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Hi, I'm Sandra musician.
I'm a deejay, producer, singer songwriter on This is what I do for Sun LS Italy, better known as Son El Musician.
The lock down hasn't stopped him from doing what he does best, creating the kind of music that's already made him a household name in South African dance and house circles.
So I'm able to take gospel into dance Zulu folk music, you name it.
ゴスペルをダンスに取り入れることができるんだ ズールー族の民族音楽でもなんでもね
You can basically take anything and just fuse it with.
Last year, the award winning music producer followed up his debut album, Africa to the World With To the World and Beyond.
昨年、数々の賞を受賞した音楽プロデューサーは、デビューアルバム『Africa to the World With To the World and Beyond』に続いて、『Africa to the World and Beyond』を発表しました。
31 tracks featuring big names from the continent, including Nigeria's Mineola and Kenya's said to his soul.
ナイジェリアのMineolaやケニアのSeed to his soulなど、大陸のビッグネームをフィーチャーした31曲を収録。
But collaborating was a challenge.
Everything was just virtual emails in and out songs got lost.
Certain final visions are not on the final album, but it's only we who knows that, you know, But it's beautiful.
It's out there.
People are really loving it, you know, I'm I'm getting so much positive feedback from it, and it's amazing.
It's amazing.
It's It's just being a very stressful but beautiful A project, he says.
It was made even harder because his process involves having the artists next to him.
E O.
E O.
So who sing a semi worked on the album, so he will just interview you.
Find out who you are and then move to the music side and be like, OK, music, what do you love?
And right now, if I would play this, what would you say?
Sun L has been using social media to share music videos and get feedback on the album and address issues close to his heart, such as Not Yet to Haru, which addresses abuses by police against black people.
サン・Lはソーシャルメディアを使ってミュージックビデオを共有したり、アルバムへのフィードバックを得たり、黒人に対する警察の虐待を扱った「Not Yet to Haru」など、彼の心に近い問題に取り組んできた。
He's also organized virtual concerts and is looking at other ways to diversify as he says, it's impossible to predict if live events will be returning at their previous scale.