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Well, let me first say, obviously, Caitlin, that I take, um this very seriously.
まず最初に言わせてくれ ケイトリン 私はこのことをとても真剣に受け止めている
I'm a woman, obviously.
But I've been in this town working in press and communications for nearly 20 years, almost 20 years.
And I think many of you know me and have worked with me closely.
And many of you know, many people in this building, including other president who take thes allegations quite seriously.
Um, TJ Duck low.
Who is the deputy who you're asking about?
Has apologized to the reporter, apologized to the reporter.
Um, quite shortly after the comments were made, um, hey, had a heated conversation about a story related to his personal life.
I'm not saying that's acceptable, but I just want to be clear that it was not about an issue related to the White House or a White House policy or anything along those lines.
Uh, he's the first to acknowledge this is not the standard of behavior set out by the president.
Nor is that the standard of behavior set by me.
And I'm his direct supervisor.
Uh, in addition to his initial apology, he sent the reporter a personal note expressing his profound regret.
最初の謝罪に加えて 記者に個人的なメモを送って 深く反省していると書いてある
Uh, the ask Hey, has been places you noted on a one week suspension suspension without pay.
ええと、質問 ねえ、あなたが指摘されている場所されています 1週間の懸濁液の懸濁液に給料なしで。
That is a significant step.
I'm not aware of the history of that step being taken.
You all can check me on that.
Uh, and in addition, when he returns, he will no longer be assigned to work with any reporters at Politico.
それに加えて 彼が戻ってきたらポリティコの記者との仕事は一切任されなくなります
I don't We don't want No one wants anyone to feel uncomfortable, uh, to be put in an uncomfortable position.
I don't We don't want No one wants anyone to feel uncomfortable, uh, to be put in a uncomfortable position.
And that's not behavior that we will tolerate eso Those were the steps that were taken, and we felt it was a serious punishment.