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  • A majority of Japanese people are opposed to holding the Tokyo Olympic Games this year due to concerns over the global health crisis.


  • That's according to a Yomiuri Daily poll released on Wednesday, The Tokyo Games were already postponed last year and rescheduled for this July.


  • While 70% of those surveyed said they were at least somewhat interested in the Summer Games, Umut found that 58% were against holding the event this year.


  • If the games were to go on, over 90% said the crowd should be kept to a minimum were not allowed at all.


  • The poll was conducted between mid January through February, when much of the country remained under a state of emergency.


  • A Reuters poll last month showed nearly two thirds of Japanese companies also opposed holding the games this year, a shift from the last survey which showed most in favor.


  • As for now, greater Tokyo remains in a state of emergency with restrictions on gathering business hours and foreign travel into the country.


  • Local media reported earlier this week that those restrictions are likely to extend two weeks longer than expected.


A majority of Japanese people are opposed to holding the Tokyo Olympic Games this year due to concerns over the global health crisis.


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