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  • US regulators have ordered the immediate inspection of Boeing 777 planes equipped with the engine that suffered a catastrophic failure on Saturday.


  • Here it United Airlines Flight 3 to 8 had to make an emergency landing in Denver after its right engine blew apart just after takeoff.

    ユナイテッド航空3便から8便は 離陸直後に右エンジンが破裂し デンバーに緊急着陸しました

  • Saturday's incident prompted the grounding of dozens of Boeing 777 planes, which are fitted with the Pratt and Whitney PW 4000 engine.


  • The U S Federal Aviation Administration wants operators to inspect the large titanium fan blades on the front of each engine before any further flights Boeing said it supported the FAA is guidance on will work through the process with its customers.

    米国連邦航空局は、オペレータがそれ以上のフライトの前に、各エンジンの前面にある大きなチタン製のファンブレードを検査することを望んでいる ボーイングは、それがFAAのガイダンスであることをサポートしていると述べた 顧客とのプロセスを介して動作します。

  • United Airlines Egypt air operators in Japan and South Korea have all said they will not be flying there.

    ユナイテッド航空 エジプトの航空会社は、日本と韓国の航空会社はいずれも、現地には飛ばないと言っています。

  • Boeing 77 Sevens United has warned or possible disruptions to its cargo flight schedule in March as it juggles the rest of its fleet.


  • Saturday's engine failure is a fresh blow for Boeing.


  • The world's largest aerospace company is already trying to repair its image following the grounding off its flagship 737 max.

    世界最大の航空宇宙企業は、主力機である737 maxが地上に降りた後、すでにそのイメージを修復しようとしています。

US regulators have ordered the immediate inspection of Boeing 777 planes equipped with the engine that suffered a catastrophic failure on Saturday.


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