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in Myanmar people honored a young woman who died Friday after being shot by security forces last week.
She was shot while protesting the military takeover of the government.
China said for the first time that four Chinese soldiers were killed during a clash with Indian troops in the Himalayan mountains in June.
2020 Government forces in Somalia fire on hundreds demonstrating against a delay in the country's elections, and one of Senegal's top horse riders, 19 year old follow Diop, prepares to fulfill a lifelong dream of racing horses in France.
2020年 ソマリアの政府軍が同国の選挙の遅延に反対するデモを行った数百人に銃撃を加え、セネガルのトップ騎手の一人である19歳のフォロー・ディオップは、フランスで生涯の夢である競走馬の成就に向けて準備を進めていく。