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it's estimated the world faces as many as 4000 co vid 19 variants on its prompting a race to improve vaccines, according to researchers in Britain on Thursday.
それは、世界は木曜日に英国の研究者によると、ワクチンを改善するために、レースを促して、4000 のコvid 19 変異体として直面していると推定されます。
Yeah, the announcement comes as the U.
K has launched a world first trial that has begun to explore the mixing of different vaccine doses.
Thousands of variants have been documented as the virus mutates, including the so called British South African on Brazilian variants, which appeared to spread more swiftly than others In an effort to keep ahead off these mutations, This trial aims to assess the immune responses generators if vaccine doses from Pfizer and AstraZeneca are combined in a two shot schedule.
Matthew Snape Oxford Vaccine Ologists is leading the trial on.
マシュー・スネイプ オックスフォード・ワクチン・オロジストが治験をリードしています。
There's plenty of precedents for this for this kind of mixed schedules in other disease areas, such as Ebola and other license vaccines, even against HPV and hepatitis B as well.
So this isn't that different in its idea.
Onda, as I say it can be a really beneficial when it comes to actually rolling out of vaccine.
Yeah, the trial will examine the immune responses oven initial dose of Fizer vaccine, followed by a booster of AstraZeneca's as well as vice versa, with intervals of four and 12 weeks.
試験では免疫反応を調べます ファイザーワクチンの初回投与量に続いて アストラゼネカのブースターを 4週間と12週間の間隔で投与します
I mean the team behind the trial are hopeful Initial data on immune responses will start to be available from around June.