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  • A group of scientists have discovered a distant planet that is 11 times bigger than the largest

  • planet in our solar system: Jupiter. But the size of the exoplanet isn't what's stumping

  • the team of researchers.

  • The newly discovered planet, dubbed HD 106906 b, orbits a single star, like Earth, but at

  • a distance so far it's baffling scientists. (Via KPNX)

  • The exoplanet is so far away from its host star in fact, that according to current planet

  • formation theory, it really shouldn't even exist.

  • In most commonly accepted planet formation theories, planets that orbit a parent star

  • are thought to begin as relatively small, asteroid-type bodies that got clustered together

  • in the disk of gas and dust surrounding the host star. (Via NASA

  • But that theory doesn't explain how a gigantic exoplanet like HD 106906 b formed 60 billion

  • miles away from its host star, more than 650 times the distance of the earth's orbit from

  • the sun. (Via KMFB)

  • In comparison, the furthest planet away from the sun in our solar system, Neptune, is only

  • 30 times further away than the earth's orbit from the sun. (Via Discovery)

  • The lead researcher, a graduate student at the University of Arizona, says the perplexing

  • planet really doesn't fit any other models of planet or star formation either.

  • "Systems like this one, where we have additional information about the environment in which

  • the planet resides, have the potential to help us disentangle the various formation

  • models ... Future observations of the planet's orbital motion and the primary star's debris

  • disk may help answer that question." (Via

  • HD 106906 b was discovered using a thermal infrared camera mounted on a telescope in

  • Chile, and was confirmed using data from the Hubble Telescope.

A group of scientists have discovered a distant planet that is 11 times bigger than the largest


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B2 中上級

木星の11倍の大きさの新しい惑星は、科学者のスタンプよりも大きい (New Planet 11 Times Larger Than Jupiter Stumps Scientists)

  • 97 9
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日