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OH Students leading a class action against a coal mine extension in Australia had their first day of hearing on Tuesday.
OH オーストラリアの炭鉱拡張に反対するクラスアクションを主導している学生たちは、火曜日に初日の聴聞会を行った。
The landmark, claimed by a group of eight teenagers, all under the age of 18, argues that the expansion of white havens Vickery coal mine will contribute to climate change and that Australia's environment minister has a duty of care to them.
As young people lead claimant and jolly, Sharma said the mine expansion will endanger their future.
We face an increasing amount of natural disasters and the climate is becoming unlivable for us.
This is a crisis that disproportionately affects people of color, young people and marginalized people around the world.
What's that?
Their case is being heard in Melbourne's federal court and is expected to last five days, but a judgment may not be made for several months.
David Barton, from Equity Generation Lawyers, is representing the students.
Equity Generation LawyersのDavid Bartonが学生の代理人を務めています。
This is a unique action in Australia.
There's never been a case like it.
What it does is it says that the law must develop in order to protect younger people to protect vulnerable people from these impacts.
It asked the law to catch up to the modern problems in society.
Climate change has been a divisive topic in Australia, one of the world's largest per capita carbon emitters.
More than 70 countries have signed up to net zero emissions by 2050 but not Australia.
The country's conservative government has won successive elections on a platform of supporting Australia's mining.