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now and you're evacuated hundreds off citizens from Saudi Arabia on Thursday after their visas expired and it became stranded, and some are bringing back allegations of mistreatment.
今、あなたは何百人もの市民を 避難させています 木曜日にサウジアラビアから 彼らのビザの期限が切れた後、それは立ち往生しました
Salva Data Sally is one of the returnees sitting in the airport in Abuja to say she worked for six months in Saudi Arabia but was only paid for one.
サルバデータ サリーは、彼女はサウジアラビアで6ヶ月間働いたが、1つだけ支払われたと言うためにアブジャの空港に座っている帰国子女の1人です。
Higher unemployment and two recessions in four years have pushed thousands of Liberians to seek work overseas.
But the global health crisis has reduced employment opportunities abroad, while travel restrictions have prevented many from heading home.
And while other countries flee their citizens out within two weeks or so, a video circulated on social media in recent weeks should Nigeria's who said they had been held in Saudi camp for more than three months.
他の国が 2 週間以内に彼らの市民を逃げるか、またはそう、最近の数週間でソーシャルメディア上で循環したビデオは、ナイジェリアの人は 3 ヶ月以上のサウジのキャンプで開催されていたと述べた必要があります。
Hamas, a Sunni, says he was one of those held Hey since our when the video came out, the authorities came in and started looking for the location.
The video was shot.
They caught the people and beat them up.
They also collected their belongings and broke them.
Four people are still being held, including the one who made the video.
They see a selling on debut.
Don't seem a nice but Foreign Affairs Ministry official Curium ideology suggested that claims of mistreatment were simply born out of frustration to be home come.
Generally, it's not a luxury hotel, Uh, but when people have waited for some time agitation, consent.
So when you hear the kind of comment it is not received, the Saudi authorities Armatrading them.
It is just that the expectation and desire to go back home, uh, make them too long for their country.
Nigeria's government said on Monday it was working with Saudi authorities to repatriate 802 Nigerians via two flights on Thursday on Friday.