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opposition leader Bobby Wine said on Monday that he is withdrawing a court case challenging Uganda's presidential election results.
Has he accused the Supreme Court justices hearing the case of bias fighting for freedom.
Wine has rejected the outcome after January election in which the electoral commission said President You erythema 71 59% toe wind, 35% wine was asking the court to overturn the results on several grounds, including the widespread use of violence My God pursuit In the run up to the vote, security forces routinely broke up the pop star on politicians rallies using tear gas beatings, detentions.
ワインは、選挙管理委員会が言った1月の選挙後の結果を拒否しています あなたは大統領紅斑71 59%つま先風、35%のワインは、暴力の広範な使用を含むいくつかの理由で結果を覆すために裁判所に求めていた 私の神の追求 投票に至るまでの間に、治安部隊は日常的に催涙ガスの殴打、拘留を使用して政治家の集会でポップスターを破った。
The United States and an African election monitoring group both complained of election irregularities, though President Yoweri, 70 claimed it may turn out to be the most cheating free in Uganda's history.
On Monday, Wine told a news conference in the capital Kampala that the courts are not independent on.
It is clear these people are working for Mr 70 Solomon Murgita, a judiciary spokesman, told Reuters.