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  • Hey everyone! Welcome to Ask Emily episode number 2!

  • First off, I'd like to apologize for the Grossometer apparently being inaccurate in the last episode.

  • If I could go back, I'd probably bump it up a little bit, but...

  • You should probably be warned if there is ever a Grossometer,

  • be wary.

  • Secondly, uh, huge thanks to NPR and Robert Krulwich this week

  • for featuring me on the front page of National Public Radio's website,

  • that was definitely a highlight of my life.

  • Do do do, question time!

  • A lot of you guys asked:

  • What kind of education do you need to do this kind of thing?

  • Here's the thing you guys, there is no magical academic recipe to end up in a place like this.

  • For example, I graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art,

  • I have a painting degree.

  • I didn't find out about the zoological museum until my senior year

  • and at that point it was way too late for me to change my major,

  • so I decided to come here, uh, as an intern

  • practicing scientific illustration.

  • Half way through my internship, I picked up on a lot of curatorial tasks and duties in the lab

  • and have been here ever since.

  • Soo, what is your education?

  • So, in addition to having an undergraduate degree in fine arts,

  • now I am enrolled in the Johns Hopkins University - Master of Arts in Museum Studies program,

  • which is primarily distance learning based so I could do all of my coursework online,

  • and I'm getting my MA in museum studies.

  • Tumlbr user Joe2theblogs asked:

  • As a former art student, how did you become so knowledgeable about biology?

  • Books.

  • You have advice on how I can do this?

  • I strongly encourage you guys to find a local nature center,

  • natural history museum, or zoological collection in which you can volunteer or intern.

  • Worked for me!

  • Anonymous asked: Did you know you don't bend your arms a lot?

  • An anonymous user asked: Why don't you put Vicks Vapor Rub underneath your nose

  • if everything smells so bad?

  • Vicks tends to open up my airways,

  • so in addition to smelling the dead thing,

  • I smell the Vicks on top of it, it doesn't replace the smell.

  • It's like spraying perfume on a piece of ****.

  • Twitter user Benjamin @NotTheLastZuses asked:

  • What is one skeleton you could never get but really want?

  • Twitter user Elizabeth @EBeth12345 asked:

  • Were you squeamish about this before you started?

  • Yes. I didn't know I was going to be preparing a specimen that day, I didn't have time to think.

  • Just... scoop.

  • Twitter user Rachel @braunsicle asked:

  • Why don't you just sell some of the specimens to raise money for the collection?

  • This kind of concept is generally looked down upon in the museum world,

  • it goes against moral and ethical obligations that museums have

  • to preserving and maintaining collection's items indefinitely.

  • I don't even know how to pronounce this one, or say this,

  • Haley,

  • Twitter user Haley at @HLYCNS

  • CSNS?

  • Hylsc-nisc?

  • What is the protocol if you find an actual human thumb in a wolf stomach?

  • Freak out!

  • And then call the police.

  • Twitter user William Wood @WillWood777 asked:

  • I forgot your question.

  • Uhm...

  • What is the best discovery you've ever made in the collection?

  • The day I found out we had a pangolin in the collection, I cried tears of happiness.

  • Emily Brantley on Facebook wanted to know if we've ever had any crazy mishaps in the lab.

  • This one time a few years ago, before I was a volunteer in the lab,

  • somebody was working on removing the brain of a wolf in a sink

  • using a high pressured hose.

  • This person wasn't wearing any eye protection or a face mask

  • and because of that, they ended up blasting a bunch of wolf brain matter right into their eye.

  • Instead of telling the curator or anybody about it, they ended up just going home that night and going to bed.

  • When they woke up the next day, their eye was all bloodshot.

  • So they had to go to the emergency room

  • and get all these rabies vaccines and all this other preventative treatment.

  • Twitter user Maria Bleitz @NeveahWinters is wondering

  • what is the best and worst part of my job.

  • The best part of my job is getting to be all upclose and personal with all of these animals

  • which they obviously wouldn't let me do that to them in the wild.

  • The worst part of my job?

  • Cataloging shrews.

  • Definitely.

  • A lot of you guys are really curious how I pay my bills and stuff if I'm a volunteer.

  • There're a couple different ways.

  • Living off of financial assistance while I finish my Master's degree,

  • working on some marketing campaigns with the University of Montana,

  • but mostly through T-shirt and poster sales!

  • Tumblr user caribouinacave is wondering:

  • When will brains be scooped?

  • It still has brains on it.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Ask Emily episode number 2!


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エミリーに聞く #2 (Ask Emily #2)

  • 358 9
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日