Stillthinkingaboutkillingme, Zion, I'm lookingatthepelicansand I like I like a lotofthetalentthat y'allgotonthesquad, butyou're 14 and 18 to 4 gamesunder 500.
Youknow, I listenbefore I askedthislastquestionbecauseit's aboutit's aboutsomecompetitionintheWesternConference.
I justwanttoputontherecord, Youknow, ifthepinkbombballsanddropped a certainwayof a differentenvelopehadbeenpickedup, youwouldhavebeen a NewYorkKnick, and I thinkit's a damnchange, Youunderstand?
ザイオン・ウィリアムソン、2021年NBAスラムダンクコンテストへの参加を「まだ考え中」|First Take (Zion Williamson 'still thinking' about participating in the 2021 NBA Slam Dunk Contest | First Take)