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as I walked over Salisbury Plain.
It was there.
I met us camping Young blade, Hey kissed me and in tar sat me so until, along with him, I was forced for Thio.
The Salisbury Plain, 300 square miles of English prairie grassland, is rich with wildlife.
In famous for harboring some of England's finest archaeological treasures, Onda landscape blistered with prehistoric cultural legacies On a hill two miles from the modern town of Salisbury rises.
イングランド最高の考古学的な宝物のいくつかを保持するために有名な恩田の風景は、先史時代の文化的遺産とまめになっている Salisburyの近代的な町から2マイルの丘の上に上昇します。
A set of rampart lifted upwards from the surrounding lowland.
Presiding over the lush green landscape stands old serum.
Undress yourself, my darling says he hundreds yourself and come Thio with old serum is a remarkable sight to look at.
It's a Siris of huge, imposing fortifications that sit on Western spur of a ridge that looks out and has fantastic views commanding views of the landscape all around.
And it's because of its position that it had a really strategically important place on was recognized for its importance by William the Conqueror.
Onda Castle began to be built here in around about 10 70 just four short years after the Norman conquest.
In 10 86 it was William who made all the landowners of England come to old serum and to swear an oath of allegiance directly to him on it was really part of trying to secure their unwavering loyalty.
10 86年には、イングランドのすべての地主が古い血清に来て、それに直接彼に忠誠の誓いを誓うようにしたウィリアムは、本当に彼らの揺るぎない忠誠心を確保しようとしている部分でした。
So not to any other overlord or or anybody else that people felt they had obligations to.
This was William the Conqueror, really trying to make sure that the landowners of England saw him as their king.
We've got the remains here of the castle that was built around 10.
70 on There was a cathedral here is well built in the outer Bailey.
70 on ここには大聖堂がありましたが、外側のベイリーによく建てられています。
And of course, all that remains really of these now a ruins or low walls and covered through excavation.
But beyond that, the whole site would have been full.
It's true to say that this really was a thriving city.
It would have been filled with bake houses, brew houses, stables, accommodation for the garrisons, the houses of the rich and poor lay people and clergy on those people coming to visit the cathedral and visit the castle.
It would have been filled with sights, sounds, smells, everything, really that you'd expect for it from a thriving community.
As with so many of the ancient places that we see around us.
In the English landscape, there is farm or twirled serum than meets the eye.
Thes dramatic earthworks that housed the castle in the cathedral in this thriving city are actually prehistoric.
They predate the building of the castle.
By far.
More than 1000 years were first constructed in the Iron Age.
It's unclear exactly the date of its first construction, because the later activity on the site has wiped so much of the evidence away.
But it shows to us that this landscape has been occupied for many, many thousands of years.
When first constructed the Hill fort would have been striking, its banks would have been shining white with the local chalk.
It would have been visible for a great distance.
And indeed, from here you have been able to see the hill forts that a dotted around the surrounding landscape.
This landscape is one that's likely to have been farmed with a well established network of track ways, settlements and field systems, the vestiges of which are still just about visible.
So it's always important, really, to go below what we can see immediately.
On the surface, we can look beneath the ruins that we see on old serum.
There's a much deeper story to be told here it if songs can capture the contour of a place in the ancient model melody of Salisbury Plain, named after this very Land, sings in harmonious service to this wide and spacious landscape.
Sung for us by Alice Sovetsky.
This is a traditional song collected by the composer Vaughan Williams in 19 oh four, set amongst the wide open grasslands, the tune and lyrics almost a olders.
The chalk beneath these very hills speak of a furtive love affair, following a chance encounter that leads to a young high Wayman's demise.
As I walked over Salisbury Plain, it was there.
I met us camping Young blade, Hey kissed me and in tar sat me so until along with him, I was forced for to go way came to a public house.
At last.
Andi, therefore man and wife, we did ha hey called for aylan wine and strong beer till at length, Thio both dated repair.
Undress yourself, my darling, says he e 100.
服を脱いで、私の愛しい人は、彼はE 100と言います。
Raise yourself and come thio with Oh yes, that I will then says she.
If you keep those flesh, girls away off those flash girls you need have no fear for you'll be safe.
God it, my dear, I'll maintain you Assam ladies so gay for I'll go.
We're upping on the king's highway.
It's early next morning, my love Heroes on dso nimbly Hey, put on his clothes straight thio the highway He said sale and was there He rode the coaches off the mail on DNA.
次の日の朝早く、私の愛のヒーローたちは、彼の服を着て、まっすぐに高速道路に沿って、彼は販売していると言って、そこにいた 彼はDNAの郵便物からコーチに乗っていました。
Now, when you gave jail, he does lie expecting Every moment Thio die, May God have mercy on his pores.
あなたが刑務所に入った時、彼は嘘をついていた チオが死ぬたびに、彼の毛穴に神の慈悲がありますようにと期待していた。
Whoa, for I think I hear not Bill does tall.