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  • a new year is about to dawn in the Chinese calendar.


  • But one thing we traditionally see in the world's most populated country is missing.


  • And that's where we start the week on CNN.


  • 10.


  • I'm coral, Jesus.


  • Every year we've reported on this.


  • We've talked about how Lunar New Year or Spring Festival causes the world's largest human migration for this holiday, their arm or train travelers in China than there are people living in the United States.


  • We're talking roughly 400 million rail passengers, and that doesn't count the tens of millions who travel by air or use other forms of transportation.


  • But as the year 47 19 begins on the Chinese calendar this Friday, not nearly as many people are crossing the country to see their families.

    しかし、今週の金曜日から中国の暦で47 19年が始まるので、家族に会うために国をまたいでいる人はそう多くはありません。

  • Some are missing their only opportunity to do that for the year.


  • And while the festival that usually lasts 15 days will still be celebrated by more than a billion people in China and other Asian countries, the Chinese government is encouraging and in some cases requiring people there to celebrate at home.


  • Strolling the aisles of a Shanghai grocery store, Vicky Wang is stocking up ahead of the most important holiday in China, the Chinese New Year, or Spring festival.


  • Traditionally, the holiday marks the largest mass migration of humans.


  • Each year in China, major cities empty out as hundreds of million's travel back to their home provinces.


  • But last year's outbreak in Wuhan coincided with the start of the Chinese New Year and made for a perfect storm packed train stations like this one in Beijing, combined with a rapidly spreading virus this year, the government urging in some cases even ordering people not to travel.

    しかし、武漢で昨年の発生は、旧正月の開始と一致し、北京でこのような完璧な嵐を詰め込んだ駅のために作られた、急速に広がっているウイルスと組み合わせて今年は、政府はいくつかのケースでも、人々 が旅行しないように命令することを促します。

  • You're good.


  • Wang is among the million sacrificing precious time with family this holiday, following the government guidance to stay put, we have to make a little bit sacrifice for everyone to keep us safe.


  • While China's touted its strict and seemingly effective containment efforts, recent cluster outbreaks have resulted in the government's travel restrictions.


  • Already, in the first three days of the annual travel rush, passenger rail trips plummeted more than 70%.


  • Normally packed train stations air now eerily empty, it seems many are following the government's suggestion to not travel, and some state owned companies are even paying their employees a few $100 encouraging them not to return to their hometown and instead to use the holiday time to explore the cities in which they live and work.

    いつもは満員電車の駅の空気は今、不気味に空っぽだが、それは多くの人が旅行しないように政府の提案に従っているようだし、いくつかの州が所有する企業も、彼らの故郷に戻らないで、代わりに、彼らが住んでいると仕事の都市を探索するために休日の時間を使用するためにそれらを奨励する彼らの従業員にいくつかの$ 100を支払っています。

  • But some are still determined to travel home by video chat.


  • We spoke with 21 year old dandy, not his real name, as he doesn't want to get in trouble for criticizing the government.


  • He just wrapped up 21 days of quarantine, which included heavy surveillance right outside his front door, all to travel home for the Chinese New Year, which he says is deeply personal for migrant workers, on the most important chance for them to go home to stay with their family.


  • That's why I think they go home.


  • Okay, this is good.


  • It means travel safe and comes the good luck.


  • As for those who choose to stay like Wang, they're still finding ways to celebrate, asking her parents and sister over video chat for their advice on cooking the Chinese New Year dinner.


  • Ah, meal.


  • She and millions of others will eat separated from loved ones as China works to halt a decades long tradition of mass migration so as to prevent a repeat of last year's rapid spread of the virus David Culver, CNN Shanghai 10.


  • 2nd Trivia Super Bowl 49 holds the record for what achievement?

    第2回トリビア スーパーボウル49は何の偉業の記録を保持しているのか?

  • Highest score, highest viewership, longest game or closest score, with viewership estimates succeeding 114 million people.


  • The Super Bowl held in 20.


  • Dean was America's highest rated ever.


  • Ratings have decreased somewhat since then, with 102 million people having watched last year's game.


  • We don't yet have the final estimates on last night's Super Bowl, but we can tell you it was the least attended championship in NFL history, thanks to co vid.

    我々 はまだ最後の夜のスーパーボウルの最終的な見積もりを持っていないが、我々 はあなたを伝えることができますそれは NFL の歴史の中で最も出席した選手権だった、co vid のおかげで。

  • Of the almost 66,000 seats at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida Onley about 25,000 were made available to socially distanced people.


  • If you thought there were MAWR, you might have seen cardboard cutouts sitting in.


  • It was a major drop from last year's Super Bowl, attended to more than 62,000 people.


  • But Super Bowl 55 still capped a season in which the Games went on despite the presence of a disease pandemic, and Dr Sanjay Gupta wanted to find out how the NFL managed to keep coronavirus largely on the sidelines.

    しかし、スーパーボウル 55 はまだゲームは病気の大流行の存在にもかかわらず上に行ったシーズンをキャップし、博士サンジャイ Gupta NFL コロナウイルスを維持するために管理する方法を見つけることを望んでいた主に傍観者に。

  • This is a sport defined by close contact on environment, right for transmission a zoo.


  • Other people who say it's absolutely ludicrous to even try this.


  • What do you say to them?


  • I feel like it's the right thing to do to try to learn to live with this virus.


  • I really do.


  • Dr.


  • Alan Sils is the chief medical officer for the NFL.


  • He was brought in as a neurosurgeon who thought he'd be dealing with concussions.


  • And then the pandemic changed everything.


  • I initially met up with him at the beginning of the season.


  • We just have to recognize we're dealing with an unpredictable pandemic, and so we'll have to adjust along the way.

    予測不可能なパンデミックに対処していることを 認識しなければなりません だから途中で調整しなければなりません

  • On September 10th, the Kansas City Chiefs kicked off against the Houston Texans in the first game of the season.


  • At the time, there were more than six million confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States.


  • Now, right before the Super Bowl, how did things go?


  • I think that what we've tried to do it every step is to make the best and the safest decisions we can, and we've tried to evolve and learn along the way.


  • While cases around the country exploded, now at more than 26 million confirmed the NFL was relatively untouched, with a positivity rate of 0.8%.


  • So what worked for the NFL and what can we all learn from it?


  • We had an outbreak in Tennessee, and we went when we went in and really dug into that and tried to understand how to transmission occurred despite our protocols.


  • That's when we began to realize it wasn't just 6 ft in 15 minutes.


  • Put simply, Doctor Sil said, it wasn't the playing or the practices that were the largest concern.


  • But these three things eating, greeting and meeting meeting inside, even if you're more than 6 ft apart, if you're in a poorly ventilated room for a long period of time.


  • If someone's positive, there could be transmission inside those rooms, eating together very high risk activity.


  • You know, most people don't have a mask on when they're eating, and then the greeting part is just the social interactions outside the facilities.


  • You know when when you interact in the community of someone's positive and you go and get a haircut or you have a massage at your house, How did the NFL No, they tested daily and they contact traced and tracked the movements of more than 11,000 players and staff, even alerting them if they were to close to one another.


  • If we move closer together than 6 ft, you'll start to see it blinking red.


  • Now keep in mind the CDC defines close contact like this, being within 6 ft of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or mawr over a 24 hour period.

    今 CDC の定義のような密接な接触を心に留めておく、6 フィート以内に感染者の 15 分または mawr 24 時間の期間の累積合計のためにされています。

  • But the league's data found transmission was occurring with less time and more distance thes air considerations for anyone, anywhere to assess their risk.


  • Ventilation.


  • Are you indoors or outdoors?


  • Are you in a car with the windows up, or are you in a large open stadium?


  • The more air circulation, the better.


  • Masks.


  • What kind of masks are being used and do they fit correctly?


  • And finally, time and distance, the longer and closer you are around someone, the increased risk for transmission if you're failing in two or more of those categories, that's what we considered a high risk close contact.


  • But I think the biggest thing we learned universal masking works.


  • It's the most effective strategy that we have.


  • How hard would it be to replicate what you were able to do it.


  • The NFL.


  • It wasn't the fact that we tested every single day.


  • It wasn't the fact that everyone wore a fancy proximity tracking device Everywhere they went.

    それは、みんながどこに行っても 派手な近接追跡装置を身に着けていたという事実ではありませんでした。

  • What prevented transmission was mask usage, avoiding in person meetings, staying in the open air environments, not eating together.


  • Prompt symptom reporting isolation of anybody that's exposed.

    症状の報告を促される 隔離されている人がいます

  • If it weren't for a security camera on Lee, one person would have ever known this had happened.


  • And that person is Joe Orients.


  • He's a custodian at Ohio's Liberty Benton Middle School last Thursday, he casually walked out to half court, tossed a shot backwards, drained it, threw up his arms for a moment and went back to work.


  • But the principle saw the video and tweeted it.


  • And now the shot seen round the world has made orients a living legend, more like Oh Ryan's because he's a star.


  • Puns aside, when he was asked why he tried a half court shot, Orients responded, He had just a good a chance to make that as a layup because he's not that good.


  • We disagree.


  • He proves you don't need to be a pro to be and be amazing as well as a really good sport.


  • Thank you for giving us a sporting chance to explain the news.


  • Sir.


  • Robert Borden was the eighth prime minister of Canada.


  • He's also the namesake of Sir Robert Borden High School.


  • It is an Ottawa.


  • Thank you for watching on YouTube.


  • I'm Coral Jesus for CNN 10.


a new year is about to dawn in the Chinese calendar.


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