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- Hello, and welcome to another episode of the SciShow Talk Show.
Today, we have with me my friend Peter Winkler. Apparently I sing your name.
(Singing) Peter- - (Singing) I sing your name too.
- (Singing) Oh, that's lovely. - (Singing) Hank Green.
- What do you do here at SciShow, Peter?
- I run the graphics for SciShow.
- Yes. So, today Peter has come in with some interesting science things for us to discuss.
- So, right now the world of prosthetics has come out with a self-healing skin.
- So, like that would go on top of a fake arm or leg?
- It could. They say it could go on, like, the housings of wires and buildings.
- Oh, right. - So, that if it were to get cut it would go back together.
- So when my cat chews up my computer cord it would just, "Nyah, I'm fine" and everything would be okay.
- So let's say you're a robotic soldier from the future.
- They built me poorly.
- And if you were to say fight a person, I'm just going to pull a name out of the air, John Connor.
- Okay. - And you-
- I can- I can- I'm starting to feel the part. I'm starting to feel my endoskeleton.
- And then you get into a shotgun battle with him, and then half of your skin is gone.
So now at this point, it would be good to have some self-healing skin.
- If I were to get into a shotgun battle as a normal human, I would probably want to have some self-healing skin.
Which I guess I do, I guess I do have self-healing skin. Which is nice.
- Yeah, it is good. The difference between that and, uh,
like your own skin and this skin is that it heals in about thirty minutes.
- That would be better. - Yeah.
It actually bonds together that quick.
So, I mean if you're talking about, just, polymers sticking together, like Silly Putty,
like you take Silly Putty apart and push it back together and then it's Silly Putty.
So what's the difference, why don't they just smooth out some Silly Putty and put it over Arnold Schwarzenegger?
- Well, it's a little bit different because it, uh,
you know, with Silly Putty you would need for someone to actually mold it back together.
- Oh, right. - This, if you were to put them next to each other,
they actually have positive and negative bonds that are going against each other, that actually will-
- Like reforming chemical bonds.
- Right, and they can take on electricity and so-
- Right, and so it can conduct. Do you know how they do that? How they-
- They added, um, I think it's, they added nickel into it.
- So, like just little pieces of nickel.
- So, with the little pieces of nickel it can also be set up as a sensor,
so the closer those nickel elements are together-
So, like if you compressed it, it would be able to tell it was being compressed.
- Right.
- Because the conductivity would change. That's awesome. - Right.
- Yeah. It's pretty interesting, especially if you were to have a prosthetic arm or something,
- because then it could even sense how far you're twisting, like if this-
- Right, you could know if your arm was bent or unbent,
or you could know if you're touching something. You could know how hard you're touching something.
- Right. - Be able to actually have a surrogate for the sense of touch.
That's amazing!
- Yeah. And who knows what they can do with it, you know, as time goes by. Maybe it will actually be able to feel.
- Yeah, if you could integrate with the nervous system which is,
ooh that's when you start to get into Arnold Schwarzenegger. Robot army from the future stuff.
- I know. Scary stuff, but good for people who need it.
- Yeah, that's really cool. Thank you. - You are welcome.
- And now we move on to today's addition of "Stump Hank!"
- Will Saturn's rings ever disappear and turn into a moon outside of Saturn itself?
- So, the stability of Saturn's rings? I know that Saturn's rings are made of ice.
I know that Saturn's rings move around, that they are not static;
they're moving pieces that are bumping into each other.
So, if they're floating around out there you would think that eventually they would start to clump.
And they probably do already clump to a certain extent because everything has gravity;
even very small objects have gravity.
So, you would think they would start to clump together,
and as they clump together more they would run into each other and the friction would increase
and it would melt eventually and then it would - I don't know how much mass is in Saturn's rings,
I certainly don't know. But they would clump together and if enough clumped together,
then it would melt and it would form a sphere, because of gravity.
So, I'm gonna say yes.
- Actually, no! - Ahhh!
- The rings that are made out of water ice are actually not dense enough to actually go and create
something like that. So the gravitational effects of Saturn, and there's also the title forces-
- Right, between Saturn and other moons? - Right. Between the other, yeah.
They- The way that they orbit actually prevents anything from actually forming itself.
- So it's the effects of Saturn's other moons that keep clumps from forming, basically.
- Pretty much.
- And I do know that there are actually little bands in Saturn's rings where there is no ice
because there are sort of little moon-lets in there that collect up,
with their gravity, they collect up all the little pieces of ice in that area.
But I guess that makes sense. I guess that makes sense. I was wrong.
Well, now it is time for something creepy and crawly to join us here.
- Oh yeah?
- Apparently, Peter, you're going to be our gross animal expert.
- You know, as long as it's not spiders. I have terrible arachnophobia.
- Is that for all arachnids? - Pretty much.
- So how would you feel about a scorpion?
- Uh, not good?
- Okay, well let's bring out the scorpion! - Wait.
- You'll be fine! Y-You'll be fine. - Oh, okay, good.
- And now we have Jessi from Animal Wonders visiting with us again
with another strange and mystical creature, underneath the coconut.
Like, which coconut is it under? It's under this one. - Surprise!
- Alright, unveil the coconut, please. I'm gonna keep my hands well back.
Hello! What do we have here?
- This is Professor Claw the emperor scorpion. - Professor Claw!
- Sounds like something from, like, a G.I. Joe- - Yeah.
- Well wasn't it Dr. Claw, from Inspector Gadget?
- Yes! It was. - With the cat.
- The metal hand, yeah. So this thing will, uh, will this kill me?
- If you get stung, no, no.
And actually you can tell if a scorpion is more dangerous by the size of their claws there.
So his claws are pretty big. - I would call that big.
- The bigger they are, the less poisonous they are.
- Okay, well then I'm not worried at all.
- You should be a little worried. - Oh.
It'll feel about like a bee sting.
- Oh okay. - You won't have the stinger actually in you,
but it will throb and it'll burn and it'll hurt
for about, you know, a couple days. - Well, now I just want to try that!
If it's just a bee sting, I can then for the rest of my life, I can say I was stung by an emperor scorpion.
Does that not sound cool to you? - To say you were stung by a scorpion?
- I'm not actually going to do it.
- You would increase as a badass by, at least, by 10 percent.
- Ten percent more badass. - Ah, it's moving!
- It's alright.
- I want to point out that she has a glove.
Oh, it's going towards you.
- I'm just gonna head on back.
Yeah, now my badass level has significantly decreased.
- And it's caught on video. - I felt like as soon as he started moving he got way bigger.
Was that just my imagination?
- He will curl up in defensive mode, and he'll actually become smaller when he's a little bit nervous.
- Okay, so his plates actually extend.
- Yup, and you can actually see on the side there, if you felt that gray skin on the side,
I'm not asking you to, it feels like velvet. It's very very soft.
So they can actually expand and shrink using that soft skin. - Neat.
Well, what's going in there? Are they filling up with air? - They'll fill up with food.
- Oh, when you feed it! - And the female will have to expand to hold all of her eggs inside as well.
- No, stay away from me.
- He seems very well behaved. - Scorpions do have personalities.
And we actually have, Professor Claw and Mrs. Black share an enclosure.
So Mrs. Black actually is not as fun to bring out on shows because she's a bit grouchier.
So they do actually have personalities. - Interesting. Are they the same species? - They are.
He's pretty good, he's pretty good.
- You think you have to go to Thailand to get this sort of action. Actually, that's probably way off.
Where are these from? - These guys are from Africa.
- From Africa, okay.
- See how he holds his claws up in front of him as he goes? - What is that for?
- Just to keep them out of the way.
He also has really small hairs, if you look really closely
you can see all those, they're almost like copper colored hairs.
Now, they're not actually hairs like our hair.
It's made of the same stuff that makes their exoskeleton, so it's part of their skeleton. - The chitin.
- And if you blow on them,...
- "Ooh, what was that?" - They can feel it.
- Are you gonna go hide? - "I wanna go in my pineapple!" What?
- Where are you going? You coming toward me again?
- How many legs do you see?
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten?
I don't know if the claws count as legs. - They don't.
What is he classified- - He would be an arachnid then. - Yeah.
Yup, just like a spider. - Just like a spider. So it's basically a spider but way scarier.
- Spider, crab, wasp, put together. - Spidercrabwasp. - Yeah.
- Why did nature do that? - Because it's pretty cool.
- It is pretty cool.
Well, Professor Claw, thank you very much for being here with us on this SciSchow, AHHH-
- Okay!
- SciSchow Talk Show. And Jessi from Animal Wonders, thank you as well.
- Thank you for having me. - Their website is animalwonders.org.
And we'll see you next time. - Thank you.
- Sorry to subject you to Professor Claw, Peter,
but thank you for joining us on today's episode of SciShow Talk Show.
- Thank you, thank you.