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Now, Children aged between six and 17 have started taking part in trials for the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.
Some 300 Children are taking part in the entire study to find out if the vaccine is safe and effective young people.
Currently it's only authorized for those over 18 from Oxford.
Our medical editor, Fergus Walsh, sent this report.
This is a half term with a difference on unusual break from home schooling on Tilda.
We know that after people have the vaccination and sometimes they could get some red Tilda is 16 on didn't hesitate about signing up for the vaccine trial.
私たちは、人々 がワクチン接種を持っているし、時には彼らはいくつかの赤ティルダを得ることができる後、ワクチン試験にサインアップすることを躊躇しませんでした 16 です知っています。
Well, we live relatively nearby.
So when I saw that it was going on here, I thought, you know, if I could do my bit to help, then why not?
No problem with needles or no, I'm all right with needles.
Yeah, I don't really mind.
The study will test how Children and teenagers respond to a vaccine currently being used to protect people there.
Grand parents age.
They'll get two doses of the Oxford Jab or a meningitis vaccine as a control for comparison around, you think All right.
彼らはオックスフォード・ジャブや髄膜炎ワクチンを 2回投与されます
Like the other volunteers, Ella, whose 14 wants to do her bit thio further the research and hopefully help and make sure that as kids can be safe on, get the vaccine roll down.
他のボランティアと同様に、その 14 は彼女のビット thio 研究を促進し、うまくいけば助けると子供たちとして安全にすることができますを確認したいエラは、ワクチンをロール ダウンを取得します。
It made for some very proud parents.
I think she's amazing.
I saw the call for Children volunteers on.
I went and spoke to her.
Explain what that thing the vaccine is about on.
She volunteered without hesitation.
Children are highly unlikely to be seriously affected by co vid.
Although a small minority are at increased risk, they generally get few or no symptoms at all.
Immunizing them might help reduce the spread of coronavirus.
Well, it may be rather similar to the flu situation, where with the influenza program we vaccinate Children both protect them, but also because that reduces transmission in the wider population to ensure that all of us are protected against the virus.
まあ、それはむしろインフルエンザの状況に似ているかもしれませんが、どこで我々 はインフルエンザのプログラムと我々 ワクチンを打つ子供たちの両方を保護するだけでなく、それは私たちのすべてがウイルスに対して保護されていることを確認するために、より広い人口での伝送を減らすため。
ALS three co vid vaccines approved in the U.
K are being tested in Children.
Pfizer and Madonna are doing their studies in the US If the trials go well, it's highly likely that ALS school aged Children will eventually be offered co vid jabs Trials in even younger Children below school age could follow, but a some way off.
ファイザーとマドンナは、米国で彼らの研究を行っている試験がうまく行けば、それはALSの学校年齢の子供たちは最終的にco vidジャブを提供される可能性が非常に高いですが、学校年齢以下のさらに若い子供たちでの試験が続く可能性がありますが、いくつかの方法をオフにします。
The results of this study should be known by the summer, by which time all these volunteers parents on older relatives should themselves have.
Bean offered a co vid jab.
Fergus Walsh, B B C News, Oxford.
ファーガス・ウォルシュ B B Cニュース オックスフォード