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  • the Myanmar military issued arrest warrants for six celebrities who are accused off encouraging civil servants to strike and joined the protest against this month's coup.


  • The strikes have paralyzed many government offices and businesses, but one name on the warrant list actor loom in posted defiantly on his Facebook page that quote.


  • It's amazing to see the unity of our people.


  • People's power must return to the people.


  • Despite hunter appeals the civil servants to return to work and threats if they do not, there has been no sign off the strikes.


  • Easing motorists in Yangon also continued with a campaign to show their opposition to the coup by driving at a snail paced throughout downtown traffic on Thursday.


  • Last night, in the country's second largest city, Mandalay, security forces opened fire with rubber bullets on railway workers who had gone on strike earlier in the week.


  • That's according to local residents, and one charity worker was wounded in the leg.


  • Neither the army nor the police made any immediate comment on the incident, but the army's Facebook page said forces were providing security end quote to make sure people have tranquility and sound sleep.


the Myanmar military issued arrest warrants for six celebrities who are accused off encouraging civil servants to strike and joined the protest against this month's coup.


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