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  • following a tense standoff between Australia and Facebook For more than a week, the Australian government has finally struck a deal after tweaks to a proposed law forcing big tax to pay for media content.

    オーストラリアとFacebookの間の緊張したスタンドオフに続いて 1週間以上、オーストラリア政府は、メディアコンテンツのために大きな税金を支払うことを強制するために提案された法律に微調整を加えた後、最終的に合意に達しました。

  • Treasurer Josh Fried Enberg confirmed the deal on Tuesday after talks with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the weekend, or Facebook has re friended Australia and Australian news will be restored to the Facebook platform and Facebook has committed to entering into good faith negotiations with Australian news media businesses.


  • Four changes will be made, including one which allows two months the Internet companies to strike private deals for news content before the government appointed arbitrator intervenes.


  • In response to the changes, Facebook said in a statement quote.


  • We are satisfied that the Australian government has agreed to a number of changes that recognize the value our platform provides to publishers relative to the value we've received from them.


  • In return, Facebook will restore Australian news pages after it abruptly blocked publishers and users in Australia from sharing all viewing news content last week.


  • The move was criticized widely as Facebook also scrubbed pages of state government, emergency information and non profit charities.


following a tense standoff between Australia and Facebook For more than a week, the Australian government has finally struck a deal after tweaks to a proposed law forcing big tax to pay for media content.

オーストラリアとFacebookの間の緊張したスタンドオフに続いて 1週間以上、オーストラリア政府は、メディアコンテンツのために大きな税金を支払うことを強制するために提案された法律に微調整を加えた後、最終的に合意に達しました。

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