字幕表 動画を再生する
I'm a hostage on duh.
This villa has been converted into jail.
The British government says it wants to see proof that Shaka Latifur, one of the ruler of Dubai's daughters, is still alive after the BBC revealed a video from here where she claims she's being held hostage in a barricaded villa.
イギリス政府はドバイの支配者の娘の一人であるシャカ・ラティフールがまだ生きている証拠を見たいと言っています BBCがここからのビデオを公開した後、彼女はバリケード付きの別荘で人質にされていると主張しています。
Foreign Minister Dominic Raab called the footage deeply troubling.
On Wednesday, speaking to Sky News, he said that people would quote, want to see that she's alive and well.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson also said The government are monitoring the situation well, that's something obviously that way are concerned about.
ボリス ・ ジョンソン首相も言った 政府は状況をよく監視している、何か明らかにその方法について懸念しています。
But thank U N.
しかし、U Nには感謝しています。
Commission on Human Rights is looking at that.
I think what we'll do is wait and see how they how they get on.
Well, keep keeping on.
The video was shown on BBC's Panorama program on Tuesday.
I think by myself solitary confinement, um, no access to medical help, um, no child or charge nothing.
Latifah said she was filming the video in the villa's bathroom, the only room she could lock.
All the windows are barred shut.
I can't open any window.
Reuters has been unable to independently verify when or where the video was recorded.
Sheikha Latifa Bint Mohammed al Maktoum made headlines in 2018 after claiming she had been abducted by her father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
At the time, a human rights group released a video she'd made describing an attempt to escape Dubai by boat his Latifah's lawyer, Rodney Dixon.
What needs to happen is that the U.
N needs to have a very serious meeting directly with those who are holding Princess Latifah at the highest level on Make sure that an agreement is reached so that she can be released on the rights could be restored so she can travel and leave if she wishes, as is the right of anyone in any country.
The Free Latifur campaign has lobbied for her release.
It says it managed to smuggle a phone to her once she has used to send secret video messages taken over the past two years.
Dubai's government referred questions about the video to Sheikh Mohammed's law firm, which did not respond to a request for comment.