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LeBron is now an M V P favorite in some sports books.
今やレブロンは一部のスポーツ書ではM V Pの愛用者になっている。
LeBron has played every single game, averaging 25.27 point nine rebounds in 7.4 assists.
Big Perk.
Joining the show and Perk.
I actually want to start with you on this one for a change.
Tell me this.
How should we feel about LeBron being pegged as the M V p favorite?
レブロンがM V pのお気に入りとしてペグされていることをどう感じるべきなのでしょうか?
I mean, it's appropriate.
Just look at what he's doing.
Forget the fact, Molly, that, you know, it was a short turnaround for us.
The off season that he played and won a championship didn't have didn't have time to give his body wrist and having took a single game off at the age of 36 years old and year 18 with a million with a million minutes on his body.
Forget all that.
The fact of the matter is, and no disrespect to Joe L and B because he's playing that a level no disrespect, a big Joker, big jokers down there and Denver because he's playing at the VP level.
No, no disrespect to Luca and Paul, George and Kevin Durant.
ルカにもポールにもジョージにも ケビン・デュラントにも無礼はない
But right now what happened was we got caught up in a zoo.
Being prisoners of the moment include myself.
And guess what?
We could thank Jason Hillman in the front office of the Cleveland Cavaliers for waking us up again because he poked the battle of the night and LeBron James had to give us a friendly reminder off who the hell he waas and what type of season he's having.
私たちは、彼が夜の戦いを突いたので、私たちを再び目覚めさせるためのクリーブランド キャバリアーズのフロントオフィスのジェイソン ヒルマンに感謝することができますし、レブロン ジェームズは私たちに誰が地獄彼 waas と彼が持っているシーズンの種類をオフにフレンドリーなリマインダーを与える必要がありました。
Here it is.
This man is averaging 25 points a game, almost eight rebounds, almost 7.5 assists.
And guess what?
They have the best record in the NBA.
The number one defense number one defense in the n B A.
n B Aのナンバーワンディフェンスナンバーワンディフェンス。
And by the way, guess who's the number one defendant guarding their opponent, LeBron James.
So he's delivering on both sides of the floor.
And Molly Stephen Max, This is what I was saying last year when we was debating about him and Johannes.
We get caught up, especially you, Max.
私たちは捕まってしまう 特にあなたは、マックス。
We get caught up in those analytics.
We get caught up in PR and all that stuff that don't even matter, and we determine who I m v.
P s.
P s.
Instead of sitting in front of the television keeping the cool booty and watching the game with our eyes and watching who has the effect on the game and no And so, looking at what I saw the other night and what he did against the Cleveland Cavaliers, this goes to show me the separation between him and a guy like Yannis.
代わりに、テレビの前に座ってクールな戦利品を維持し、私たちの目でゲームを見て、誰がゲームに効果があると見ていないので、私は他の夜を見て、彼はクリーブランド キャバリアーズに対して何をしたかを見て、これは私に彼とヤニスのような男の間の分離を表示することになります。
Why Yanez is standing in the corner in the fourth quarter, watching Chris Militant and Drew holiday take take over the game when it's a position by position.
LeBron James just said things like Get the hell out the way and let me go for 21 in the fourth and take and carry us to victory.
レブロンジェームズは、物事のようなことを言っていた Get hell out the way と私は 4 番目に 21 のために行くことができますし、私たちを取ると勝利に運ぶ。
So with that being said, let me apologize to LeBron James for even not even recognizing him and taking him for granted like we have done over the past two decades, when he should have been wanted when an MVPs, multiple years.
だから、それが言われていると、私はレブロン ・ ジェームズに謝罪させてくださいさえも彼を認識していないし、彼は MVPs、複数年のときに彼が望まれているはずだったときに、過去 20 年間で行われてきたように彼を当然のことのようにしています。
But at the end of the day, he should be a favorite in a lot of people eyes, because what he's doing right now for the Los Angeles Lakers is phenomenal.
しかし、一日の終わりには、彼は多くの人々の目の中でお気に入りである必要があります、なぜなら彼は今ロサンゼルス レイカーズのためにやっていることは驚異的だからです。
Well, he's among the favorites.
I wouldn't say that I'm making my M v P right now, but understand.
I'm the dude saying M V P shouldn't even be given out until the end of the rial the entire season, not just the regular season, because what we've seen from LeBron in the regular season is he fits in among the top players in the league.
私は、M V P も与えられるべきではないと言っている男ですが、我々 はレギュラー シーズンでレブロンから見てきたものは、レギュラー シーズンだけでなく、シーズン全体の rial の終わりまで、彼はリーグのトップ選手の間でフィットします。
Then when the games are most important, way separate everybody and we see what's what.
And LeBron is the last man left standing.
But that's what we're talking about.
We're talking about favorite for regular season, M V P and Perk.
レギュラーシーズンのお気に入り、M V PとPerkの話をしています。
Everything you said about LeBron is true, and he's great, too.
Of course, he's coming off a 46 point game, 21 in the in the in the second half.
Joel and Beat hasn't played last couple games, so it's 18 games for LeBron best record in the league, 14 games for M B best record in the conference.
But I still say Embiid is the M V P.
それでもエンビードはM V Pだと言っています。
So far in this regular season, now M B.
Not only enough, you talk about PR and all that stuff.
He's leading the league.
Embiid has those numbers and all PR is is you're taking all the stats people like to cite and you're putting them all together and beat and beat his Embiid is up ahead.
Well, I mean, you'll say he's at he's when you say he scored 46 points when you use PR sits another better stat than he scored 46 points.
But that's not the point you I bought in CMB.
It's been a monster on defense.
I think nb has probably been the best defensive player in the league this year.
And while what LeBron's doing is more impressive because of his age, right, But we're not talking about his entire career.
レブロンがやっていることは年齢的にも印象的ですよね しかし、彼のキャリア全体の話をしているわけではありません。
Come out right now.
Look at what Embiid is, what he's done and now take him off the team right.
Those games he missed doesn't affect their record in the conference.
They're still leading the conference, but when he doesn't play, they're losing to the worst team in basketball by ah lot.
They're getting blown out by bad teams without Embiid and to top it all off, guys, when you talk about impressive, Embiid is doing this in an era where it's almost impossible for a big to do it.
You know, a big is not one of the problems with The honest is he's really a big.
He needs another dude who's as good as him, but not a big toe win.
M b.
M b.
It is a big who's doing everything.
He's doing it all.
And he has all those traditional big skills, along with new New Age, big skills.
So far this year.
If I had a vote for M v p, it would go to Joel M.
M v pに投票するとしたら ジョエル・Mに行くだろう