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Get in the boat boy.
Welcome toe watch Mojo And today will be counting down our picks for the top 10 PS four games.
ようこそつま先の時計モジョと今日はトップ10のPS 4ゲームのための私たちのピックをカウントダウンされます。
Getting the most improvements on PS five.
Yeah, yeah, For this list, we're looking at last generation games that are already pushing the hardware of the PlayStation five to its limits.
Let us know in the comments which one you'll be replaying.
Number 10 control.
It was already a little difficult for based councils to run control properly at launch, with patches quickly coming to stabilize performance.
But Remedy isn't satisfied with just letting the PS five healthy original version of control reach its potential.
A full next Gen upgrade is on the way.
Unfortunately, this upgrade isn't free.
Not exactly.
Publisher Five or five Games initially said that Onley players who bought the ultimate edition of control would get the upgrade for free, leaving everybody else having to buy the game again if they wanted the new version.
出版社のファイブまたはファイブゲームズは当初、コントロールの究極版を購入したOnleyのプレイヤーが無料でアップグレードを取得すると述べた, 彼らは新しいバージョンを望んでいる場合は、再度ゲームを購入しなければならない他のすべての人を残して.
But for some lucky players, ah, glitch in digital storefronts meant that in September 2020 they were mistakenly given the upgrade for free.
Okay, number nine cyberpunk 2077.
ナンバー9 サイバーパンク2077だ
Though it was released on last Gen.
Hardware Cyberpunk was so full of technical problems on these platforms that it was rendered totally unplayable.
Onley next, Gen consoles and high end PCs could get it to run at all.
But those next Gen consoles were still on Lee, running the last gen version of the game without all the fancy graphics options seen on PC, a free native PS five upgrade is set to arrive late in 2021 which will truly show us with a new hardware is capable of.
しかし、それらの次の世代のコンソールは、PC上で見られるすべての派手なグラフィックス オプションなしでゲームの最後の世代のバージョンを実行しているリーにまだあった、無料のネイティブ PS 5 アップグレードは、新しいハードウェアで本当に私たちを表示されます 2021 年後半に到着するように設定されています。
In the meantime, though, the PS five version is still significantly better looking and more stable than the version on PS four and C.
Pr's other flagship title.
The Witcher three is also set to get an enhanced edition in 2021.
Yeah, Number eight.
ああ 8番だ
God of War, one of the most critically acclaimed and graphically stunning games on the PS four.
It was only a matter of time until God of War flexed its muscles on the PS five as well.
Unlike other games, God of War isn't yet set to get a full upgrade, but it is going to be using the PS fives boost mode to reach peak performance as soon as the new consul released, God of War was able to run a fluid 60 FPs, but it doesn't yet have four K resolution at this higher frame rate.
他のゲームとは異なり、戦争の神はまだ完全なアップグレードを取得するために設定されていませんが、それは新しいコンサルがリリースされるとすぐにピークパフォーマンスに到達するためにPSファイブブーストモードを使用することになるだろう、戦争の神は流体60 FPsを実行することができましたが、それはまだこの高いフレームレートで4 Kの解像度を持っていません。
Not to worry, though.
There's another great thing that God of war has going for it.
Cross Gen safe transfers so you can pick up where you left off.
Prove me wrong.
Yes, sir.
Number seven, Star Wars, Jedi Fallen Order.
7位 スター・ウォーズ ジェダイ・フォールン・オーダー
Oh, well.
When it launched in 2019, Fallen Order was praised by fans and critics for a return to a single player Star Wars experience with an excellent story taking cues from the souls born franchise as well as uncharted.
2019年に発売された「Fallen Order」は、「アンチャーテッド」と同様にソウルズボーンのフランチャイズからの引用を受けた優れたストーリーで、シングルプレイヤーのスター・ウォーズ体験に戻ったとファンや批評家から称賛されています。
The game features thrilling combat complemented by fun plat forming and plenty of puzzles and secrets to explore.
Remedy has since updated the game to run at 60 FPs on both PlayStation five and Xbox.
Siri's X, with the resolution of 14 40 p.
The fast paced game play really shines with this optimization, and diving into the Star Wars universe has never been more appealing.
If you haven't played this one or you're looking to replay it on next gen consoles, you will not be disappointed Yes, yes, Number six Seccuro Shadows die twice, so you subhuman flashy graphics are all well and good.
あなたはこの1つをプレイしていないか、またはあなたが次世代コンソールでそれを再生するために探している場合、あなたは失望することはありません、はい、はい、ナンバー6 Seccuroシャドウズは2回死ぬので、あなたは人間以下の派手なグラフィックはすべてよく、良いです。
But when it comes to souls born titles on Lee, one thing truly matters.
Frame rate.
When you need to parry and dodge attacks with a moments notice memorizing move sets and attack patterns, you need every frame you can get.
And this is never clearer than in Seccuro, which has some of the fastest and most difficult combat in any from software release.
And that's saying something.
Seccuro can now reach a buttery, smooth 60 frames per second on the PlayStation five.
セキュロは、PlayStation 5でバターのように滑らかな毎秒60フレームに到達することができるようになりました。
And, of course, the game still has incredible graphics for players to enjoy.
Yeah, Number five Borderlands three with Consul gains seemingly stuck at 30 FPs for years, the next gen moved to finally reached 60 across.
ええ、番号5ボーダーランズ3年のために30 FPで立ち往生しているように見えるConsulの利益と、次の世代は、最終的に60を越えて到達するために移動しました。
The board has been a long time coming, but remarkably gearbox has left other developers in the dust with the next gen version of Borderlands three, which is already achieving an insane 120 frames per second on consoles.
Borderlands three does still make players choose between whether you care more about the frame rate or resolution, but both of these modes are far more technically impressive than similar options in other games with a choice between 60 FPs at four K or 1 20 FPs at 10 80 p.
ボーダーランズ3はまだあなたがフレームレートや解像度についてのより多くを気にするかどうかの間でプレイヤーに選択させますが、これらのモードの両方は、4つのKで60 FPsまたは10 80 pで1 20 FPsの間の選択肢を持つ他のゲームの同様のオプションよりもはるかに技術的に印象的です。
At least number four dark souls three Since Seccuro was a little different from from Softwares.
最低でも4番ダークソウル3 セキュロはソフトとは少し違っていたので。
Other popular games.
If you want to get back to basics, there's good news.
Dark Souls three is also going to benefit from the PS five extra horsepower to reach a solid 60 FPs and adding insult to injury.
Despite the Xbox series, X is extra teraflops of power Onley.
The PS five can run dark souls three at 60 making it still the essential consul for from software games.
PS 5は60でダークソウル3を実行することができ、それはまだソフトウェアゲームからのための本質的なコンサルを作る。
Unfortunately, there's still radio silence from Sony about whether another of the PS force most lauded exclusives blood borne is going toe.
Have it's clunky frame rate unlocked?
Number three Neo, too.
It's easy to forget that Neo to Onley came out in 2020 But already Team Ninja is looking at releasing full re masters of both Neo two and its predecessor on PlayStation 5 February 2021 sees the release of the neo collection exclusive to PS five and containing both games and all the DLC for Neo two, it was already an impressive game, reaching 60 FPs on the PS four pro, but now 1 20 FPs and Native four K resolution are both being targeted for the re masters.
Neo to Onleyが2020年に発売されたことを忘れがちだが、すでにTeam NinjaはNeo 2とその前身となるNeo 2の完全リマスターをPlayStation 5で発売しようとしている。2021年2月にはPS5専用のNeoコレクションが発売され、両ゲームとNeo 2のすべてのDLCが収録されている。
And if you're still playing through the sequel, you will be able to transfer your PS four safe files to the new version on PS five so you won't lose any of your hard won progress number Two Days Gone much.
そして、あなたはまだ続編を介して再生している場合は、あなたが多くのあなたのハードウォンプログレス番号Two Days Goneのいずれかを失うことはありませんので、PS 5上の新しいバージョンにあなたのPS 4の安全なファイルを転送することができます。
There's no denying that Ben Studios Days Gone is an unusual game.
Releasing in 2019.
Its sluggish 1st 10 hours meant many players didn't get to see how enjoyable killing hordes of zombies and writing around Oregon on a motorcycle could be part of the PS plus collection.
There's no reason not to give days gone a second chance or replayed from scratch on the PS five.
The new version boasts not just improved visual fidelity targeting four K but also a smooth 60 frames per second.
With so many mobs of freak er's on screens at once, those extra frames will certainly come in handy.
Yeah, before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos, you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
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Number one.
Ghost of Tsushima before it's released, few people expected.
PS four Exclusive.
Ghost of Tsushima to be as outstanding as it Waas with beautiful visuals and The Incredible Wind Mechanic.
It was already a stunning game, but it's a different story on PS five now pushing 60 FPs at an even higher resolution.
This best in show game is somehow now even better and expect even faster load times than the PS four version, which already boasted low times so fast they had to be made longer so that the gameplay tips could be read.