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  • Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to SciShow Quiz Show, the show where these

  • two people will compete in sciency knowledge things and win prizes for Subbable subscribers.

  • Today we have internet guy, Hank Green.

  • Hank: Is there going to be applause there? *laughter all around*

  • Michael: And we have host of Animal Wonders Jessi Knudsen Castaneda!

  • Michael: Hank, you will be competing on the behalf of Josh Beel.

  • Hank: Josh, I got your back! Michael: Jessi, you've got Max Loutzenheiser.

  • Jessi: MAAXX, let's go! Michael: To find out how our contestants can

  • play for you, go to Hank: It's almost like this isn't even doing

  • anything. Michael: Almost!

  • (laughter) Michael: Sorry, Tim! You're in the splash

  • zone.

  • Michael: Okay, both of you start out with 1000 points, and every time you answer a question

  • correctly, you will win some number of points that I will make up in that moment!

  • Jessi: Alright! Hank: If we get it wrong though, what happens?

  • Michael: If you get it wrong, you will lose some points or something.

  • Jessi: Wromp wromp.

  • Michael: Whoever has the most points at the end of the game will win DFTBA merchandise.

  • Stefan, what can they win? Stefan: Well, Michael, our contestants today

  • can win a Pizza John Frisbee or this Pizza John notebook. Write little notes about pizza

  • and Johns... Back to you Michael.

  • Michael: Okay. *laughing* *cough* You guys ready?

  • Hank: Oh, we're going to start. Jessi: No...Yes. No!

  • Hank: This is pretty nervous. Honestly, does make me nervous.

  • Michael: Round One! Our topic is human evolution. Jessi: Oooohhhhh...

  • Hank: Okay, but how do we, hit the thing, do we...

  • Michael: Yeah, you hit the thing. This is a game show. You gotta hit the thing.

  • Jessi: It's like Slapjack? Hank: And then- and then- stop that's loud.

  • So we're trying to beat the other person to the buzzer?

  • Michael: Yeah. Hank: Or is it multiple choice?

  • Michael: It's multiple choice- Hank: Okay, see this is the thing-

  • Jessi: But can we answer before the multiple choice?

  • Michael: You can answer whenever you want to.

  • Hank: K. Jessie: *hits buzzer*

  • Hank: What's your answer? Jessi: No! Wait!

  • Hank: Is it a yes or no question? C.

  • Michael: It is known that Homo sapiens spent a lot of quality time with other human species,

  • particularly Homo neanderthalensis, whose genes account for about 2% of the DNA in most

  • modern humans. But which of these other human species did not coexist with other humans?

  • And we're only talking about species that lived at the same time as anatomically modern

  • humans. Was it: A) Homo habilis-

  • Hank: Homo HABilis. Michael: *Bleep* Was it:

  • A) Homo HABilis- Hank hits buzzer

  • Hank: A, Homo habilis. Michael: You are correct!

  • Hank: I don't need to hear the other ones! You said I could answer any time!

  • *Laughing* Michael: Okay, you got a hundred points and

  • you've lost a hundred points. Yay! Jessi: Wait, I lose? I lose?

  • Michael: Yeahhh... Jessi: Awww...

  • Michael: Aww...

  • Michael: The Denisovans, or Denisova hominins, were a human subspecies that lived as recently

  • as 40,000 years ago in eastern Asia, and they too appear to have bred with modern humans,

  • as shown in the fact that some people living today in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands

  • have been found to have about 5% Denisovan DNA. The great rages on about the hobbits

  • meanwhile whose remains were first discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003.

  • They were barely more than a meter tall, and some had unique skeletal features in their

  • wrists and feet, so some scientists maintain that they were a genetically distinct species

  • while others believe they were modern humans that exhibited the phenomenon of island dwarfism.

  • And the jury's still out about whether we shared the planet with other older members

  • of the genus Homo like Homo erectus, but most scientists agree that Homo habilis was the

  • earliest member of the genus and had the most ape-like features. They vanished about 1.5

  • million years ago, 1.3 million years before the first anatomically modern humans.

  • Michael: Our second segment this week is all about geology, the study of Earth's physical

  • structure. We like to call it school of rock. Hehehe. Our first question in School of Rock

  • is about the difference between rock and minerals. A mineral is defined as a naturally occurring

  • inorganic substance with a specific chemical formula and a crystalline structure. Rocks

  • are aggregates of more than one mineral. So, with that in mind, which of the following

  • is a mineral and not a rock? Is it: A) Limestone

  • B) Obsidian C) Diamond

  • or D) Chalk Jessi hits buzzer

  • Jessi: Crap. Hank: *laughing* You hit the button!

  • Jessi: I know! I got excited! I'm going to say...C) diamond.

  • Michael: You are correct! Jessi: Yesss! Yes!

  • Hank: That's also what I would have said. I'm not allowed to dance around because I

  • didn't get it right...

  • Michael: Diamond is considered a mineral and not a rock because it's a crystalline arrangement

  • of one chemical compound, in this case, pure carbon. Limestone, on the other hand, is mostly

  • made of the mineral calcite, also known as calcium carbonate, but it also contains some

  • small amounts of clay and silt and other stuff too. Obsidian is a volcanic glass; it's not

  • a crystal, which has molecules arranged in a rigid structure. Instead, it's what's called

  • an amorphous solid because it's particles are organized all randomly. And chalk is just

  • another form of limestone, and aggregate of calcium carbonate, silt, and clay.

  • Michael: Okay, you've got two hundred points, you've lost-

  • Hank: I lost- Just because I didn't answer, I lose money. God- points.

  • Michael: Fifty points. Hank: Oh, I only lost fifty points.

  • Michael: Okay, next question in School of Rock.

  • Hank: Oh, there's more than one question in School of Rock.

  • Michael: The density of rock is often expressed as a specific gravity--The weight of a sample

  • of rock compared to the weight of the same volume of water. For example, the density

  • of water is 1 gram per cubic centimeter, while the density of granite is 2.6 grams per cubic

  • centimeter. Now, there's only one kind of rock that's less dense than water, and can

  • therefore float. So is it: A) Mica

  • B) Pumice C) -

  • Jessi hits buzzer Jessi: Pumice.

  • *Laughing* Hank: She got it right. It didn't light up.

  • Michael: You win! Jessi: Yeahh!

  • Hank: Oh man. Michael: Two hundred points to Jessi.

  • Jessi: My brother did that. It was awesome. Hank: I did not know that. Gah! Do I lose

  • more points now? Michael: Another fifty points from Hank.

  • Hank: Oh my goodness. Michael: Wromp wromp wromp...

  • Michael: Pumice is the only type of rock that can float. It has a density of about 0.5 grams

  • per cubic centimeter, which is half that of water. Like obsidian, it's a kind of volcanic

  • glass, but it's formed when super hot highly pressurized lava is ejected from a volcano.

  • This makes it cool down and depressurize pretty quickly, which leaves it full of bubble-like

  • holes known as vesicles. This not only makes many kinds of pumice float in water, but it

  • also allows you to do cool stuff with it, like holding up a huge chunk of it with a

  • rolled up dollar bill.

  • Michael: Okay, our last question in School of Rock.

  • Hank: I need to get my act together. Jessi: Is this final? Is this final?

  • Hank: We're still on round two. This is round two.

  • Michael: *clears throat* Some rocks, or rock-like objects, form from organic materials, like

  • plant and animal matter. With that in mind, what is coprolite?

  • Hank hits buzzer Hank: I know what coprolite is.

  • Michael: Is it A, B, C, or D? Hank: I don't know that!

  • Jessi: Ooohhh. Michael: Is it:

  • A) Fossilized feces Hank: A) fossilized feces.

  • Michael: You are correct! It's poop! Jessi: No, I lost the poop question!

  • Hank: I know, that's terrible. Michael: Two hundred points to Hank, fifty

  • from Jessi. Hank: You have so much more experience with

  • poop than I do. You have baby children and a thousand animals.

  • Jessi: I think I have some on my hand right now.

  • Hank: I can't imagine you don't. Hank: It's just a little bit.

  • Jessi: Just a little bit.

  • Michael: Coprolite are fossilized poop. They may not be as widely used as, say, coal, but

  • for paleontologists, they're pretty much the only way we have to study the diets of extinct

  • animals. They were first identified by 19th century fossil hunter Mary Anning, who found

  • them near fossils of ichthyosaurs. When she broke them open, she found fish bones and

  • scales and other animal parts in there and realized that it was ichthyosaur waste.

  • Michael: Round 3, double or nothing. This is where you can wager all or some of your

  • points, but that's boring. Uh, you've got 1,250 and you've got 1,200. The topic is physics.

  • The question: since ancient times- Hank: Wait, shouldn't we wager first?

  • Michael: Uhh! Jessi: No, no, it's physics. This is way not

  • fair. I have to level the playing field a little bit.

  • Hank: I don't know! Oh, oh. Okay. I'm not going to be getting- give me some kind of

  • venomous snake to make me nervous? Should I close my eyes?

  • Jessi: Okay, we're each going to be holding a snake.

  • Hank: Uhhh...Is... Oh my god... Huhhh.... Michael: That is a big snake.

  • Jessi: The rules are, you can't grab her and she cannot go on your shoulders.

  • Hank: Okay. On shoulders she could just kill me.

  • Jessi: She's strong. Hank: She's very strong. Aghhhh... Wow...

  • Gah...I feel-Oh, that's my shoulder. Jessi: No shoulders.

  • Michael: How do you get her off the shoulders? She's strangling Hank! Noooo!

  • Jessi: Alright, I got my snake. Hank: Ohh, wow. This is gonna make thing not

  • easy. Wow, you are strong. Oh, this is a good hug. Stop going for the shoulder.

  • Michael: Okay, well. Hank: Okay.

  • Michael: Good luck writing. Hank: Yeah. 'Scuse me. Pardon me. Nope. Again

  • with the shoulder. Euuuugh!!! Michael: Okay, so the topic is physics. You

  • gotta make your wagers. Hank: She's trying to kill me!

  • Michael: Stop playing with the snake! Pay attention!

  • Hank: Okay, we're good, I'm good. The topic is phycsics-- physics; we have to make our

  • wagers. Michael: Yes. While they are doing that, we

  • will go to a commercial break about something. And then we'll be right back.

  • Hank: My's going to fall off.

  • Michael: Welcome back. This is happening. Hank: It's very heavy.

  • Michael: Okay, your question is: since ancient times, scientists have recognized six simple

  • machines that each use a principle of physics to do work.

  • Hank: Ohhh. Yes, okay. Michael: They are defined as any non-motorized

  • device that changes the magnitude, direction, or point of application of a force.

  • Hank: Mhmm. Michael: Which of these is not considered

  • a simple machine? Hank: Okay. Oh frickle frack.

  • Michael: Okay, for this one, you don't buzz in, you write your answer on the- on the thing.

  • Jessi: Okay. Hank: No shoulders, Daisy!

  • Michael: Your choices are: A) A pulley

  • B) A screw D) a Piston

  • I skipped a letter in there so, L) A wedge.

  • Hank: Hmm... Michael: Pulley, screw, piston, or wedge?

  • Hank: Oh my god, you're heavy. Okay. I need a hand.

  • Jessi: Look at you, one handed. Hank: Well, she's got me hard.

  • Michael: Do some bicep curls. Hank: Nope! How do I, can you hold this for

  • me again? Thank you. Jessi: Which is not a simple machine...

  • Michael: Yup. Hank: I'm guessing. I know, I know, I got

  • a 50% chance here. Okay. Michael: Hey buddy.

  • Hank: How's it going? Michael: Is it a guy or a girl?

  • Jessi: Girl. Michael:

  • Hank: All right. Michael: Okay. Let's reveal your answers.

  • Michael: Double pistons. You're both correct. Jessi and Hank: Yahhh!

  • Michael: You wagered 1000 points. I believe that makes Hank our winner.

  • Hank: That's right Josh, I won for you! Jessi: Sorry Max. I tried.

  • Hank: Oooh! That tickles! Jessi: How many, how many tickles does it

  • take to make an octopus laugh? Hank: Uh, 10 tickles.

  • Jessi: Ohh...

  • Michael: The six simple machines are the wheel and axle, which count as one together, the

  • wedge, the screw, the pulley, the inclined plane, and the lever. A piston, on the other

  • hand, is a sliding component in a chamber that moves against a fluid, like air.

  • Michael: Thank you for joining us for this episode of SciShow Quiz Show. If you would

  • like to be played for by one of our contestants, you can go to and don't

  • forget to check out Jessi on her brand new chan- chanimal wonders.

  • Jessi: Chanimal wonders? That's awesome. Michael: And don't forget to check out Jessi

  • and her brand new channel Animal Wonders. You can find a link in the description. And

  • if you want to keep getting smarter with us, you can go to and subscribe.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to SciShow Quiz Show, the show where these


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SciShowクイズショー:Jessi Knudsen Castañeda (SciShow Quiz Show: Jessi Knudsen Castañeda)

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    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日