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Light, crisp, and salty, potato chips are one of the most iconic snacks around the world.
軽くて、パリッとして、塩味の効いたポテトチップス、世界中の誰もが知るスナックの 1 つですね。
Snack companies have expanded beyond just plain chips by adding seasonings to create flavors that resemble foods from various cultures and regions.
Let's take a look at potato-chip flavors from around the world.
Potato chips in Thailand can be served on a stick if you're buying them from street vendors.
The peeled potato is skewered and cut into a spiral, which gives it an accordion look.
皮をむいたポテトを串に刺して らせん状にカット、アコーディオンのような見た目にします。
The chips are then fried in oil to give them a nice crisp taste and seasoned before serving.
These ridge-cut Lay's resemble the famous hot-pot soup that originated in China.
The chips have a roasted-chili scent and a bouillon-type flavor.
As you work your way through the bag, you will start to feel the numbing and spicy sensation of the Szechuan peppercorns.
Oh! Oh, wow, this is spicy!
In Canada, you can find unique Lay's flavors like roast chicken or fries and gravy.
カナダには、ユニークなフレーバーのレイズのポテトチップスがあります。ローストチキン、そして フライドポテト&グレービーです。
The roast chicken Lay's actually do smell like roasted chicken, but taste more like turkey, and the flavor isn't very strong.
レイズのローストチキン味は 本当にローストチキンの香りがしますが、味はターキー寄りで 風味はそこまで強くありません。
The fries and gravy flavor represents a popular Canadian dish called poutine.
フライドポテト&グレービーは プーティンと呼ばれるカナダではお馴染みの料理の味です。
The taste of the chips is compared to dipping steak fries into warm gravy.
味は 皮付きポテトのフライを温かいグレービーソースにつけたような味に例えられます。
They really do taste like some freaking fries and gravy!
While each flavor tastes good on its own, combining them is even better.
それぞれの味で十分美味しいのですが、ミックスすると一層 美味しくなります。
These two together, I give this a freaking five!
この 2 つのコンボ、星 5 つだね!
Hell, yeah!
These potato chips are based off Sovietsky cheese, a type of Swiss cheese that was created in Russia.
The texture is similar to a baked Lay's, so it's softer, thicker, and less greasy than other chips.
食感はノンフライのレイズチップスに似ています。なので他のポテトチップスよりも 柔らかめで 厚みがあり、油分もしつこくありません。
There is not a strong scent to the chips, but there is a rich and creamy cheese flavor.
Honey-butter chips are an all-time favorite in South Korea.
韓国では ハニーバターチップスが愛され続けています。
These chips have a slightly honey flavor mixed with a creamy butter taste, which gives the perfect balance of sweet and salty.
The chips come in different shapes and sizes, but these particular honey-butter chips are shaped like a French fry and are very crispy.
様々な形や大きさのものがありますが、このタイプのハニーバターチップスは フライドポテトの形状で とってもサクサクしています。
The hollow middle makes the chip lightweight, and, if you're not careful, you might eat a whole bag in one sitting.
中が空洞になっているので重量感がまったくなく、気を付けないと 一気に 1 袋食べてしまうかもしれません。
Tayto was the first company to add seasoning and flavor to its crisps.
テイトーは ポテトチップスに味付けやフレーバーを初めて加えたメーカーです。
Two popular Tayto crisp flavors are wuster sauce and prawn cocktail.
テイトーの二大人気フレーバーは ウスターソースとシュリンプカクテル。
The wuster sauce flavor tastes sweet and is similar to ketchup with a hint of vinegar.
The prawn cocktail flavor is tangy like cocktail sauce and has a hint of seafood.
The texture of both crisps is light, flaky, and salty.
Chocolate and potato chips may not be the first snack combination that comes to mind, but these Calbee dark chocolate potato chips are the perfect mix of sweet and salty.
チョコレートとポテトチップスの組み合わせは 目新しくはありませんが、このカルビーのダークチョコポテトチップスは 甘さと塩気のコンビネーションが最高です。
These ridge-cut chips are drizzled in dark chocolate, which gives a cool sensation when you bite into the chip.
ギザギザカットのポテトチップスにダークチョコレートが筋状にかけられ 噛んだ時にたまらない食感を生み出します。
Calbee chips are so popular in Japan that there's even a Calbee store in Harajuku that serves fresh potato chips.
Before being sold as a packaged snack, Irvins Salted Egg Potato Chips were served as a side dish on a restaurant menu.
Since then, the demand for the chips has exploded.
You can see the curry leaf and chili seasoning on the surface of the chip.
The egg yolk gives the chip a bold flavor and slightly grainy texture.
卵黄が大胆な風味と わずかに粗目の食感を与えています。
The chip is also light, airy, and oily.
These Malaysian Mister Potato crisps reflect the healthy-snack trend that is being popularized around the world.
マレーシアのミスター・ポテトは 世界でも人気が高まりつつある 健康志向のスナックの流行を取り入れたものです。
These purple potato crisps are all-natural, which means there's no artificial flavors or coloring.
The texture and crunchiness are similar to a Pringle, and there's a subtle sweetness to the crisp.
Bret's crisps are made without coloring, dyes, or preservatives.
ブレッツのポテトチップスは 色素や着色料、保存料は一切使われていません。
The chorizo and roasted pepper crisps have a strong smell of pepper and garlic.
このチョリソー&ローストペッパーは ニンニクと唐辛子の強烈な香りがします。
The crisps are ridge-cut and covered with flakes of red pepper.
They taste like paprika with a hint of meat.
Mac 'n' cheese and spag bol are two flavors of Bluebird potato chips found in New Zealand.
Bluebird chips are ridge-cut, making them firmer and crunchier than most potato chips.
ブルーバードのポテトチップスはギザギザカット、他のポテトチップスよりも堅く 噛み応えがあります。
If you're a cheese fan, the mac 'n' cheese chips are for you.
They smell like cheese puffs and have a strong taste of cheese.
The spag bol flavor is based off a spaghetti dish, but has a funky smell.
ボロネーゼ味は ボロネーゼスパゲティがベースですが カビっぽい香りです。
The chips taste like ground beef and tomato sauce, and have a bold oregano flavor.
The potatoes used to make Bluebird chips are sourced locally from farmers in New Zealand.
These chips are based on a Romanian creamed-chicken dish called ciulama de pui.
The chips are thin, greasy, and have a garlicky smell.
They have a creamy chicken taste with a touch of heat from the paprika seasoning.
Lamb and mint is a popular flavor for crisps in Wales.
These crisps are thicker and larger than most potato chips and are covered in flecks of mint leaves and seasoning.
They have a strong herb scent and taste like roast lamb with a hint of mint.
These Australian kettle chips are full of complex flavor and are firm and crunchy.
The honey soy chicken chips are seasoned with pepper flakes to give them a slight kick.
このハニーソイチキン味のチップスは 唐辛子フレークがかかっていて、ほんのり刺激的です。
The taste is a mix of soy sauce, honey, and fried chicken.
These crisps are based on haggis, the national dish of Scotland.
Haggis is a meat pudding made from sheep's organs, oatmeal, and spices.
The ridge-cut crisps are firmer than other potato crisps and have less of a haggis flavor and more of a barbecue-vinegar taste.
このギザギザカットのポテトチップスは 他のものよりも堅揚げで、ハギスの風味は少なく、バーベキューとビネガーの味の方が強く出ています。
Bohemia is one of the top-selling crisp brands in the Czech Republic.
ボヘミアは チェコ共和国でポテトチップスの最高売り上げを誇るブランドの 1 つです。
Most of the potatoes used to make Bohemia crisps are sourced from Czech farmers.
These crisps are covered with flakes of green onion and have a bold sour cream taste.
They're also prepared with sunflower oil, which gives them a light, crispy texture.
These Lay's Kobe beef chips are a special flavor that was found in Taiwan.
The chips have a strong steak smell mixed with a variety of spices.
They have a soft crunch and a slightly tangy taste, but they're missing a grilled flavor.
マイルドな噛み応えで ややピリッとした味わいですが、グリルの風味は物足りません。
Oreada potato chips are both wavy and ridge-cut, which gives them a firmer texture.
Because of their shape and texture, the chips are crunchier than most potato chips.
この形状と食感のおかげで、他のポテトチップスよりも しっかりとした噛みごたえです。
These chicken chips have a roast-chicken smell but taste like a plain potato chip with a slightly meaty flavor.
So, which potato-chip flavor do you want to try? Are there any we missed?
ということで、皆さんは どのポテトチップスを試してみたいですか?紹介しきれていないものはありましたか?
Let us know in the comments below.