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I'd like to close with a very brief timeline of what was happening in parallel alongside the president as he spoke on the sixth of January.
A little afternoon, President Trump began his speech with a fiery refusal to concede.
He commanded the crowd to fight.
In March, down Pennsylvania Avenue and around 12 20 some rally goers, some attendees began marching by 12 30.
3月には、ペンシルバニア通りを下って、12 20いくつかの集会の行進者の周りには、いくつかの出席者は、12 30で行進を開始しました。
As President, Trump continued to incite his supporters.
Large segments of the rally crowd had a mascot, the capital, at 12 53 as the president's speech was playing on cell phone broadcasts, theme outermost barricade of the northwest side of the capital was breached and Capitol police were forced back to the steps of the Capitol.
集会の群衆の大規模なセグメントは、大統領の演説が携帯電話の放送で再生されていたように、12 53でマスコット、首都を持っていた、首都の北西側のテーマ最外バリケードが突破され、議事堂の警察は、議事堂の階段に戻って強制されました。
At 1 10, the president ended his speech with a final call to fight and a final order to march to the capital.
At 1 45 the president's followers surged past Capitol police, shouting, This is a revolution!
1時45分に大統領の支持者は キャピタルの警察を通り過ぎて急上昇した これは革命だと叫んだ!
Just after 2 10, an hour after President Trump ended his speech, the insurrectionist mob overwhelmed capital security and made it inside the halls of Congress because the truth is, this attack never would have happened.
But for Donald Trump.
And so they came draped in Trump's flag and used our flag, the American flag to batter and to bludgeoned and a 2 30.
I heard that terrifying banging on house chamber doors.
For the first time in more than 200 years, the seat of our government was ransacked on our watch.