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  • Hello Sheree Phillips here

  • Today wanna talk to you about

  • 20 quick tips for better time management

  • They will hopefully help

  • you plan the time you use in your day

  • we may be 10 whenever you are working said fishman

  • is ham created daily plane player activities

  • second is pink or see it

  • time limit for each task and

  • did is use a calendar see it

  • your calendar a my when you gonna be waking

  • having days ahead to you can

  • more planning how much will happen time management

  • forthrightness you can organize it organize your day

  • can sit at the hours in a day use

  • atm actually using organize I'm definitely happy with time management

  • have but when is no Eugene

  • lines know when you need to have specific work

  • done by completed by 6

  • tip ends for ambition time management

  • a learn to say no I happen

  • quite often we become yes people and we just

  • except everything sometimes have to say no I to be able to get things done

  • and use your time wisely see that

  • tip for better time management

  • is tag to be a really try and finish

  • tasks alien name what you had planned

  • 8 tip ends

  • time box your activities if gOP

  • say many things to do to me activities to do

  • slot moment when our safety box

  • them and Tween our time or

  • however long you think it's gonna take you to

  • complete this task but I'm box them it will happen he time management

  • enduring bit mean going away and coming back inning

  • coming back it's better if you can box and all and you that while you're on a

  • roll

  • night time management tip

  • a is have a pop visible

  • time placed in front view we can see it so you can

  • not how long taking to do yet specific task because you know that you've any a

  • signalman

  • time for each task UT Heene

  • teen tip for time management is I am

  • seat fifteen-minute reminded the form

  • before he attacks me stick be completed you know how much time you got

  • guy and even tip

  • time management thank S so when you doing that task absolutely completely

  • focus on the task

  • annual battle to should be able to complete bascay

  • faster if you completely focused on

  • that specific task 12 kept for

  • time management yes block at

  • distractions home block at a distraction

  • going to you take y'all take your mind

  • away from what you doing say

  • him staying completely focused

  • on that task answer could be shutting the door

  • telling people not to bother you

  • at taking fine if the whole whatever it is really block at eyes disc

  • distraction hem 13

  • tip for time management

  • his track you time speed know how much time is spinning on a statement ask

  • and then look at ways I love

  • improving making complaining as tasks faster

  • or how you came completeness taskmaster so yes definitely tricky time spent

  • doing things that you need to doing for chain

  • time management tips is

  • act fast about an important details

  • some people can get sidetracked on the unimportant details which

  • in which can really waste a lot of time so I

  • I get some nice an important aspect is on the priorities

  • things that you really need to do eighty complete the task 15

  • time management tip and prioritize really prioritized their

  • most important to the least important ass what you really need to get down to

  • the meeting time

  • to complete the task whatever it is

  • really prioritize on your list things to do and that will definitely help with

  • your time management sixty

  • time management to I can give you is delegate

  • and their add jumped you can delegate

  • other people it will definitely help with you

  • time management you want if I kissed home those

  • other things that you don't need to do you can delegate to someone else

  • 17 time management tips his

  • batch similar tasks together

  • you if you're doing want ass in its release and led to another test

  • action will take you there because you'll be on a roll here but if I kissed

  • on that specific tasks I will be easy XD

  • similar tasks to get a batch

  • match the map together and take

  • time management I can give you his eliminate

  • time waste

  • day this could be lots of things it can be

  • daydreaming losing track of what in

  • yet erection focused on I'm

  • interruptions anything like that

  • you really need to eliminate your time wasted

  • and back if someone needs to do to get it done net help me

  • time management 19

  • tape for time for a better time management

  • is kind of weenie Tay

  • am you will be more productive

  • if you've got a set amount of time and really focus on completing

  • and Icecast next time he pack complete mess

  • machan cut off its it time can get that right

  • way life Alan sorry cut off

  • when you need to and the 28

  • have been time management tips that I can give you

  • is leave buffer time in between your tasks

  • he got one task in play today to be sacked five minute

  • and means data next task or whatever amount of time you wanna

  • leave as a buffer time you can go to the bathroom

  • have snack do whatever you want battling that little bit about the time

  • it will happen she time management if you scan slightly higher in time on that

  • task

  • or if you're under in at a time you've got that little bit about the time

  • tuning too happy with your time management

  • a heavy famished tips useful plays like sheer

  • comment on their 20

  • quick tips for been at time management

  • and I wish you all a fantastic day by

Hello Sheree Phillips here


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効果的な時間管理のための20のクイックヒント (Twenty quick tips for effective time management)

  • 198 32
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日