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  • my involved in the Olympic Games doesn't hinge on being vaccinated or not.


  • Um, you know, I hope that we'll be able to meet our targets in terms of vaccination, and right now it's a It's a really big moving target for me.

    ワクチン接種に関しては、目標を達成できるようにしてほしいと思っています。 今のところ、これは私にとっては大きな動きのある目標です。

  • I came out with the stance that athletes should not jump the line in Canada because we really need the vaccine to get into the arms of the people that are most at risk.


  • Those in long term care homes, those in the front lines.


  • And, you know, I'm optimistic that you know we'll have a great vaccine roll out and we'll be able Thio have our entire population vaccine of those who want it.


  • Any sort of optics of moving ahead of people in line so that we could go off.


  • You know, in a lot of people's opinions, go off gallivanting and play games in Tokyo, Um would sour public opinion and just turn the community against us.


my involved in the Olympic Games doesn't hinge on being vaccinated or not.


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