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a magnificent achievement for the country.
That's how British Health Secretary Matt Hancock described the UK's vaccination effort on Twitter Sunday after more than 20 million people across the UK received a covid 19 vaccine.
Britain has rolled out Europe's fastest covid 19 vaccination program, raising the prospect of a lifting of its current lockdown restrictions between now and the end of June.
イギリスは、ヨーロッパ最速のcovid 19 ワクチン接種プログラムをロールアウトしている、今から6月末までの間に、その現在のロックダウンの制限の解除の見通しを高める。
The country also reported a further 6000 and 35 cases within the previous 24 hours and 144 more deaths within 28 days of a positive test.
The latest figures meant cases over the past seven days were down 21.2% compared with the previous seven day period, and deaths were down 33.5%.