえたらいいねボタンで教えてくれ for the most senior person to sit at the head of the office like this チャンネルサポートはグッズ購入でお願いな! With their desk slightly separated from the main island of desks オラの日常はインスタでチェックしてくれ Nice, time to take a ride 密着シリーズはまだまだ続くぞ! チャンネル登録して見逃さないようにな Soushi is an official driver またな for one of the two types of fire trucks at the station, the Sosuisha fire truck There are several types in Japan even larger, but because many roads in Tokyo are narrow these trucks are sized to maneuver safely and quickly through Tokyo streets The Sosuisha truck usually arrives second on the scene parking next to the fire hydrant and pumping water to the Sankosa truck arriving first and parked closest to the fire What are you doing right now? In Japanese it's called 'suiri chosa' The firefighters inspect fire hydrants in the area 2-3 times a month to ensure it's working properly Also, the manhole covers sometimes get stuck due to constant car and people traffic So the inspection confirms that it's easily accessible during an emergency Is this one working okay? Oh they're back now Soushi, what are you doing now? Firefighters must also be well-versed in life-saving techniques during an emergency Today Soushi and his teammates are drilling CPR and AED procedures It really seems like Japanese firefighters don't waste a minute of their day Why are you using that phone? They even have an official YouTube channel with useful videos for first aid and fire prevention Oh he's working out now During quieter times of the day firefighters can use the time to rest or work on strength and conditioning Despite all the activities today Soushi and his teammates still have enough energy to train Amazing! So what now? So what's on today's menu? In a Japanese fire station, dinner and breakfast is usually prepared by the team So everyone can share the same meal together Family style! And considering that the team live and work 24-hour shifts so closely together, it's not a stretch for them to see each other more than just a team, but like an actual family After dinner Soushi and the other firefighters perform another fire truck inspection focusing on all of the lights as it's easier to do this in the evening The fire department generally rotates between three groups for the 24 hour shifts Each group has about 12 members firefighters and paramedics included Depending on the size of the incident, the entire group may be called to the scene Afterwards all the firefighters get together for another meeting What are you doing now? Although Soushi is on-call during the entire shift between now and when he takes his rest at night he has several hours of downtime In addition to studying, he also does regular chores like washing and hanging laundry Does everyone do laundry here? Soushi also makes use of his time by asking more seasoned teammates about specific firefighting and life-saving techniques It's all part of the Senpai Kohai relationship in Japan The evenings really allow Soushi to take in all the things he learned throughout the day As well as focus and hone specific firefighting skills So what was it like to become a firefighter? Soushi takes a quick shower just before he takes his rest at night Well the day isn't done yet, but hopefully he can get a few hours of rest Good morning y'all! It's another early morning, but Soushi should be waking up soon Let's go check on him now Good morning! How was last night? First thing in the morning all the firefighters clean the fire station and it's Soushi's responsibility to clean the bathroom today In Japan, it's also common for traditional Japanese companies to have their employees clean the office instead of hiring an outside cleaning service There are many reasons for this, but building team cooperation and encouraging employees to respect the workplace are some of my favorites Do you clean the truck every day? Nice, the breakfast this morning is udon Soushi's 24 hour shift is almost over and he seems a little bit more relaxed Right before the daikotai he has a meeting with the team to review what information they need to share with the next shift All right, so that's it Soushi is switching shifts right now and that is a day in the life of a Japanese firefighter What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments If you like this video, hit that 'like' button If you wanna support the channel, obviously check out the Toe-kyo merch If you wanna see what I'm doing on the daily, check out my Instagram account If you wanna see more videos like this, I have more to come Hit that subscribe & bell button Catch you guys in the next one
B1 中級 日本語 消防 日本 シフト 訓練 火災 東京 日本の消防士の一日 (Day in the Life of a Japanese Firefighter) 13 1 Summer に公開 2021 年 03 月 05 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語