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  • So here is the architecture that we have come up with.

  • The funny thing is that it took us - this is our fourth try.

  • We threw away three different systems.

  • To come up with this architecture, it's very, very simple,

  • and only simple things work by the way.

  • So what does this say?

  • It says, look, today,

  • the way we connect to our friends is through

  • these huge social networks like Facebook,

  • LinkedIn and what have you.

  • And each one of these networks has its own set of rules.

  • These are the social rules of engagement.

  • We know what it means to be friends or friends on Facebook, okay.

  • For you to friend me,

  • you know that you're going to give me access to a lot of things than

  • just to do some - play a game together on using Facebook connect.

  • So there are lots of rules associated with

  • Facebook or LinkedIn and so forth.

  • However, if I look at the phone it's like the phones are so powerful,

  • why are they - why are we treating them like they are little,

  • little thin client attached to the cloud?

  • Why is it that I can go and talk to you directly?

  • You have your phone,

  • I have a phone, why do I need a third-party storing or keeping

  • track of our relationships and following us, so why is it?

  • And one of the biggest problem with these phones

  • is that they route using TCP/IP address.

  • What is your TCP/IP address?

  • I don't even know my TCP/IP address let alone your TCP/IP address.

  • So what we have created is a very simple messaging core

  • infrastructure and what it does is that it allows people

  • to exchange messages based on their existing identities.

  • What are they?

  • E-mail, phone numbers, Facebook numbers, all right,

  • and as long as I know you via some kind of a name identity I should

  • be able to connect with you via this messaging service.

  • So we are now going back to more like a contact

  • book model and when I do something with you,

  • all you get is what I am doing with you,

  • you don't get all the friends of friends and

  • pictures that I'm sharing on other networks.

  • It is just that straight up, that is the connection,

  • we do something together and that's the end of that.

  • So that's the basic idea is that now that

  • if I can connect with you personally,

  • then I can do all kinds of things with you.

  • And one thing we do is to make that messaging

  • function available to the apps, okay.

  • Oh by the way, I should mention that when

  • I say that there is this messaging system,

  • sometimes my phone is offline,

  • so it is necessary for the messaging core to hold

  • on to the data until it is retrieved, okay.

  • But once it give - it hands you over the data,

  • it can go ahead and delete it,

  • because it is only a messenger.

  • So what we have done is then make this

  • messaging layer available to the apps,

  • so for example if you're playing a little

  • Scrabble game between three people,

  • the Scrabble game can just run straight on those phones.

  • As I play the word 'hello' on row two,

  • column three, it's just a little bit of a message,

  • it just goes onto the network and deliver to those two phones.

  • The three of us are in a little Scrabble social network together for

  • a short little while and there is nothing more to it than that.

  • So now we can enable all kinds of multi-party interactions

  • built on top of this simple messaging core.

  • And then you would say to me it's like what,

  • I mean, where - what happened to the data?

  • What happened if I lose my phone?

  • Well, you know you have a lot of valuable stuff on your phone already,

  • it's called the gallery.

  • What do you do with a gallery?

  • You back it up, okay.

  • Maybe you use Dropbox, maybe you back it up to your PC and so forth.

  • So what we're asking to do then is that you have your phone backup,

  • all the communicated data can also be backup

  • and you can choose the backup of your choice.

  • You can put it in G drive, I can put it in SkyDrive,

  • you can put it into different accounts of the Dropbox and

  • now we are sharing across these resources together,

  • these servers in the cloud.

  • There are a lot of free services in the cloud or you can

  • pay for some of these services and it is all up to you,

  • but now we can interact with each other.

So here is the architecture that we have come up with.


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A2 初級

モニカ・ラムオープンなソーシャルモバイルフレームワーク (Monica Lam: Open Social Mobile Framework)

  • 21 4
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日